英语人>词典>汉英 : 沉思的 的英文翻译,例句
沉思的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
contemplative  ·  immersed  ·  musing  ·  pensive  ·  reflective  ·  ruminant  ·  ruminative  ·  contemplable  ·  museful

更多网络例句与沉思的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The prince was not boisterous, but pensive in his nature.


Rise from all directions of catcall of bound of proper public opinion during, this website was shut at abrupt on April 4 proper motion however, stay only a lot of the problem that makes a person contemplative... collect fees 500 yuan of battle I am magical implement, turn up one's nose at horizontal knife of; of a large number of heroes seizes love, who and contend for sharp edge?...


We lead a contemplative life ,but that does not mean we sit in meditation all day long .


Third comes the contemplative life, which we shall consider later.


But even the contemplative Yao can't put into words what it means to approach "The Dream."


The place became full of a watchful intentness now; for when other things sank blooding (沉思的、忧思的、哀思的) to sleep the heath appeared slowly to awake and listen.


She stood looking at him with meditative eyes.


Meditate pore over 沉思 contemplate 沉思 When I asked his advice,he pondered the matter and then told me not to go.


The overall goal is to lead the retreatant through a series of meditations on the life of Christ, beginning with reflections on the disorder and chaos of one's own life and progressing to a series of meditations on Christ's life, inviting the retreatant to a knowledge and love of Christ.


When we turn to the content of the Meditations, so strange to us men of today, we find a regress to / the philosophizing ego [1] in a second and deeper sense: the ego as subject of his pure cogitationes.


更多网络解释与沉思的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


constructive 建设性的 | contemplative 好沉思的 | cooperative 有合作精神的


contemplative faculties 思想力 | contemplative 沉思的 | contemplator 沉思者

And your pensive demeanour:喜欢你沉思的神情

I liked you slender waist 我喜欢你苗条的腰身, | And your pensive demeanour, 喜欢你沉思的神情, | And your laughter, both sad and ringing. 从此你的笑声在我心里回荡,


meditation 沉思 | meditative 沉思的 | meditatively 冥想地


musicotherapy 音乐疗法 | musing 沉思的 | musingly 沉思地

musing:沉思(的), 冥想(的)

alleged 声称的, 有嫌疑的 | musing 沉思(的), 冥想(的) | delude 欺骗, 哄骗, 愚弄

thoughtful: a.1:沉思的,思考的 2.表达思想的,经过缜密思考的,有创见的

therapy: n.治疗,疗法 | thoughtful: a.1.沉思的,思考的 2.表达思想的,经过缜密思考的,有创见的 | tidy: a.1.整齐(洁)的 2.有条理,精确的

thoughtful: a.1:沉思的,思考的2.体贴的,关心的

thorough a. 1.彻底的,完全的2.仔细周到的,精心的 | thoughtful a. 1.沉思的,思考的2.体贴的,关心的 | threaten vt. 1.威胁,扬言要2.预示,是...的征兆


contemn | 侮辱, 蔑视 | contemplable | 沉思的,能够被构思的 | contemplate | 凝视, 沉思, 预期, 企图


muse 沉思 | museful 沉思的 | musette bag 野战背包