英语人>词典>汉英 : 汇编命令 的英文翻译,例句
汇编命令 的英文翻译、例句


assembler directive · assembler command · assembly directive · assemble directive
更多网络例句与汇编命令相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To assemble the above program, you should use a command line like


National economy of The People's Republic of China and "95"plan for social developing and compendium for targets in the future in 2010 》 ordered: reform.

国家经济中华人民共和国的中国和" 95 "计划,社会发展和汇编的目标,在2010年的未来"命令:"改革。

When producing COFF output, as accepts this directive as a synonym for '.abor


When producing COFF output, as accepts this directive as a synonym for '.abort'.


This directive is used by some assemblers to place tags in object files.


This directive is used by some assemblers to place tags in object files. as si


For some time longer, the same method of collecting was followed; not to speak of the private compilations, the popes continued to keep up to date the "Decretals" of Gregory IX; in 1245 Innocent IV sent a collection of forty-two decretals to the universities, ordering them to be inserted in their proper places; in 1253 he forwarded the "initia" or first words of the authentic decretals that were to be accepted.

稍长一点的时间,同样的方法收集其次是不说话的私人资料汇编,教宗继续保持最新的& decretals &的格雷戈里九,在1245名无辜四发出了一个收集42 decretals至大学,命令他们将其插入其适当的名额,在1253年,他提出了& initia &或第一句话的真实decretals认为被接受。

There is also a few CPU specific operations you cannot write in C, those being Interrupt Service Routines that return with IRET (on i386 machines) opcodes and other functions such as commands to load the GDT (i386) can be inlined but still require using assembly.


更多网络解释与汇编命令相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assemble program:汇编程序

142aspect ratio高宽比,纵横比 | 143assemble program汇编程序 | 144assembler directive汇编命令,汇编指令

assembler directive:汇编命令

assembled plant 装配式工厂 | assembler directive 汇编命令 | assembler language 汇编程序语言

assembler directive:汇编命令,汇编指令

143assemble program汇编程序 | 144assembler directive汇编命令,汇编指令 | 145assembler instruction汇编指令

Assembler Directive Commands:汇编程序引导指令

assembler code | 汇编码 | assembler directive commands | 汇编程序引导指令 | assembler directive | 汇编命令


CNT:Windows(或其他)系统用于帮助索引或其他目的内容文件 | COD:MicrosoftC编译器产生的可显示机器码/汇编代码文件,其中附有源C代码作为注释 | COM:命令文件(程序)


平时,我们口头上并不严格区分"编译"(compile)与"链接"(link)这两个专业术语. 例如我们总是说"把那个C文件编译成可执行文件......",写成命令就是:第三阶段:汇编编译器(GAS)把汇编代码文件编译成目标代码文件(以.o为后缀).


使用gcc编译C程序经历步骤:预处理(分析命令) 编译(根据输入文件产生汇编语言) 汇编(产生.o扩展名的目标文件) 连接(Linking)


把二进制文件"反汇编"(disassembling)到汇编语言的工具有不少,我记得watcom自己就带了一个wdism命令. 如果你有object文件的话,直接用watcom的反汇编应该效果不错.