英语人>词典>汉英 : 水龙骨 的英文翻译,例句
水龙骨 的英文翻译、例句


wall fern · moss fern · Polypodium nipponicum Mett.
更多网络例句与水龙骨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An RANS solver is used to predict roll hydrodynamic coefficients(added inertia moment and damping)of a two-dimensional section with/without bilge keel s on the free surface.


The result of factor analysis can provide the changes of relative precipitation and temperature variations. In trace elements, Cu, As, Zn, Pb and Ni were apparently enrichmented in soil layers and are sensitive to climatic changes. Carbon isotope is more sensitive to climatic changes than that of oxygen isotope in loess stratigraphy. The heavy mineral are varified in the loess stratigraphy, but their content differences between loess and palaeosol is little. Though the palynologic analyses results reveal that pollens and spores are fewer in the loess stratigraphy, they differ greatly in loess layer and palaeosol layer not only in species but also in types, i. e., the pollens and spores indicating warm and moist climate, such as Lles, Podocarpus, Polopydium, Pteris grerilliana Wall, Pterocarya and Juglans appear in palaeosol layers, while those indicating cold and dry climate such as Ephedra, Artemisia, Chinopodiaceae, Picea and Abies exist mainly in loess layers. The pollen content of broad-leaved tree mainly consisting of Pterocarya is up to 60% in palaeosol 〓, while the content of Ephedra is more than 50% in 〓 loess layer, showing that the environment differed greatly when 〓 and 〓 were formed.


Any of various ferns of the widely distributed genus Polypodium, having simple or compound fronds, round sori arranged in one or more rows along the midrib, and creeping rootstocks.


Any of various fern s of the widely distributed genus Polypodium,having simple or compound fronds,round sori arranged in one or more rows along the midrib,and creeping rootstocks.


Spores,the structure of leaf epidermis,the transverse section of stipes,the rhizome scales and the venation patterns were selected for study.Several of these characteristics were studied in detail for this group for the first time.Morphologically and phytogeographically,the phy...


One of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems; includes genera Blechnum; Doodia; Sadleria; Stenochlaena; Woodwardia.


An observation and analysis of series of characteristics coming from sixteen species belonging to five genera of Polypodiaceae subfam.Polypodioideae were undertaken in order to unravel the phylogenetic relationships within this group.


The spores of 8 species and 1 variety belonging to 4 genera of Polypodiaceae subfam. Polypodioideae in Yunnan, China were examined under LM and SEM. Of the species it is the first time to study the spores of Metapolypodium manmeiense and Polypodiastrum mengtzeense under SEM. The results show that the spores of this subfam.

利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对云南产水龙骨水龙骨亚科4属8种1变种植物的孢子进行了详细观察,其中篦齿蕨Metapolypodium manmeiense以及扫描电镜下观察的蒙自拟水龙骨Polypodiastrum mengtzeense为首次报道。

This research consolidated that evolutionary models using w as an indicator of selective pressure provide valuable approaches for analyzing the adaption of protein-encoding sequences. Moreover, it also indicated that Polypodiaceous ferns responded to the terrestrial ecosystem changes initiated by angiosperms through molecular adaption of functional genes such as rbeL.


For more than 16 flavor, dangshen, Astragalus, Radix, Atractylodes macrocephala, yam, Schisandra, poria, jujube, licorice flavor, add water decoction nine three times, each time 2 hours, the combined decoction, filtration; shell , keel, oyster shamisen, add water decoction of four, each two hours, the combined decoction, filter, filtrate and extract, such as the merger of dangshen, concentrated to the relative density of 1.32 (20 ℃) cream money.


更多网络解释与水龙骨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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Japanese Polypody Rhizome:水龙骨

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Bonescale Snapper:北风苔原,晶歌森林,达拉然,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的wow盗贼之神内陆水域

Barrelhead Goby:肖拉查盆地的内wow战场挂机陆水... | Bonescale Snapper:北风苔原,晶歌森林,达拉然,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的wow盗贼之神内陆水域 | Borean Man O' War:北风苔原,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的沿...

wall fern:水龙骨

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Polypodium nipponicum:水龙骨

有长达20厘米、黑褐色的粗长此药为毛莨科植物高乌头(Aconitum sinomontanum)的根. 因其有治疗跌打损伤、骨折的功效,故得此名. 又因其根的下部须根较多,且延长相互交织,结如网状,中空,形如麻袋,故又名"麻布七". 注:水龙骨科植物水龙骨(Polypodium nipponicum)的根茎也称碎骨还阳.


孢子同型,很少为异型,有真蕨目(Filitales)(水龙骨目,Polypodiales)、苹目(Marsileales)、槐叶苹目(Salviniales)三目. 现以水龙骨(Polypldiumniponicum)为例,说明蕨类植物的生活史. 本亚纲是现今蕨类植物中种类最多的一类,