- 更多网络例句与江湖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In Zhu Lin remote mountains anchoret, in why putting down a heart halcyon, give all corners of the country again; Be in alive contemporary why do we move back and forth again return age the Warring States, art of secret of search ancient time, because of recrudesce of dispute of all corners of the country, the world is uncertain.
River lake top have to issue "make such as cloud" a call whole Wu3 Lin2's person force-out Chen2 Xue3 Yi2, hence ten several river lake top well-known big Xia and his confused conflict are in cloud but below the hills, the fifth five nights be escape by him.
Marketing is like all corners of the country, where have much inclemency. The biggest basic point of marketing is competition but the tidemark is copetition. No permanent enemies; no permanent friends. Sometimes you can learn Maitreya, If you are tolerable every obstacles, you must be all the best everywhere and all directions.
This is the first literary output in China, which exposes the inside-story of palm reading, luck telling and other such kind of activities.
The ideal of fish losing themselves in water was perfectly expressed pictorially by the Northern Song artist Liu Cai in his handscroll Fish Swimming amid Falling Flowers , discussed above.
Dr Sim and her colleagues from the Department of Surgery, Alexandra Hospital, proposed that immunohistochemistry may not be 100% accurate in predicting the primary source of signet ring cell carcinoma.
Despite of strick my father are , but he was so kindness actully !
If we were going to be ghettoized, I'd rather be in the same slum as bands that are good like Mudhoney, Jesus Lizard, the Melvins and Beat Happening rather than being a tenant of the corporate landlords regime ... There are a lot of bands who claim to be alternative and they're nothing but stripped down, ex sunset strip hair farming bands of a few years ago.
Here, we took demonstration study of the ecological impacts of disconnection from the river on fish recources in Zhangdu Lake. Our results showed that:(1) Fishery mode changed and the rate of wild fishery production changed from 95% in 1949 to less than 5% in 2002.(2) Fish species have decreased from 80 in 1950s to 52 at present, and the rate of migrant and potamic species decreased from 50% in 1950s to 30% at present.
Here, we took demonstration study of the ecological impacts of disconnection from the river on fish recources in Zhangdu Lake. Our results showed that:(1) Fishery mode changed and the rate of wild fishery production changed from 95% in 1949 to less than 5% in 2002.(2) Fish species have decreased from 80 in 1950s to 52 at present, and the rate of migrant and potamic species decreased from 50% in 1950s to 30% at present.(3) Comparing with the linking lake, Zhangdu Lake had higher fishing production, larger individual size, fewer species number and lower diversity index of "mihunzheng" fishery, a universal fishing tool in Yangtze.
我们以涨渡湖为例开展江湖阻隔后对单个湖泊鱼类资源所产生的生态影响进行研究,结果表明:江湖阻隔导致湖泊生产经营方式改变,使得野生渔业产量的比例由1949年的95%,降低到2002年的不足5%;江湖阻隔后湖泊鱼类种类由50年代约80种下降到现在的52种,其中,洄游性和流水型鱼类比重由50%下降至不足30%;迷魂阵渔获物在单位产量、个体大小上极显著(p 0.01)地高于通江湖泊,但在物种数和多样性指数上则要低得多(p 0.01)。
- 更多网络解释与江湖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The Bare-Footed Kid:年 《赤脚小子》(台译:江湖传说)
1993年 >(台译:哥哥的情人) Three Summers | 1993年 >(台译:江湖传说) The Bare-Footed Kid | 1993年 >(台译:天若有情) A Moment of Romance 2
This isn't some middle-aged barfly who likes it bareback:那不是什么久经江湖的老色鬼
Legally,we can't inform sexual partners about stds.|依照法律 我们... | This isn't some middle-aged barfly who likes it bareback.|那不是什么久经江湖的老色鬼 | This is an innocent kid who was molested.|那...
barnstormer 次等艺人 | barnstormer 江湖艺人 | barnyard 周围的院地
Get Carter:江湖大决斗
15 Brighton Rock 布烈顿山 | 16 Get Carter 江湖大决斗 | 17 Lavender Hill Mob, The 拉文德高地暴动
charlatan 庸医 | charlatanism 江湖医术 | charlatanry 江湖医术
charlatanism 江湖医术 | charlatanry 江湖医术 | charm 粲数
mountaintop 山顶 | mountebank 江湖郎中 | mountebankery 江湖医生
mountebank 江湖郎中 | mountebankery 江湖医生 | mounted 裱好的
The Swordsman:(笑傲江湖
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江湖浮游生物 tychoplankton | 江湖浮游生物的 tychopotamic | 厚唇三棘鲀 Tydemania navigatoris