英语人>词典>汉英 : 没有情感的 的英文翻译,例句
没有情感的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与没有情感的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do you think i am an automaton ?a machine without feeling?


Effusively or insincerely emotional .


Not that you should become an emotionless statue.


Life is only a very dull and ill-directed theatre unless we have some interests in the piece; and to those who have neither art nor science , the world is a mere arrangement of colors, or a rough footway where they may very well break their shins.


We person here how don't like a SK animation, because its Dian Fu the essence of cartoon, there is also hao in the cartoon China originally of image, also is described into 1 homicidal machine without emotion in the animation.


For thou losest the opportunity of doing something else when thou hast such thoughts as these, What is such a person doing, and why, and what is he saying, and what is he thinking of, and what is he contriving, and whatever else of the kind makes us wander away from the observation of our own ruling power.


Lee also adeptly deals with the complexities of human emotion (particularly repressed, hidden emotions) in many of his films including Brokeback Mountain and Lust, Caution.


Hamsters do not have human emotion, they do not feel Love or have emotional feelings like humans.


Law has feeling without the lover, the jail should not be an emotionless cement wood, and the humanitarian consideration that should reflect law in transforming convict process, implementation penalizes the organic couple of education and humanitarian consideration.


Without emotional factors and the promotion of our wisdom we cannot open up a new road.


更多网络解释与没有情感的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


情感差异表现为三个不同的等级:高雅的(elevated)、中性的(neutral)和粗俗的(vulgar). 中性词没有感情色彩,而高雅词和粗俗词均带有感情色彩. 高雅词表示尊重,但有时又表敬而远之. 粗俗词表示轻蔑,但常有亲昵的感觉. 如表示"死亡"的同义词中,

Larry Ellison:(甲骨文)

在演讲中举出了三个有名的例子,分别为SONY(大贺典雄)、APPLE(Steve Jobs)、甲骨文(Larry Ellison)三位企业执行长,他们透过自身丰富的人生体验,把它加注在没有情感的商品上,如SONY的强项就是透过跨界功能的应用与形像塑造赋予产品新的生命力;


emotionally disturbed child 情绪障碍儿童 | emotionally handicapped child 情绪障碍儿童 | emotionless 没有情感的


emotionless 没有情感的 | emotive 情绪的 | emotivity 感触性




另一方面,赫希曼所考察的当代激情,又是一种特殊的"情感"(feelings),即失望. 赫希曼在第一章中就提醒我们"认真地对待失望",因为排除了失望,任何"收益-成本计算"(benefit-cost calculus)都将没有意义. 从观念的演变来看,

Kenji Wu:吴克群

台湾高雄的吴克群(Kenji Wu)的音乐风格清新动人,没有时下年轻人的控诉与不满,却唱出大多数人面临情感的无奈与伤痛,他的嗓音干净却有力度,诚恳却直接的诉求,来呼应他自己与多数人的人.

Manic episode:躁狂发作

如被害或自我援引妄想,没有情感色彩的幻听等,这些妄想一般不具有精神分裂症妄想的特征,如原发性,荒谬性等. 2.躁狂发作 躁狂发作(manic episode)病人一般存在所谓"三高"症状,即情感高涨,思维奔逸和意志行为增强.

WHITE FLAG DIDO:没有激越的旋律,但听着让人很舒服,感动

16.we are one-Kelly Sweet美丽、优雅、个性和勇气所诠释出的情感,你中有我,我中... | 17.white flag-Dido没有激越的旋律,但听着让人很舒服,感动 | 18.Mr Curiosity-Jason Mraz声音完美的像水晶般晶莹剔透,充满着迷离忧...

Two hearts with accurate devotions:两颗心都怀着绝对的虔诚

Oooh but what is love without lust? / 呜...但若是没有情欲又何来... | Two hearts with accurate devotions / 两颗心都怀着绝对的虔诚 | Oooh but what are feelings without emotions? / 呜...但若是没有情感又何...