英语人>词典>汉英 : 水泄不通 的英文翻译,例句
水泄不通 的英文翻译、例句


be watertight · tightly packed
更多网络例句与水泄不通相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From time to time, when the old man was too much bored, we would read him a letter from his son—an imaginary letter, of course, for nothing was allowed to enter Paris, and since Sedan, MacMahon's aide-de-camp had been sent to a German fortress.


Eight Players Will Return for the IPT Qualifier C EventHard Times Billiards in Bellflower, CA, was packed to the gills on Saturday evening with players and fans, each hoping to see the next big pool star win his spot on the IPT for the 2006 season.

8名球员将返回为这个IPT预选赛c eventhard倍,桌球在桔梗,钙,被挤得水泄不通,以鳃上周六晚上与球员和球迷,每一个希望看到下一个大池星赢得他当场对这个IPT为2006赛季。

The movie is packed with practical jokes and eccentric characters, like Pee Wee with the short dick (which he measures every morning) who met up for sex with the school "mattress" Wendy already wearing a rubber, or the fat teaching bitch Beulah Balbricker who is determined on making life a living hell for the boys.


I need stories both in texts and photos. Photos should show how busy you and your classmates are looking for jobs, how happy when you or your classmate got a job offer, how disappointed when you or your classmate failed after the interview, how crowded and crazy the job interview campaign is, and etceteras.


Summer 2001 - Summer 2002: the Rossoneri fans fill the square in front of the Central Station for the presentation, at the Gallia Hotel, of Rui Costa and Inzaghi, and of Rivaldo and Nesta.


Like many cities in India, Delhi is packed to the gills with people.


The IT Girl's Guide to Blogging With Moxie is packed with the content you need wrapped in casual, engaging dialog and a cheeky, bite-sized format.

资讯科技女童的指南博客moxie是挤得水泄不通的内容您需要包裹在散,搞对话和cheeky ,一口大小的格式。

The Hermetic Journal explored alchemy and hermetic philosophy from various angles and attracted a wide range of contributors.


Saw on a Taibei indanthrene snack strip street the sea of people watertight picture, the heart lives the feeling.


The Hermetic Arcanum (24 pages) The secret work of the hermetic philosophy Wherein the secrets of nature and art concerning the matter of the philosophers' stone and the manner of working are explained in an authentic and orderly manner.


更多网络解释与水泄不通相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(本报讯)日本天皇明仁(Akihito)登基20周年,日本举国同庆,举办一系列庆祝活动,而下午在皇居前广场举行的祝贺祭典更是涌进3万多人,现场挤的水泄不通. 而在今天稍早的登基20周年的中外记者会上,明仁天皇罕见地替父亲昭和天皇辩护,

be on one's own:独处时

be out of something 不再有...支持 | be on one's own 独处时 | be packed in like sardines 极的水泄不通

be scheduled to do sth:计划做

be packed in like sardines 极的水泄不通 | be scheduled to do sth. 计划做 | be sold out 卖完,背叛

be scheduled to do sth:做

be packed in like sardines 极的水泄不通 | be scheduled to do sth. 做 | be sold out 卖完,背叛

Brooke Shields:波姬.秀丝

一早飞往该地的名人嘉宾如波姬.秀丝(Brooke Shields)夫妇、威尔.史密斯(WillSmith)夫妇、贝克汉姆妻子Victoria及金.凯瑞(Jim Carrey)等均盛装出席,约4万名市民闻风而至,令这平日人烟稀少的小镇挤得水泄不通.

extrusion direct:顺挤

76. 水泄不通 overwhelm | 77. 顺挤 extrusion direct | 78. 冲挤 extrusion impact

traffic jam:交通拥挤

74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people | 75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam | 76. 水泄不通 overwhelm


jam-packed 挤得水泄不通的 | jamaican 牙买加的 | jamaican 牙买加人


75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam | 76. 水泄不通 overwhelm | 77. 顺挤 extrusion direct


40.砰砰rat-a-tat | 41.水泄不通chock-a-block | 43.东骗西瞒razzle-dazzle