英语人>词典>汉英 : 沉淀剂 的英文翻译,例句
沉淀剂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
precipitant  ·  precipitator

更多网络例句与沉淀剂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of the analysis of depositing agents that were generally used in the process of waste chrome liquor,a new complex depositing agent which is composed of sodium stearate,polyacrylamide and soldium hydroxide with proper proportion was prepared by use of condensation principle of charge effect and polymer absorbed layer.


The sludge volume generated by precipitation can be reduced by 99% by first stripping out the nickel ion electrolytically and then precipitating the remaining nickel with sulfur-containing precipitating agents such as sodium sulfide.


Organic solvents can be utilized as a primary precipitant, as a secondary precipitant in the presence of salt or polymer, or as additives.


With the co-precipitation, using cross experiment, constitute of catalyst (include 2 equations), proportionment of precipitator, aged time, calcine temperature, had been discussed-how to influence the activity of catalyst. The activity will be primed if prepareing the catalyst with CuO:ZnO:CeO_2=6:9:10, using NaOH as precipitator, aged time 3h, calcining the calatyst at 450℃.


Comparing with the activity of NiO/γ-Al_2O_3, NiO/TiO_2, and NiO/CeO_2catalysts, NiO/CeO_2 showed the highest light-off conversions of NO and CO and lowesttemperature of total conversion. Three kind of CeO_2 prepared by homogeneousprecipitation, precipitation, and direct decomposition method wereused as the carrier of NiO. Through the activity comparison of NiO/CeO_2, NiO/CeO_2and NiO/CeO_2, CeO_2 optimized as the preferable carrier for active component at aspace velocity of 120 000h~(-1, the coversion of NO is 50%at 170℃over NiO/CeO_2catalyst, and the complete conversion of NO and CO occurred at 210℃.

由Al_2O_3、TiO_2、CeO_2负载的NiO催化剂在NO-CO反应中的活性比较得出:NiO/CeO_2催化剂具有最好催化活性;分别采用直接分解法、氨水沉淀法和均匀沉淀法制备了载体CeO_2、CeO_2、CeO_2,并比较了NiO/CeO_2、NiO/CeO_2、NiO/CeO_2的活性差异,得出了以尿素作为沉淀剂的均匀沉淀法制备的CeO_2负载的NiO活性最好空速为120 000 h~(-1的条件下,170℃时,NO的转化率为50%;210℃时,NO和CO的转化率均达到了100%。

The result shows that precipitated in the medium of mixed solvent, caf has little coprecipitation, therefore it can be removed more (that is about 30%) than in water.


Specific contents and main conclusions are shown as follows:(1) The influence of precipitant on the properties of YAG:Ce phosphor was investigated. The precursor has good dispersity, when selecting ammonia hydrocarbonate as precipitant.


In the present paper,the use of 8-hydroxyquinolinecomplexs in precipitate flotation to separate and preconcentrate Cu and Mn,using SDBS as collector,followed by AAS spectrophotometric determination is proposed.


The presence of alcohol helps to rewet the membrane, reduces any static charge it may have, and has a destabilizing effect on the protein in solution.


In the orthogonal designable experiment ,the analysis results of zirconium source, precipitation , the sulfating agent is 1.54%, 2.27%, 5.11%,respectively. This result show that the influence of sulfating agent to the catalytic activity is the biggest. Under the same density of the sulfuric acid soaks, the effect of sulfuric acid is well compared to ammonium sulfate .The second is the precipitation, but the influence of the zirconia source is the smallest.


更多网络解释与沉淀剂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


precious stone 宝石 | precipitant 沉淀剂 | precipitated barium carbonate 沉淀碳酸钡

organic precipitant:有机沉淀剂

organic plastics 有机塑料 | organic precipitant 有机沉淀剂 | organic radical 有机基

inorganic precipitant:无机沉淀剂

inorganic polymer 无机高分子 | inorganic precipitant 无机沉淀剂 | inorganic substance 无机物

group precipitant:组沉淀剂

group piece work system 班组计件制 | group precipitant 组沉淀剂 | group precipitation 组沉淀

absorption precipitant:吸附沉淀剂

absorption plane | 吸收面 有效面 | absorption precipitant | 吸附沉淀剂 | absorption probability | 吸收概率

chemical precipitant:化学沉淀剂

precipitant 沉淀剂,沉淀物 | chemical precipitant 化学沉淀剂 | precipitate v.沉淀;淀积;降水 n.沉淀物;水气冷凝物(指雨、露等),降水

precipitating agent:沉淀剂

precipitated light calcium carbonate 沉淀轻质碳酸钙 | precipitating agent 沉淀剂 | precipitating agitator 沉淀搅拌机


precipitation 沉淀(作用);沉积;沉降;析出;凝结 | precipitin 沉淀素;沉淀剂 | precipitinogen 沉淀素原

arsonic acid:有机沉淀剂

奈斯勒试剂 Organic precipitant | 有机沉淀剂 Arsonic acid | 胂酸 -benzoinoxime


微量组分的测定中,常利用共沉淀(coprecipitation)现象分离和富集微量组分. 加入某种离子与沉淀剂生成沉淀,将此作为载体,把微量或痕量组分定量地沉淀下来,然后沉淀溶解在少量溶剂中,达到分离富集的目的. 使用的共沉淀剂主要分为无机共沉淀剂和有机共沉淀剂.