英语人>词典>汉英 : 沥青浸渍 的英文翻译,例句
沥青浸渍 的英文翻译、例句


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Well, the most common and least expensive is made of asphalt-soaked fiberboard.


Keywords: Impregnation; coal tar pitch; carbon yield


It is too early to say, for instance, whether the process, so far tried on polyacrylonitrile carbon fibres, will be equally effective on pitch fibres, though Pickering sees no reason why it should not be. It has been tested on cured and uncured material (about 40% of long-fibre pre-impregnated material comprises uncured manufacturing offcuts) and proved successful on both, but it has not yet been tested against samples of sandwich or bonded structure.


The method comprises the steps of dipping and mixing the mipor asphaltic base globular active carbon prepared by the traditional method with an inorganic metal salt solution by a certain ration; heating under an inert atmosphere to 600 to 1200 DEG C at a temperature increasing rate of 1 to 20 DEG C/min for the secondary carbonization; using acid to wash off the remaining metal inside the carbonized material, so as to obtain the asphaltic base globular active carbon with a high mesoporous rate and narrow distribution of mesoporous spertures.


On the basis of the detailed analysis on the production and use of impregnating pitch a...


The invention provides a method for preparing a tube-shaped cathode of a direct methanol fuel cell, belonging to the fuel cell field and comprising the steps of: dispensing a single solution for gel injection molding at first, then adding a mesophase bituminous coal micro ball into the single solution and stirring evenly to obtain stable slurry, then casting the slurry into a die, preserving heat until the single solution reacts with a cross-linker completely to obtain a carbon-biscuit, after drying and sintering the biscuit in vacuum, preparing a diffusion layer and a catalyst layer on the surface by dipping process, and then coating polyester electrolyte membrane with a burette, rolling the carbon on a warm table to solidify the electrolyte membrane.


更多网络解释与沥青浸渍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bituminous saturant:浸渍材料

bituminous sand | 沥青砂 | bituminous saturant | 浸渍材料 | bituminous shale | 沥青页岩,油田页岩

baling paper:单面沥青纸

bakelized paper 浸渍绝缘纸 | baling paper 单面沥青纸 | balloon paper 气球用纸


沥青处理的填料 bituminated filler | 沥青浸渍 bituminizing | 沥青涂层 bituminous coating

bituminous cements:沥青胶结料

bituminizing 沥青浸渍 | bituminous cements 沥青胶结料 | bituminous coating 沥青涂层

epoxy resin dipping paint:环氧树脂浸渍漆

epoxy resin coal tar anticorrosive paint 环氧沥青防腐漆 | epoxy resin dipping paint 环氧树脂浸渍漆 | epoxy resin enamel 环氧磁漆

ice concrete:冰凝结构(固结体),冰晶结合体

hot-mixed asphalt concrete 热拌沥青混凝土 | ice concrete 冰凝结构(固结体),冰晶结合体 | impregnated concrete 浸渍混凝土