英语人>词典>汉英 : 没有限制地 的英文翻译,例句
没有限制地 的英文翻译、例句


ad lib
更多网络例句与没有限制地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The common stock residual claims of open corporations are unrestricted in the sense that (1) they are freely alienable,(2) they are rights in net cash flows for the life of the organization, and (3) stockholders are not required to have any other role in the organization.


Collegiality, however, did not effectively limit the supremacy of the pope.


However, prior works neither clearly specify the connected constraint in the geography domain nor propose efficient algorithms.


Therefore, with the approval of the sacred Lateran council, by apostolic authority and fullness of power, we approve and renew, and order to be observed and maintained in their totality and without change, the said letter together with each and every statute, ordinance, decree, explanation, agreement, compact, promise, wish, penalty, restraint and clause contained in it; especially the clause by which it was our will that if the said king of France does not approve and ratify the aforesaid letter, and each and every thing contained in it, within six months from the date of this present letter, and does not arrange for the contents to be read, published, sworn to and registered, like all other royal constitutions in his kingdom and in all other places and lordships of the said kingdom, for all future time without limit, by all the prelates and other ecclesiastical persons and courts of parlements, and if he does not convey to us, within the said six months, letters patent or authentic written documents concerning each and all of the aforesaid matters about the acceptance, reading, publication, oath and registration referred to, or does not deliver them to our nuncio attached to the king, in order to be passed on by him to us, and does not subsequently arrange for the letter to be read each year and effectively observed without alteration exactly as other binding constitutions and ordinances of the king of France have to be observed, then the letter itself and whatever follows from it are null and void and of no force or value .

因此,在徵得安理会的神圣拉特兰,由使徒的权威和充实力量,我们赞成和更新,并以得到遵守和维护他们的整体,没有变化,该信连同每一个章程,条例,法令解释,协议,契约,承诺,希望,罚款,限制和条款,载於它;特别是其中的条款,这是我们的意志,如果说法国国王不同意和批准上述信件,和每一个事载於它,在6个月内之日起的本信,并没有安排的内容来阅读,出版,发誓要和登记,象所有其他王国的宪法,他在英国和其他所有的地方和lordships英国的说,今后所有的时间没有限制,所有的主教和其他教会人员和法院parlements ,如果他不转达给我们,在上述6个月,英皇制诰或真实的书面文件和所有的每一个上述事项的接受,阅读,出版,宣誓和注册提到,或者没有交给我们的大使重视国王,以便通过他给我们,并没有随后安排信每年读和有效地观察到完全没有改变的其他具有约束力的宪法和法令的法国国王都必须遵守,那麼,这封信本身,无论从它是无效的,没有武力或价值。

In order to display 3D building image lively, a new display method that treats each pixel of a building as a line vector is proposed, and it does not restrict the size of building image.


Kevan Gosper, a former Olympic athlete from Australia and the chief of the IOC press commission in Beijing, said he had been assured that visiting journalists would have no limitations on their Internet use during the Games.

Kevan Gosper,前澳大利亚奥运会运动员和北京国际奥委会新闻委员长,说他已经确定在奥运期间来访地记者将没有限制网站地访问。

To reduce the number of accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians, the town council of Balmer Island should limit the number of mopeds rented by each of the island's six moped and bicycle rental companies from 50 per day to 30 per day during the summer season.

1,作者没有提供足够的证据证明减少出租的数量事故就会减少,人们可能会自己购买自行车 2,作者也没有提供任何临近岛屿的情况,可能和 Balmer Island Gazette 完全不同 3,作者还忽略了其它因素:比如,考虑其它能够减少事故的因素是否比限制租车数量更好;此外,Torseau 去年事故的减少是否是因为限制出租的结果(1) T 地的下降不一定和限制出租数量有关。

And just as I recognize the comfort offered by the strict constructionist, so I see a certain appeal to this shattering of myth, to the temptation to believe that the constitutional text doesn't constrain us much at all, so that we are free to assert our own values unencumbered by fidelity to the stodgy traditions of a distant past.


And just as I recognize the comfort offered by the strict constructionist, so I see a certain appeal to this shattering of myth, to the temptation to believe that the constitutional text doesn't constrain us much at all, so that we are free to assert our own values unencumbered by fidelity to the stodgy traditions of a distant past.


If, now, I add the condition to the concept, and say that all things, as outer appearances, are side by side in space, the rule is valid universally and without limitation.


更多网络解释与没有限制地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ad interim:暂时

ad infinitum 无限 | ad interim 暂时 | ad lib 没有限制地

ad libitum:随意

ad lib 没有限制地 | ad libitum 随意 | ad litem 指定


他演说的主题,无论正式的还是非正式的,并没有明确地限制在宗教问题;他同样谈论教育,科学,[达尔文学说](Darwinism),谈论经济和社会公平. 他的演说主题涵括很广,其深度和性质深深地吸引着学术团体,赢得他们的关注和尊敬.


途:卢平固定罗恩断腿时所使用的咒语 咒语:快快苏醒(Enervate) 用途:使东西变得有生气 咒语:咒立停(Finite Incantatem) 用途:结束其他咒语 魁地奇 简易规则: 没有时间的限制 投进一个鬼飞球可获得10分 裁判可以判一支球队罚球,

Finite incantatem:咒立停

Ferula) 用途:卢平固定罗恩断腿时所使用的咒语 咒语:快快苏醒(Enervate) 用途:使东西变得有生气 咒语:咒立停(Finite Incantatem) 用途:结束其他咒语 魁地奇 简易规则: 没有时间的限制 投进一个鬼飞球可获得10分 裁判可以判一支球队罚球,


除了不能自发施展治疗和造成(inflict)类法术外,在施展法术时也与一般牧师无二. 亵渎祭司的神术也没有领域概念,他们可以不受限制地施展任何领域任何阵营的神术. 亵渎祭司的施法者等级为人物的亵渎祭司等级+1/2该人物其他施法者等级.



line up:列队

2.列队 (line up) 持球的一方在每次发动进攻前,至少必须要有 7名球员「列队」在攻击线「上」 (实际的情形并不是踩在在线,而是指靠近攻击线的1码内而未超过它) ;而防守的一方则没有这样的限制,可以在防御线后任意地排列,但是同样地,


非洲的农业在公元前4000年左右相对独立地发展,主要地区在尼日尔(Niger)河的源头(headwater)和尼罗河谷地. 无论它是如何发源,几个世纪以来非洲的农业总是被限制在开阔的热带草原,而没有有向南穿越到热带雨林地区.