英语人>词典>汉英 : 沉重打击 的英文翻译,例句
沉重打击 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sledgehammer  ·  sledgehammered  ·  sledgehammering  ·  sledgehammers

更多网络例句与沉重打击相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This has led to a dramatic fall in exports that has battered regional economies.


Bulgari has been hit hard by the slowdown because of its reliance on big-ticket jewellery and watches.


And it can have a cataclysmic impact on the world economy.


In 1840, the British imperialists started the Opium War against China, completely breaking the Celestial Empire of China itself, enjoy the music of the era, to destroy China's culture, and a heavy blow to the Chinese people's national pride, China thus embarked on a downhill path .


Henrietta became so deranged with grief at the death of her paramour that she ordered a death mask made of Congreve's face, attached it to a life-size dummy, and spent the rest of her life treating the mannequin as if it were alive.


Whole alumina and electroanalysis aluminous industry will be attacked once more by heavy retype, and the biggest challenge that faces among them will come from an international market.


Offshore Saltwater Boats If you enjoy heading out on the open sea for a day of saltwater fishing that includes huge fish and heavy tackle, you will need a heavy boat that is dependable and can be relied on in all situations and weather.


Cinderella Skeleton, Ignoring the thump of her footless stump, Reached her coach and cried,Away!


We don't fudge or enhance what our amplifiers can do, they simply hit hard all the time.


This is India's financial and tourism industry a heavy blow.


更多网络解释与沉重打击相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他在短时间内成为了欧洲的成吉思汗(GenghisKhan). 从他在今天匈牙利的大本营出发,他建立一个从波罗的海(Baltic)到巴尔干(Balkans),从莱茵河(Rhine)到黑海(BlackSea)的帝国. 他沉重打击了罗马帝国,威胁到了它的根基.

Platitude, cliche:陈词滥调

沉重打击 Give or deal or strike a heavy blow | 陈词滥调 Platitude, cliche | 陈旧的, 如果不过时的话 Outdated, fi not obsolete

be harsh and cold blooded:冷酷无情

be hard hit by... 遭受沉重打击 155 | be harsh and cold blooded 冷酷无情 199 | be headed for 前往...... 20

Merrill Lynch:美林银行

几天后,新加坡的国家投资机构"淡马锡控股"(Temasek Holdings )又拿出50亿美元,注资於同样受到与次贷相关问题沉重打击的"美林银行"(Merrill Lynch),换得其9.4%的股权.

Ministry of Justice:法務部

金融监督管理委员会委员林忠正警告称,台湾政府对利率的干预,可能对"我们的金融领域构成沉重打击".台湾"法务部"(Ministry of Justice)已提议对信用卡贷款利率设定上限,将把信用卡贷款利率从目前的20%大幅降低至 12%左右.


这样的职业行为规则是对我们这一 "职业"(profession)的沉重打击. 一谈到行政腐败,我们会大谈加大监督力度;而一谈到对司法的监督,我们会立刻担心,这是否会伤及司法独立. 说到底,这是因为法律"职业"并非一般性的行业(occupation),


be hard hit 被沉重打击了 | tattletale 告密者,打小报告者 | it's my own neck 我知道小心的

thrasonical:自夸的, (打击等)沉重的, 吹牛的

hydroxy group 羟基 | thrasonical 自夸的, (打击等)沉重的, 吹牛的 | disjoint form 不相交型

be hard done by:受到不公平的待遇 被苛待

be happy together | (夫妇)和睦相处 | be hard done by | 受到不公平的待遇 被苛待 | be hard hit | (常指感情)受到沉重打击, 很伤心

hit out at:挥拳向...猛击; 猛烈抨击

hit and miss 不论命中不命中; 不管成功不成功; 胡乱地 | hit out at 挥拳向...猛击; 猛烈抨击 | hit sb. hard [口]使某人受到沉重打击; 使某人遭受到严重挫折; 使某人在感情上受到严重创伤