英语人>词典>汉英 : 沙坑 的英文翻译,例句
沙坑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bunker  ·  bunkered

jumping pit
更多网络例句与沙坑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You might conclude that there should be no bunkers between the cart path and the putting surface.


Blast A shot that takes a large amount of sand with it when hitting out of a sand trap. An explosion shot.


To hit a golf ball out of a sand trap with a shot that scatters the sand .


Sports To hit a golf ball out of a sand trap with a shot that scatters the sand.


Hazard A hazard is any sand trap, bunker or water on the course that may cause difficulty.


Sports To hit out of a sand trap with an explosive shot.


The first right-hand bunker is 25-30 yards short of the green so you could have to play over the next bunker to a right-hand pin – again, a tough shot on the first hole.


You can carry left side bunker with down wind and you need to keep the ball out of the bunker if it is against the wind off the tee.


There is also a good chance that they have lost their shape and sand has built up on the lower margins (the author has witnessed sand build up of 36) or has made the greenside margins too droughty to support grass.


Your technique in a fairway bunker should be the opposite of that in a greenside bunker: you do not want to hit the sand first.


更多网络解释与沙坑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fairway banker:草坪地带的沙坑

Fairway 球道 | Fairway banker 草坪地带的沙坑 | Fairway wood 球道用木杆

Fairway banker:草坪地带旳沙坑

Fairway 球道 | Fairway banker 草坪地带旳沙坑 | Fairway wood 球道用木杆

marine sand borrow pit:采海沙坑

marine sand 海沙 | marine sand borrow pit 采海沙坑 | marine sediment 海相沉积

marine sand borrow pit:采海沙坑kLi中国学习动力网

marine sand 海沙kLi中国学习动力网 | marine sand borrow pit 采海沙坑kLi中国学习动力网 | marine sediment 海相沉积kLi中国学习动力网

broad jump pit:沙坑

投掷标枪 javelin throw | 沙坑 broad jump pit | 扇形地带 sector zone


这些设计有:沙坑(Bunker). 一块除去草皮或泥土而铺上细沙的凹陷地区称之为沙坑,形状、大小、深浅不一,普遍分布在球道上及果岭四周,是许多球场设计家表现他设计风格的重点之一. 5、果岭(Green)系指当前正在使用之球洞而专为推杆而设之全部区域,

Cross bunker:横跨的沙坑 系指跨越球道的沙坑

Course 高尔夫球场 | Cross bunker 横跨的沙坑 系指跨越球道的沙坑. | Cross wind from left 利用左斜风击球

S Sand Trap:沙坑

Rules of Golf 高尔夫规则 | S Sand Trap 沙坑 | Sand Wedge 沙坑

Sand Wedge:沙坑杆

现代沙坑杆(sand wedge)几乎可以用在一切场合:球道、沙坑、长草区、硬质洼地、泥地等. 在现代球场上,有的球手要求弹道高、自旋多;有的则要求弹道低、自转多--实际上大多数人的对挖起杆的要求介乎两者之间. 挖起杆大受欢迎,

Sand Wedge:沙坑挖起杆

每组球杆都有这两只标准挖起杆:契形挖起杆(Pitching Wedge)和沙坑挖起杆(Sand Wedge),简称P杆和沙杆(或S杆). 契形杆主要攻打(90---110米)左右的较长距离目标球;沙坑杆主要用于果岭旁的沙坑和较短的击球,使球击高甚于击远,是较难控制的杆.