英语人>词典>汉英 : 沃德豪斯 的英文翻译,例句
沃德豪斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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By that I mean Agatha Christie, PG Wodehouse, Ian Fleming best known for his James Bond stories, Grahame Greene.

我说的是阿加莎克里斯汀, PG 沃德豪思,以詹姆士邦德的故事而著称的伊恩弗睐明,,还有格莱翰格林。

The author describes the other figures such as American General Gates and British Generals Howe and Cornwallis, and the turncoat Arnold, and Lafayette etc and he describes the general flow of the war.

除了描述Bunker Hill,作者塑造了其它的人物,比如美国将军Gates,英国将军Howe豪和Cornwallis康沃利斯,和背叛者阿诺德还有三刺光鲳等。

G. Wodehouse, and Lewis Carroll to William Shakespeare.

G。 沃德豪斯,从刘易斯·卡罗尔到威廉·莎士比亚。

But whereas Wodehouse's wit was gentle and warm, Mr Latimer empties buckets of bile on almost everyone he has ever met or worked with.


IF P.G. WODEHOUSE had gone to Washington, DC, and worked for George Bush,"this is the book he would have written," declares the dust-jacket of "Speech-less".


Wodehouse novels.


The captain takes to castle life with relish. Enriched by a treasure find, he swaps his seaman's uniform for an increasingly Wodehousian wardrobe involving cravats, tweeds and at one point a monocle.


The publisher's recent offerings include P.G.


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Fernando Alonso:费尔南多.阿隆索

豪雅表与沃达丰-麦凯伦-梅塞德斯F1车队(Vodafone McLaren Mercedes F1)旗下的两届F1世界冠军费尔南多 阿隆索(Fernando Alonso)以及前途似锦的年轻车手刘易斯 汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton)签约,标志著瑞士制表业传奇品牌与麦凯伦车队的长期合作关系进入新纪元!


诺丁汉郡(Nottinghamshire)曼斯菲尔德(Mansfield)的All Saints' Roman Catholic School老师彼得.哈维,据称在课堂学生的面前,以实验用的金属砝码将学生杰克.沃特豪斯打得头破血流.

Withers s:威瑟斯

Wister s. 威斯特 | Withers s. 威瑟斯 | Wodehouse s. 沃德豪斯

Wodehouse s:沃德豪斯

Withers s. 威瑟斯 | Wodehouse s. 沃德豪斯 | Wolfe s. 沃尔夫