英语人>词典>汉英 : 治咳嗽的 的英文翻译,例句
治咳嗽的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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After a cold caused by coughing, not only anti-viral cold, and antibiotics should be used with rapid control of the upper respiratory tract disease and bronchitis; recurrent cough and persons with asthma, with the exception of anti-infection, it should be at the same time the use of antispasmodic antiasthmatic drugs, such as aminophylline and salbutamol to relieve the airway spasms; due to rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. caused by coughing, in the treatment of nasopharyngeal disease should pay attention to local treatment, such as sinusitis puncture septic treatment, to persons suffering from tonsillitis, such as removal of enlarged tonsils.


The BEST natural cough syrup! It gets rid of my daughters cough right away, even at night!


It took me a month to get rid of my cough.


Can you cure me of my cough?


Hau flowers for coughs, wild coffee cherries, wild ginger, taro, mango , kukui nut, bananas ..


Objective To study the etiology of pertinacious chronic cough in children.

目的 探讨小儿难治性慢性咳嗽的病因。

It gets rid of my daughter's cough right away, even at night! Great for sore throats also.


If your baby fever but although the spirit of good, but also love playing, but also eat something, then your baby may be a rash of it is imminent, my son had in October last, fever to 38.5 degrees, is also the only voice a little red , a little cough, I took him to run the Institute abuse, the doctor said to be cold, to open some cold medicine, as well as antibiotics, I got home, he also dared to eat antibiotics, only to give him a sense of eating Hanfu Oral Liquid and then some physical cooling method (using the antipyretic贝亲paste, well, one can be 8 hours, smooth fever is safe), Fortunately, he has not burnt 38.5 degrees, so useless small Taino fever, after he had a rash, I checked the book to know that this is urgent measles, only put down to heart, I guess your baby may need is urgent measles.


Objective To improve the early diagnoses and treatment of CVA in asthmatic children, reduce misdiagnoses and mistreating.

目的 提高对儿童咳嗽变异性哮喘的早期诊断及治疗,减少误诊误治,促进儿童哮喘的规范治疗。

Clinical study: 90 patients diagnosed in The Third Hospital of Beijing University according as diagnostic standards were divided into three groups stochastically:therapy group, control group I and control group II, each group has 30 patients, the therapy group was treated by the method of clarifying and descending the lungs and the stomach, the anti-cough decoction; the control group I was given acute bronchitis syrup and Jiawei Baohe pills; the control group II only given acute bronchitis syrup, after seven days treatment, the results show that the efficiency of the therapy group is 80%, that is higher than both of the control groups(p.01), the therapeutic principle and formula is effective and valued in clinic.


更多网络解释与治咳嗽的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cough Medicine:治咳嗽的药

10 crowded 拥挤的 | 11 cough medicine 治咳嗽的药 | 12 especially at this hour 尤其在这个时候

Rock Sugar:冰糖

冰糖 (rock sugar) 采用特殊结晶方法制成的大块蔗糖结晶,呈半透明状起杂质转化糖及水分的含量较少,质量较优,易保管,冰糖味甘,性平,有补中益气,和胃润肥的功效,用于治肥燥咳嗽,咽痛口干,胃弱食少,高血压等.

sea grass:海草

因此,在定义上海草(sea grass)并非藻类. 红藻门:角叉藻治咳嗽、胃失调,紫菜(Porphyra)可治抗坏血病、甲状腺肿. 石花菜 (Gelidium)可治 气管炎. 麒麟菜(Echeuma)对化痰结痞积则有疗效. 褐藻门:海带治外伤,含碘在内陆地区是预防粗脖子的重要食品.

Hylocereus undatus:{量天尺}

由于火龙果具有上述成分 决定了火龙果的食疗和药用作用 据文献[4]记载 量天尺(Hylocereus undatus)的花药用 甘、淡、凉、气清香. 清热 润肺止咳. 治疗燥热咳嗽、咳血、颈淋巴结核. 茎治腮腺炎 疝气 痈疮肿毒.