英语人>词典>汉英 : 泄露 的英文翻译,例句
泄露 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bewray  ·  disembosom  ·  divulge  ·  divulged  ·  divulgence  ·  reveal  ·  revelation  ·  tattle  ·  tip  ·  transpire  ·  uncase  ·  tattling  ·  bewrayed  ·  bewraying  ·  bewrays  ·  divulges  ·  divulging  ·  reveals  ·  tattled  ·  tattles  ·  tips  ·  transpired  ·  transpires  ·  transpiring  ·  leakages

blow one's cover · get out · give away · let out
更多网络例句与泄露相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To reveal against one's desire or will.

泄露愿望,泄露欲望:泄露某人的愿望或欲望 7。

Confidential Information shall not include, however, information that is generally known to the public or readily ascertainable from public sources (other than as a result of a breach of confidentiality by a Party or any person or entity associated with a Party), is independently developed without reference to or reliance on any Confidential Information of the disclosing Party, as demonstrated by written records in the receiving Party's possession (which shall be provided to the disclosing Party at the disclosing Party's request), or is obtained from an independent third Party who created or acquired such information without reference to or reliance on Confidential Information of the disclosing Party, as demonstrated by written records in the receiving Party's possession (which shall be provided to the disclosing Party at the disclosing Party's request).


According to the demand information divulgence in supply chain ordering process, by comparing the supplier's profits between divulging the incumbent's demand information and not divulging the incumbent' demand information, the mechanism of the information divulgence has been analyzed.


A lot of players show such concern fully: Divulging the thing of user information to wait for each domains in estate, car, insurance is common occurance, if database of user identity information installation is in game server, the safety that who can ensure these identity information and be divulged?


Advantages include thermal stability, non-wetting and elimination of inclusions from shot.· Roll Caster Tips- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, non-wetting, and contain no shot.· Block Caster Tip- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, increased hot strength and do not outgas.· Belt Caster Tips- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, increased hot strength, non-wetting, and do not outgas.


Moreover , it emulated captured ability of torsional wave include component of the sine wave, the cosine wave , the exponential decrease wave, the exponential decrease seiche wave , and gained satisfied result .


R evea l : t o make known 泄露,表明— She revealed the secret t o her boyfriend .


The amended 1997 PRC Criminal Law has initially criminated insider dealing and leakage of inside information, and the 1999 Amendment of PRC Criminal Law broadened the scope of this offence, by extending insider dealing and leakage of inside information to both securities and futures markets. This indicates that the regulation on insider dealing and leakage of inside information has moved from administrative level to criminal level and the relevant punishment has been greatly strengthened.


Your cheatin' heart will pine someday, And crave the love you threw away.


Give-away: n无意中泄露 Mother tried to hide her feelings, but the tears in her eyes were a dead giveaway.


更多网络解释与泄露相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

betray: v.1:背叛,辜负 2.泄露,(非故意地)暴露,显露,表现

benign: a.1.良的,宽厚的,慈祥的 2.(医)无危险的,良性的 3.有利的,吉利的 | betray: v.1.背叛,辜负 2.泄露,(非故意地)暴露,显露,表现 | bewildering: a.令人困惑的,令人昏乱的 来源:考试大

betray: v.1:背叛,失信于 2.泄露,(非故意地)显露,暴露

incredible: a.难于置信的,不可思议的 | betray: v.1.背叛,失信于 2.泄露,(非故意地)显露,暴露 | ordeal: n.苦难经历,折磨煎熬

betray: v.1:背叛,辜负2.泄露,暴露,显露,表现

benign:a.1.良的,宽厚的,慈祥的2.(医)无危险的,良性的3.有利的,吉利的 | betray:v.1.背叛,辜负2.泄露,暴露,显露,表现 | bewildering:a.令人困惑的,令人昏乱的

bewray:泄露, 暴露, 显示

bewrap | 包藏;为...提供伪装 | bewray | 泄露, 暴露, 显示 | bewrayer | 泄露...的人


divulge 泄露 | divulged 泄露 | divulgence 透露


divulge /泄/泄露/暴露/ | divulged /泄露/暴露/ | divulgement /泄露/暴露/


divulged /泄露/暴露/ | divulgement /泄露/暴露/ | divulgence /暴露/


bewray | 泄露, 暴露, 显示 | bewrayer | 泄露...的人 | bewrite | 撰文,描述

Pithole Leak Repair Clamps:管子腐蚀处泄露修复夹钳

Leak Repair Clamps泄露修复夹钳 | Pithole Leak Repair Clamps管子腐蚀处泄露修复夹钳 | Flange Repair Rings 法兰修复环

Memory leaks:内存泄露

如果不及时释放内存, 会引发内存泄露(memory leaks), 特别是运行时间比较长的程序要注意这个问题, 如果发生了内存泄露, 系统即便不因为缺少内存资源而崩溃, 也会由于内存抖动(memory thrashing)而性能下降.