英语人>词典>汉英 : 沼泽 的英文翻译,例句
沼泽 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bog  ·  curragh  ·  dismal  ·  fen  ·  Marais  ·  marish  ·  marsh  ·  morass  ·  quagmire  ·  slough  ·  Soo  ·  swamp  ·  currach  ·  bogs  ·  sloughed  ·  swamps  ·  marshes  ·  morasses  ·  sloughs  ·  cienaga

更多网络例句与沼泽相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Studies showed that there were two typical combinations of the facies in the filling sedimentary sequence of the epicontinental basin, wherein one was the depositional diastem developed between the facies, which was a discontinuous combination of the depositional facies with continuous time sequence, namely the exposed sediments, the tidal flat swamp and the peat swamp, and the shallow marine sediments appeared from bottom to top; and the other was the continuous sequence with gradually evolved sedimentary environment, in which it was a continuous process that the tidal flat swamp turned gradually into the peat swamp.


In the early phase of mire research, Swedish scientists were in the highest flight on mire classification, evolution and geobotany, and they had made a very important contribution to the development of mire science.


The prediction results show that: by 2100, under the B1, the potential mire area will decrease about 54.16%, and mires will disappear in the south of the flat hilly regions and intermontane plains; under the SRES A1B, the potential mire area will decrease about 59.62%, and mires in south forest regions will disappear; under the SRES A2, the potential mire area will decrease about 73.51%, and mires will be found only in the north area with higher elevations.

所建模型具有很高的预测精度(ROC为0.96),预测结果表明:到2100年,SRES B1情景下,大兴安岭北部沼泽的潜在分布面积减少54.16%,南部相对平坦的丘陵和山间平原的沼泽大量消失;SRES A1B情景下,面积减少59.62%,南部林区的沼泽几乎全部消失;SRES A2情景下,面积减少73.51%,沼泽几乎完全退化到北部海拔较高处。

After nest found, the dominating ecological factors with definite distance to nest tree (less than 10 meters) including tree species, tree height, habitat type of nesting-tree, nest position, the type of nesting tree branch, nest type, the type of nest-site, the viability status of tree and branch was described and measured. Geography coordinates (latitude-longitude) was converted into orthogonal coordinates, and add to Arcview3.2 as shape-file, and measured the distance between nest and the habitat type including double-line river, lake, seasonal lake, shallow mire, deep water mire, meadow mire, farmland, sparse forest, forest marsh, the boundary of Nature Reserve and road.


Grain-size analysis and sedimentary structure observation show that different types of swamp deposit sections are characterized by pluvial-paludal deposit cycles, which includes a pluvial period and a paludal period.


The process of terrestrialization of Hanlongwan lake mainly come through some phases as follows:(1)the phases of the lake's formation (3,300-2,250a BP);(2)the phases of lake's development (2,250-2,100a BP);(3)the beginning of terrestrial of Hanlongwan

旱龙湾湖泊沼泽化过程大致经历了以下阶段:(1)旱龙湾火口湖湖泊形成阶段(3,300-2,250 aBP);(2)旱龙湾湖泊发育阶段(2,250-2,100 aBP);(3)旱龙湾湖泊沼泽化伊始(2,100-1,500 aBP);(4)旱龙湾沼泽化扩大发育阶段(1,500-750 aBP);(5)富营养泥炭沼泽阶段(750-24 aBP);(6)富、中营养泥炭沼泽阶段(24 aBP-今)。

Testing for"K"、diffusivity"D"of wetland soil transmissivity and simulation of hydrologic processes of typical wetlands are made based on the indoor dynamic modeling experiment and the mathematic model simulations. The hydrologic response of river distinguish form that of the wetlands. And this is because that wetland has special hydrologic functions. The hydroperiod of wetlands is coincident with the precipitation period of watershed.


On the basis of study on the petrographic characteristics of coal 2 -2 in Shenmu Coalfield,three types of peat swamp are recognized,i.


The research of marsh initiated in the 1960s in our country. However, the study of marsh sedimentation and environmental changes was relatively weak, even though we have done some preliminary works on an approach to the characteristics of sporepollen assemblage of peat in the Holocene and paleoenvironmwent, and formation mechanism and deposition kinetics of peatland since 1990s. But we are lacking in systematic research on gleying marsh, especially on recent short timescale and highresolution sedimentation records of environmental changes. There is a certain disparity in this field compared with lake sedimentation and environmental changes.

我国沼泽研究起步于20 世纪60 年代,期间有关沼泽沉积与环境的研究相对薄弱,90 年代以来虽已在泥炭沼泽孢粉解译全新世环境变化与泥炭沉积动力学方面有初步积累,但对潜育沼泽缺乏系统研究,尤其缺乏近代短时间尺度高分辨率环境变化历史记录研究,这方面与湖泊沉积及其环境演变研究相比已形成一定的差距。

On the basis of summarizing the status quotation of related researches at home and abroad, problems in related researches and studies are analyzed and the important research fields and contents in marsh sedimentology are chosen:Establishing different model of marsh sedimentation, to support marsh definition and classification from sedimentology; Advancing theory and quantification, to analyze formation process of marsh from quality to quantity methods; Applying modern sampling system and setting up standard sedimentation profiles; Strengthening the research of gleying marsh inland and its recent process and evidence derived from sedimentation profile; Enlarging geography fields and comparing between spatial and temporal research, and enforcing regional short timescale and highresolution environmental change; Paying much more attention on correlations between watershed environment and information derived from marsh sedimentary records and especially on their controlling mechanism.


更多网络解释与沼泽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bog soil:沼泽土 沼澤土壤; 泥炭土

bog forest 沼泽林 沼澤林 Y | bog soil 沼泽土 沼澤土壤; 泥炭土 Y | bog succession 沼泽群落演替 沼澤消長; 沼澤演替 N


marsh gas 沼气 | marshiness 沼泽性,沼泽状 | marshland 沼泽


marshlake 沼泽湖 | marshland 沼泽地区 | marshlandcoast 沼泽海岸


.沼泽(mire) 土壤常为水所饱和,其表层生长着沼生和湿生植物,下层有潜育层或存在着泥炭化和腐殖化过程的地段. 由于沼泽的成因和类型随自然条件不同而有很大差异,不同的学者从各学科角度出发,赋予沼泽的定义不尽相同. 有的认为,



low moor:低位泥炭沼泽,低位湿原,低位沼泽,富养湿原

low mold count 霉菌少 | low moor 低位泥炭沼泽,低位湿原,低位沼泽,富养湿原 | low moor wood peat 低洼地沼泽森林泥炭


moraine lake 冰碛湖 | morass 沼泽,沼泽地带 | morfa 沼泽湿地


一般包括:草本沼泽 mashes),灌丛沼泽(swamp),苔藓泥炭沼泽(bogs),湿草甸(wetmeadow),泡沼(potholes),浅水沼泽(sloughs)以及滨河泛滥地(bottom land),也包括生长挺水植物(emergent vegetation)的浅水湖泊或浅水水体,


mushroom 蘑菇 | muskeg 沼泽;沼泽地;沼泽 | muskeg 沼泽沼泽沼泽

low moor:低位泥炭沼泽,低位湿原,低位沼泽,富养湿原

low mold count ==> 霉菌少 | low moor ==> 低位泥炭沼泽,低位湿原,低位沼泽,富养湿原 | low moor wood peat ==> 低洼地沼泽森林泥炭