英语人>词典>汉英 : 永远纪念 的英文翻译,例句
永远纪念 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
monumentalize  ·  monumentalized  ·  monumentalizes  ·  monumentalizing

更多网络例句与永远纪念相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1975, your emergence, the setting sun also dyes red day, originally you are legendary feather springs Celebrate you to meet in 1998, oscular details in the vegetables City, now whether will also present to public In 1999, your shoulder also combines a shoulder, promising the wish of 默挈, hence appearing the most beautiful appearance In 2000, you 《cruelty exactly 》of battle cry, infuse into again for the music fresh, you the classic of certain that time generation In 2003,《didn't you not go 》of remember fondly, muddled asseveration, deeply grave in unexpectedly between the heart In 2004, red May of around-the-clock expect, you flow tear falls water of for an instant, but became world forever~!

1975年,你们的出现,夕阳也染红了天,原来你们就是传说中的羽泉 1998年,纪念你们的相见,菜市口的情节,如今是否还会上演 1999年,你们肩也并着肩,许下默挈的心愿,于是出现了最美的画面 2000年,你们《冷酷到底》的呐喊,为乐坛再一次注入新鲜,你们一定是时代的经典 2003年,《没你不行》的思念,懵懂的誓言,竟深深铭刻在心间 2004年,红五月的日夜期盼,你们流下泪水的一瞬间,却化成了世间的永远~!

This is a beautiful forever commemorate the moment!


Because has you, I also had 1/2 pasts, that was I at heart forever commemoration.


Lust can never satisfy, nor can it heal the pain in your heart, in fact, it only makes it worse—you'll be lonelier, emptier, more miserable, and more ashamed than before.

欲望永远无法满足,也无法医治的痛苦在你的心里,实际上,它不仅使情况变得更糟, you'll是纪念活动, emptier ,更加悲惨,并比以前更感到羞愧。

This is My name forever and this is my remembrance from generation to generation.


This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.


The Washington Monument was built to perpetuate the memory of a great man.


Now, just eight ounces of cremated remains is all it takes to turn your mother into a diamond.


The most known one is the legend about Narcissus is transfigured into daffodil, additionally, about Clytie who is fascinated at Apollo is transferred into sunflower which will be towards the sun for ever; goddess who is loved by Apollo is transfigured into bay tree and Apollo give the branches of bay tree which he most loves to eternal poets and ever-existing poems so as to memorize his beloved goddess; after the lover of Aphrodite dies, the grieved goddess turns his blood into peony to memorize him; Atlas is transfigured into mountain to shoulder the stars in the sky.


The Preachers adopted from the monastic life the three traditional vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty; to them they added the ascetic element known as monastic observances; perpetual abstinence, fasting from 14 Sept. until Easter and on all the Fridays throughout the year the exclusive use of wool for clothing and for the bed a hard bed, and a common dormitory, silence almost perpetual in their houses, public acknowledgment of faults in the chapter, a graded list of penitential practices, etc. The Preachers, however, did not take these observances directly from the monastic orders but from the regular canons, especially the reformed canons, who had already adopted monastic rules The Preachers received from the regular canons the choral Office for morning and evening, but chanted quickly.


更多网络解释与永远纪念相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




波兰第10装甲旅在加拿大师以东对外正面的顶点,占领了控制德军唯一一条退路的制高点,262高地,这个山头,法国人叫奥梅尔山Mont Ormel,而对波兰人来说,它今后将永远以"权杖"(Mace) 这个名称而被纪念.


纪念永远的高难度pvp/pk手--女巫(Sorceress),兼对暗黑世界的全新认识 作者: westCloud-WR from WindRose Clan (>战队) >以及续篇>作为一个国际性的免费互联网游戏自从2000中发布到今天也已历经风雨,

Los cien enamorados:一百个热恋者

que los recuerden.来把他们纪念. | Los cien enamorados一百个热恋者 | duermen para siempre.永远地沉睡着.