英语人>词典>汉英 : 没收 的英文翻译,例句
没收 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
confiscate  ·  confiscation  ·  expropriate  ·  forfeit  ·  impound  ·  seize  ·  seizure  ·  sequester  ·  sequestrate  ·  sequestration  ·  confiscator  ·  confiscated  ·  confiscates  ·  confiscating  ·  expropriated  ·  expropriates  ·  expropriating  ·  forfeited  ·  forfeiting  ·  impounded  ·  impounding  ·  impounds  ·  seized  ·  seizes  ·  sequestering  ·  sequesters  ·  sequestrated  ·  sequestrates  ·  sequestrating  ·  confiscations  ·  seizures

take away
更多网络例句与没收相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It should take measures from four aspects in order to perfect the system:one is abolish expropriating property penalty;Two is consider"expropriation"as a kind of independent punishment;Three is set up complementary levy;Four is stipulate the systems of expropriation compensation and expropriation substitution;Five is strengthen international cooperation of criminal expropriation.


Fine is a penalty that people's court hand in certain amount of money to state after sentencing criminals. Confiscation of all personal property was confiscated criminals or all of a .


Lost or subject to loss through forfeiture.


The sheriffs.will be able to seize stock and other assets,and to sequestrate bank accounts belonging to defaultersDaily Telegraph


For instance, not all crimes of pursuing illegal profits are allocated penalty of fine, these crimes which not be allocated are allocated confiscatory penalty, this situation confuses the functions of penalty of fine and confiscatory penalty; and the majority of unintentional crime and light crime aren"t allocated penalty of fine; even analyses from the proportion of coexistence of penalty of fine and other penalties, the penalty of fine will be proved that it"s not light penalty.


An individual who embezzles not less than 100,000 yuan shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment and may also be sentenced to confiscation of property; if the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to death and also to confiscation of property.


An individual who embezzles not less than 100,000 yuan shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment and may also be sentenced to confiscation of property; if the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to death and also to confiscation of property.


An individual who embezzles not less than 50,000 yuan but less than 100,000 yuan shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years and may also be sentenced to confiscation of property; if the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to life imprisonment and confiscation of property.


Thirdly, the application and execution of property penalties shall be rigidified, where the law provides concurrent imposition of fine or confiscation of property, such penalty shall be imposed firmly, where the law provides that fine or confiscation of property may be imposed, such penalty shall be also imposed as a general principle.


I heard stories of beatings and humiliations, confiscations of personal possessions and loss of living quarters, and forced hard labor.


更多网络解释与没收相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


confirming 确定 | confiscate 没收;充公;被没收的 | confiscation of property 没收财产


confiscation 没收 | confiscator 没收 | confiscatory 没收


confiscation | 没收, 充公, 征用 | confiscator | 没收, 充公 | confiscatory | 没收的, 充公的


confiscationofproperty 没收财产 | confiscator 没收者 | confiscatorytaxation 没收性赋税

escheat:土地复归 没收财物 没收地

eschatology 末世学 | escheat 土地复归 没收财物 没收地 | escholerine 厄邵碱


forfeit 没收物品 | forfeiture 没收 | forfeiture of contribution 没收供款

可没收的 forfeiter n.丧失者:forfeitable adj

16.forfeit n. (因犯罪,失职,违约)丧失的东西;罚金;(公民权等)丧失 | forfeitable adj.可没收的 forfeiter n.丧失者 | forfeiture n.丧失,没收;没收物,罚金

jus angaria:没收充公权没收充公权没收充公权(拉丁语

jury-strut 应急支柱 | jus angaria 没收充公权没收充公权没收充公权(拉丁语 | jus cloacae 引水权

confiscated goods:已没收货物

confiscate || 没收, 充公, 查抄, 征用 被没收的 | confiscated goods || 已没收货物 | confiscation || 没收, 充公, 征用

forfeited share:被没收的股份

forfeit stock ==> 被没收的股份,没收股份 | forfeited share ==> 被没收的股份 | forfeited stock ==> 作废股,没收股票