英语人>词典>汉英 : 水龙骨科 的英文翻译,例句
水龙骨科 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A genus of ferns belonging to the family Polypodiaceae (in some classification systems included in genus Asplenium).


Cosmopolitan genus of ferns: maidenhair ferns; in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae.


In addition, the relationship of the spore morphology and taxonomy in Polypodiaceae subfam. Polypodioideae was discussed in this paper, providing more informative data for the systematics and palynology of Polypodiaceae.


Recently polypod ferns have been demonstrated to undergo diversifications in the Cretaceous after the rise of angiosperms. To further test this proposal, an adaptive evolutionary analysis was performed on the rbeL gene sequences of Polypodiaceous ferns under models allowing w (nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratio) to vary among sites.


Species: sensitive fern; in some classifications included in Polypodiaceae.


Any of various ferns of the genera Dryopteris or Polystichum or Lastreopsis having somewhat shield-shaped coverings on the sori.


Or Polystichum or Lastreopsis having somewhat shield-shaped coverings on the sori.


Or Lastreopsis having somewhat shield-shaped coverings on the sori.


One of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems; includes genera Asplenium; Pleurosorus; Schaffneria.


Families, 62 genus and 107 species of Pteridophyte resources have been found in Meihuashan mountain, west of Fujian province, which include more than 5 species of resources like Selaginellaceae, Pteridaceae, Athyriaceae, Aspleniaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Dryopteridaceae and Polypodiaceae and over 4 genus of plants like Selaginella, Plagiogyria, Pteris, Asplenium, Cyclosorus and Arachniodes as well as Cibotium barometz, the second state specially-protected Pteridophyte.


更多网络解释与水龙骨科相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

concha haliotidis:[石决明]

或其任何部分石决明(Concha Haliotidis) 鲍科动物染色鲍、皱纹盘鲍、羊鲍、澳洲鲍、耳鲍或白鲍的贝壳石见穿(Herba Salviae Chinensis) 唇形科植物华鼠尾草的全草或其任何部石南叶(Folium Photiniae) 蔷薇科植物石南的叶石韦(Folium Pyrrosiae) 水龙骨科植物庐山石韦、石韦或有柄石韦的叶石斛(Herba Dendrobii) 兰科植物环草

Amygdalus communis:扁桃 蔷薇科

天桃木 漆树科 Mangifera persiciformis | 扁桃 蔷薇科 Amygdalus communis | 长柄线蕨 水龙骨科 Colysis elliptica var. longipes

Botrychium lunaria:扇羽阴地蕨

阴地蕨科 Botrychiaceae | 扇羽阴地蕨 Botrychium lunaria Ⅰ | 水龙骨科 Polypodiaceae

shui ma chi ke Callitrichaceae:水马齿科

水龙骨科 shui long gu ke Polypodiaceae 6(2) | 水马齿科 shui ma chi ke Callitrichaceae 45(1) | 水青树科 shui qing shu ke Taxodiaceae 7

Drynaria fortunei:槲蕨

中药当中的骨碎补为水龙骨科植物槲蕨(Drynaria fortunei)的干燥根茎. 再举个例子:食用的百合和观赏花卉中的百合都叫"百合",但却是不同的种类. 有时候在网上搜索,同一类或者近似的东西会被放在一起,应注意区别.

shui jiu ke Isoetaceae:水韭科

水鳖科 shui bie ke Hydrocharitaceae 8 | 水韭科 shui jiu ke Isoetaceae 2(2) | 水龙骨科 shui long gu ke Polypodiaceae 6(2)

Colysis pedunculata:长梗线蕨 水龙骨科

长柄线蕨 水龙骨科 Colysis elliptica var. longipes | 长梗线蕨 水龙骨科 Colysis pedunculata | 长梗扁果薹草 莎草科 Carex fulvo-rubescens subsp. longistipes


系统树 phylogenetic tree | 系统发生; 种系发生史 phylogeny (Haeckel1866);genealogy.;phylogenetic biology;phylogenesis | 密网蕨属(水龙骨科) Phymatodes


摘要: 石韦混淆品( 3)--星蕨(Xingjue) [来源] 水龙骨科(PolyPodiaceae)植物星蕨Microsorium punctatum(L.)Cop.的干燥叶. 完整叶片呈阔披针形,长35~55cm,宽3~7cm,顶端渐尖,基部渐狭而下延成狭翅,边全线,浅棕色. 叶柄长不及1cm. ...水龙骨科(PolyPodiaceae)植物星蕨Microsorium punctatum(L.)Cop.的干燥叶


十七、鹿角蕨科Platyceriaceae | 十八、水龙骨科Polypodiaceae | 一、胡椒科Peperaceae