英语人>词典>汉英 : 水螅珊瑚 的英文翻译,例句
水螅珊瑚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Epithelial cells and muscle is connected to a primitive phenomenon, Hydrozoa in some hard-jellyfish and jellyfish as well as most bowl Anthozoa animals, epithelial cells can be no contraction of the above-mentioned processes.


Anthozoa of the hydra-type structure is more complex free-end, said port plate, there is no obvious vertical lips, mouth plate surrounded by a number of tentacles.


To date, 18 coral diseases, affecting at least 150 scleractinian, gorgonian, and hydrozoan zooxanthellate species, have been described from the Caribbean and the Indo-Pacific.


Soft Corals and Madrepore or Hard Corals are close relatives really: without wishing to upset biologists, we could say that whilst the Hard Coral has learn to fix the calcium carbonate through its polyps in order to build its home and skeleton, the Soft Coral polyps have built a soft and supple skeleton which manages to feed by filling with water.


Coral is formed by certain types of polyp.


Actually, the term coral is much broader and refers to most of the animals in the class Hydrozoa of the Phylum Cnidaria.


Any of various invertebrate animals of the phylum Coelenterata,characterized by a radially symmetrical body with a saclike internal cavity,and including the jellyfishes,hydras,sea anemones,and coral s.


Any of numerous coelenterates of the class Hydrozoa, including the freshwater hydras, hydroids, hydrocorals, and siphonophores.


Small, individual coral polyps fuse together over time to create these impressive fan-shaped colonies, which can grow several feet high.


更多网络解释与水螅珊瑚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


水螅纲(hydrozoa) 钵水母纲(Scyphozoa) 珊瑚纲(Anthozoa) 水螅纲(hydrozoa)本纲动物绝大多数海产,少数生活在淡水中. 腔肠动物的淡水种类均属于本纲. 单体或群体生活. 大部分种类生活史中有水螅型和水母型,或同时存在于群体中形成二态或多态,

Pectinla paeon:牡丹梳珊瑚

1 6.河谷腦珊瑚 Symphyllia valenciennesii | 1 7. 牡丹梳珊瑚 Pectinla paeon | 1 8.黃水螅珊瑚 Parazoanthus sp.

LPS : Large Polyp Stony Coral:大水螅硬体珊瑚(一般的硬体)

LPH : Litres Per Hour 水流量(公升/小时) 十进制国家使用 | LPS : Large Polyp Stony Coral 大水螅硬体珊瑚(一般的硬体) | LR : Live Rock 活石


腔肠动物门(Cnidaria)珊瑚纲(Anthozoa)柳珊瑚目(Gorgonacea)柳珊瑚属(Gorgonia)海生动物的统称. 由圆柱形固著生活的水螅体组成,水螅体组成扇状群体,故名. 群体中每个水螅体的触手数和隔膜数均为8的倍数,而与角珊瑚不同(6的倍数).


水螅类 hydrozoa | 水螅珊瑚 hydrocoralline | 水螅珊瑚目 Hydrocorallina


水螅纲(hydrozoa) 钵水母纲(Scyphozoa) 珊瑚纲(Anthozoa) 水螅纲(hydrozoa)本纲动物绝大多数海产,少数生活在淡水中. 腔肠动物的淡水种类均属于本纲. 单体或群体生活. 大部分种类生活史中有水螅型和水母型,或同时存在于群体中形成二态或多态,

Class Hydrozoa:水螅虫纲

只有少部分是 属於水螅虫纲(Class Hydrozoa),例如千孔珊瑚(Milleporidae)、柱孔珊瑚 (Stylasteridae)等等.... 珊瑚若依其骨骼质地的特性又可分为石珊瑚类与软珊瑚类. 石珊瑚类具分泌碳酸钙形成坚硬群体骨骼的能力,绝大部分为造礁珊瑚.


例如帆水母(Velella),银币水母(Porpita)等. 3.水螅珊瑚目(Hydrocorallina)也称多孔螅目(Millepor-ina),此 目的动物为群体、水螅型,这是一类能分泌碳酸钙外骨骼的水螅纲动物,常 与造礁珊瑚一起,生活在热带浅海中. 其外骨骼是由共肉部分分泌形成,

Tubipora musica:笙珊瑚

笙珊瑚(Tubipora musica)由很多红色管状骨密集相连,状如笙,故名. 产于热带海洋中. (软珊瑚类)海仙人掌(Cavernularia habereri)体呈棒形,下部有长柄. 身体周围有多数水螅体,各水螅体均有触手八条. 栖于有沙的浅海,以柄部插入沙泥中.


激刺)--细胞第一节 水螅(Hydrozoa)水母(Medusa) 淡水水螅之形状--淡水水螅之构造--淡水水螅之生殖(发芽生殖、受精生殖)--水螅之结合体(海桧、海桅)--水螅水母--寻常水母第二节 海葵(Sea Anemone)及珊瑚(Corals) 海葵之形状构造-