英语人>词典>汉英 : 沁人心脾 的英文翻译,例句
沁人心脾 的英文翻译、例句


gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind · mentally refreshing · gladden people's hearts
更多网络例句与沁人心脾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the sounds of nature from Luster, who composes the cadenza in life with the refreshing sounds of nature.


None of this is cloying or twee, because even as Mr. Leung mocks his sadness, he lets us feel it, too, lurking like a low-grade fever just behind the jokes.


Flowers are goodliness and nobleness, elegance and sweetness. Even if they are wild flowers blooming in rural , They still can show refreshing fragrance and effulgence .


I'd rather be inhaling the sweet aroma of the farmyard than the lethal poison of the city.


Growth in the giant lily of the valley, there are fresh, aromatic, crawling in the sky at the foot of the young eagles can fly.


Lang is equally adept with such standards as Cole Porter's "Love For Sale" and "So In Love," and the jazz classic Moonglow (performed here with Tony Bennett), and that has endeared her to a multi-generational audience.

lang尝试过多种乐风,凡举乡村、独特风格的情歌到与Tony Bennett的爵士演唱,都是那样富有浓稠的情感、沁人心脾,也时而令人感到轻松自若、云淡风轻的自然感受。

When it storms outside, it's time for steamy hot chocolate or even a soothing toddy.


Bring you not only sweet atmosphere,but also Orange trophoblast function of the skin beauty, which makes you relaxing, exciting, and healthy.


However, experts advise, a class of Tuberose flowers are fresh, fragrant smell early, but the smell is too strong a long time because of their reaction may be discomfort.


Reading a friend'sarticleentitled with Unchain my Heart, I feel like touching the crystal blue sky upon me, smelling the fresh air of deep forest, setting my feet into the cool green spring and enjoying the swaying leaves of the braches in the golden sunchine.........even if I, at present, am being jailed in the cold, noisy and earthly office full of the unhappy faces.


更多网络解释与沁人心脾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

all in aflutter cause a great flutter:花儿盛开

a sense of style comprehension 领悟力 | flowers flutter 花儿盛开 all in aflutter cause a great flutter | refreshingly cool 沁人心脾

refreshingly cool:沁人心脾

flowers flutter 花儿盛开 all in aflutter cause a great flutter | refreshingly cool 沁人心脾 | at a glance 乍一看


这类乐章的中间部分常称为"三声中部"(Trio),性格与前后两部分形成鲜明对比. 莫扎特的降E大调第39交响曲的第三乐章,无疑是最优美动听的小步舞曲之一,其三声中部为单簧管独奏,沁人心脾. 贝多芬"英雄"交响曲的诙谐曲乐章的三声中部,

To be gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind,all one's eyes:沁人心脾,满目无华

闭上双眼,轻酌细呷,To turn off both eyes,to drink gently a... | 沁人心脾,满目无华. To be gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind,all one's eyes | 思念是芬芳浓浓的咖啡,The missing is the coffee to h...

I know the grass beyond the door:门外的青草是那样的熟悉

But when or how I cannot tell: 何时怎样却已忘记; | I know the grass beyond the door, 门外的青草是那样的熟悉, | The sweet keen smell, 甜美的芳香沁人心脾,

I know the grass beyond the door:门口的草我多末的熟悉

But when or how I cannot tell: 但我说不出合适来到何来到的原因. | I know the grass beyond the door, 门口的草我多末的熟悉 | The Sweet, keen smell, , 甜美 沁人心脾


橙花精油(Neroli)能刺激副交感神经,具有镇静放松功效下面就来看看都能做什么橙皮沐浴(保湿、嫩肤)泡汤时加入少量新熬好的橙皮汤能带来沁人心脾的芬芳. 将橙花精油3滴添加进50ml基础油中稀释后用来按摩全身或直接将精油3滴滴入薰香器,

The sweet keen smell:甜美的芳香沁人心脾

I know the grass beyond the door, 门外的青草是那样的熟悉, | The sweet keen smell, 甜美的芳香沁人心脾, | The sighing sound, the lights around the shore. 还有那,灯火环绕的海滨与轻声的叹息.

The sweet keen smell:甜美 沁人心脾

I know the grass beyond the door, 门口的草我多末的熟悉 | The Sweet, keen smell, , 甜美 沁人心脾 | The sighing sound, the lights around the shore. .岸边的灯火和叹息的声音(我都记得)

Royal Botanical Gardens:皇家植物园

而沿安大略湖(Lake Ontario)和乔治亚湾(Georgian Bay)南部的公路旁,始终能看到沁人心脾的苹果花海,这是有名的苹果路线(the Apple Routes);而伯灵顿(Burlington)皇家植物园(Royal Botanical Gardens)的丁香花节(Lilac Festival)是春日的另一重头戏,