英语人>词典>汉英 : 河流的出口 的英文翻译,例句
河流的出口 的英文翻译、例句


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Neptune himself, trident in hand, surveyed the work and threw into the sea all the foundations of beams and stones which the Achaeans had laid with so much toil; he made all level by the mighty stream of the Hellespont, and then when he had swept the wall away he spread a great beach of sand over the place where it had been.


Bennett.That was my commission,and I set out to Africa intending tocomplete Livingstone's explorations,also to settlethe Nile problem,as to where the headwaters ofthe Nile were,as to whether Lake Victoria consist- ed of one lake,one body of water,or a number ofshallow lakes; to throw some light on Sir SamuelBaker's Albert Nyanza,and also to discover theoutlet of Lake Tanganyika,and then to find outwhat strange,mysterious river this was which hadlured Livingstone on to his death—whether it wasthe Nile,the Niger,or the Congo.


According to tradition, it was first visited in January 1502 by Portuguese explorers who believed Guanabara Bay to be the mouth of a river and therefore named the city Rio de Janeiro ("River of January"). It became capital of the colony of Brazil in 1763, of the Brazilian empire in 1822, and of the independent country in 1889. In 1960 the capital was transferred to Brasília.


更多网络解释与河流的出口相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


debouche 出口 | debouchment 流出 | debouchure 河流的出口


debouch /进出于/流出/使流出/ | debouchment /进出/出口/ | debouchure /河流的出口/

Port Harcourt:哈尔科特港"

首府哈尔科特港(Port Harcourt),是尼第二大天然良港,尼东部的进出口物资,特别是石油均从此出口. 哈市同时也是该州工商业中心,人口440,399,集中了全州86%以上的加工工业. 由于盛产油棕榈,在殖民地时期河流州有"油河"的美称.


debouchure 河流的出口 | debride 清除 | debridement 清创术


半岛南部主要河流有苏布科(Subuco)、邦阿西楠(Pangasinan)及锡奥科(Sioco)河,它们形成红树林覆被的三角洲,是出口木材的源地. 半岛南部的最大低地和居民中心都位于三宝颜中央特别市内或附近地区,以及锡布盖与巴加尼安(Baganian)两半岛,


debouchment 流出 | debouchure 河流的出口 | debride 清除