英语人>词典>汉英 : 油印 的英文翻译,例句
油印 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mimeograph  ·  mimeographed  ·  mimeographing  ·  mimeographs

更多网络例句与油印相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Order of the Day was broadcast over the BBC and distributed to the troops in mimeographed form.


Efficacy:出水痘可以喝牛奶吗 anti-acne constringing toner contains tea tree oil, dandelion, red 祛除痘印疤痕 root, honeysuckle, forsythia, salvia and other precious natural herbal extracts. it can efficiently and speedily break down grease, and penetrate into pores to prevent acnes exacerbating, constringe pores and control oiliness. skins with occasional acnes will find acnes disappear in several days after using this product; while skins harassed with regular tough acnes will radically get rid of this trouble if a whole bottle of toner is used. and one or two bottles of this product are enough for skins with new acnes, recrudescent acnes, prosperous acnes or tough acne roots.

功能: dce痘痘清精华水含茶树油、蒲公英、丹参、连翘、金银花、鼠尾草等多种天然名贵草本植物萃取精华;具有强力、速效的皮脂分解力,通过分解过剩皮脂、深入祛除内防止青春痘恶化,紧致毛孔,抑制油腻;对于偶尔长痘的皮肤,使用本品后,大多数人在几天内痘印消除;对于长期肆虐脸部的顽固痘,一般使用一盒即可消除根,并且可以防痘痘再生;对于新生痘,旧痘反复发作,满面痘痘,痘根的肌肤一般使用一至两盒即可除尽。

Vito told him that he had a relative in the ditto room.


Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, mimeo, 10 p.

会议上,明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯,油印件, 10页

Association, mimeo, 12 p.

协会,油印件, 12页

In the liberated areas, mimeo, lithography and letterpress printing of pictures, pictorial widespread, comic books play a role in publicity and education particularly conspicuous.


There were many preparatory materials and even the mimeograph, letter printed and even handwritten copies were quite hot.


Most of the alternative site is none other than the mimeograph was "acting Information" in government offices and large bulletin board in front of it.


Would you run this stencil off for me?


From the "Great Harmony miners" to "with the coal-Daily"; from hand-carved version of mimeographed, typeface typography, to the computer editing, laser photo-typesetting; from published Monday, three to the Friday issue of Daily Journal; from monochrome color outside the small to report newspaper; from about a dozen editors to publish a newspaper reported that Indian unity, with coal, the newspaper 60 years has undergone enormous changes.


更多网络解释与油印相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


mimeobond 蜡纸原纸 | mimeograph 油印版;复写版 | mimeographpaper 复印纸


Hectograph 胶版印刷 | Mimeograph 油印 | Ditto machine 复印机

mimeograph paper:蜡纸, 油印纸

micanite paper 云母纸 | mimeograph paper 蜡纸, 油印纸 | modified paper 改性纸

mimeograph room:油印室

理发室 Barbershop 577 | 油印室 Mimeograph Room | 578 会议室 Conference Room

multigraph paper:油印纸

multigap sparkplug 多隙火花塞 | multigraph paper 油印纸 | multigraph 排字印刷机

multigraph paper:蜡纸; 油印纸

mulsh paper 园圃纸 | multigraph paper 蜡纸; 油印纸 | multiwall-bag paper 多层袋纸


油印;捐印孔版.................SILK SCREEN | 油印印刷.............................SCREEN PROCESS PRINTING | 油印機.................................MIMEOGRAPH

stencil paper:中文:油印蜡纸

中文:油印蜡纸stencil paper | 中文:油印机mimeographing machine | 中文:油压泵oil pressure pump

stencil paper:油印蜡纸

游标,游标尺nonius | 油印蜡纸stencil paper | 油印机mimeographing machine

stencil printing:镂空版印刷 ,丝网印刷 孔版印刷;腊纸油印 镂空印刷;油印

Spot color 专色 特别色 专色 | Stencil printing 镂空版印刷 ,丝网印刷 孔版印刷;腊纸油印 镂空印刷;油印 | Text type 正文活字 主文 正文字体