英语人>词典>汉英 : 油嘴滑舌 的英文翻译,例句
油嘴滑舌 的英文翻译、例句


oil one's tongue · glib-tongued · with a glib tongue · mealy-mouthed · oily-tongued
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To deliver you from the strange woman, From the adulteress who flatters with her words

2:16 智慧要救你脱离淫妇,就是那油嘴滑舌的外女

Here the counsel in his wig and gown, and here the old Jew clothesman under his dingy tiara; here the soldier in his scar let, and here the undertaker's mute in streaming hat band and worn cotton glove s; here the scholar, fumbling his faded leaves, and here the scented actor, dang ling his showy seals. Here the glib politician, crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic Cheap Jack, holding aloft his quack cures for human ills. Here The sleek capitalist, and there the sinewy labourer; here the man of sc ience, and here the shoe black; here the poet, and here the water rate collect or; here the cabinet minister, and there the ballet dancer. Here a red nosed p ublican, shouting the praises of his vats; and here a temperance lecturer at fif ty pounds a night; here a judge, and there a swindler; here a priest, and there a gambler. Here a jewelled duchess, smiling and gracious; here a thin lodging house keeper, irritable with cooking; and here a wabbling, strutting thing, tawdry in paint and finery.


Example: Dressed in my fancy new clothing I feel uncomfortable when I visit my relatives in the village where I was born because I feel like a city slicker.


NOTE: mildly humorous; sometimes negative EXAMPLE: Dressed in my fancy new clothing I feel uncomfortable when I visit my relatives in the village where I was born because I feel like a city slicker.


Others say this is wrong, but to his wife, it is necessary a little glib.


Facile stresses readiness and fluency; often, though, the word has unfavorable connotations, as of lack of care, glibness or insincerity, or superficiality

Facile 强调快捷与流畅;然而该词常有不好之意,表示不细心、油嘴滑舌、不诚恳或浮夸

Lastly at the head of the board was the young poet who found a refuge from his labours of pedagogy and metaphysical inquisition in the convivial atmosphere of Socratic discussion, while to right and left of him were accommodated the flippant prognosticator, fresh from the hippodrome, and that vigilant wanderer, soiled by the dust of travel and combat and stained by the mire of an indelible dishonour, but from whose steadfast and constant heart no lure or peril or threat or degradation could ever efface the image of that voluptuous loveliness which the inspired pencil of Lafayette has limned for ages yet to come.


Age 60, I said I love you, you smiled and gave me a fist, My old man! The grandchild has grown up, you're still loquacious!


Intercede with the general good man that words are glib, frivolous nauseating performance, so they are reluctant to do.


Not Loyd Grossman, the other one, the one with the silly voice and the oleaginous manner.

为对他最喜欢的电视节目表示尊敬,他答应了那个Through the Keyhole节目的家伙——不是Loyd Grossman,是那个声音傻了吧叽、办事油嘴滑舌的家伙。

更多网络解释与油嘴滑舌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a slippery bar of soap:一块打滑的香皂

a slippery floor 光滑的地板; | a slippery bar of soap 一块打滑的香皂 | a slippery salesman 油嘴滑舌的推销员

a slippery bar of soap:一块打滑的肥皂

a slippery floor 光滑的地板(10:22:41) | a slippery bar of soap 一块打滑的肥皂(10:22:54) | a slippery salesman 油嘴滑舌的推销员(10:23:10)

glib tongue:油嘴滑舌

千真万确 Quite true | 油嘴滑舌 Glib tongue | 断子绝孙 Ah Q, may you die sonless.


smooth-spoken 花言巧语讨好的 | smooth-tongued 油嘴滑舌的 | smoothandsteady 安稳


smooth-spoken /娓娓动听的/花言巧语讨好的/ | smooth-tongued /油嘴滑舌的/花言巧语的/ | smoothbore /无膛线枪/无膛线炮/

to have well-oiled tongue:油嘴滑舌

38.to look for a needle in a haystack 大海捞针 | 39.to have well-oiled tongue 油嘴滑舌 | 40.like a bull in a china shop 像闯进瓷器店的公牛一样,鲁莽行事

to have a well-oiled tongue:油嘴滑舌

沽名釣譽 To angle for praise | 油嘴滑舌 To have a well-oiled tongue | 並駕齊驅 Neck and neck


glianeuroglia 神经胶质 | glib-tongued 油嘴滑舌 | gliblyglidinglyswimminglytrippingly 流畅地

That boy in particular. No-account smart-mouth:那男孩更是一个油嘴滑舌的窝囊废

Can't handle the pressure. Don't have enough intelligence.|抗压能力... | That boy in particular. No-account smart-mouth.|那男孩更是一个油嘴滑舌的窝囊废 | Just tell me where I can find him.|告诉我哪能找...

ten-minute man:油嘴滑舌糊弄人的人,见利眼红的个人奋斗者

The upper ten 上流社会 | Ten-minute man油嘴滑舌糊弄人的人,见利眼红的个人奋斗者 | It is ten-strike!这是个大胜利.