英语人>词典>汉英 : 水母 的英文翻译,例句
水母 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acaleph  ·  jellyfish  ·  medusa  ·  nettlefish  ·  Medusa  ·  acalephe  ·  aurelia  ·  medusas  ·  scaleph

jelly-fish · jelly fish
更多网络例句与水母相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Epithelial cells and muscle is connected to a primitive phenomenon, Hydrozoa in some hard-jellyfish and jellyfish as well as most bowl Anthozoa animals, epithelial cells can be no contraction of the above-mentioned processes.


The tentacled, usually bell-shaped, free-swimming sexual stage in the life cycle of a coelenterate, such as a jellyfish.


Among medusae collected in recent years 46 species of Hydromedusae , 2 species of Siphonophore and 2 species of Ctenophora were identified and a new species Ectopleura platypicata Xu et Huang was discovered .


Any of various marine animals of the phylum Ctenophora, having transparent, gelatinous bodies bearing eight rows of comblike cilia used for swimming.


Tte also suggest a possible comparison with the Ediacara trilobozoan fossils-Albumares and Anfesta from the shores of the White Sea in Russia. The re-cent discovery of a few skewed E. octobrachiata and walnut-shaped fossils with several carbonaceous meridian bands believed to represent lateral compressions of the same organism strongly suggests that this octoradial fossil is a ctenophoran.


The report says more than 1,000 fist-sized comb jellies can be found in a cubic yard of Black Sea water during a bloom .


Any of numerous usually free-swimming marine coelenterates of the class Scyphozoa, characteristically having a gelatinous, tentacled, often bell-shaped medusoid stage as the dominant phase of its life cycle.


Zoology The gelatinous, rounded mass that is the major part of the body of most jellyfish.


Any of numerous coelenterates of the class Hydrozoa, including the freshwater hydras, hydroids, hydrocorals, and siphonophores.


Since the turbine-driven feedwater pump failed to regulate directly the drum level of single boiler and problems like pressure overrun of main feedwater pipe existed, DCS was utilized to solve the problems for its features of shared information, powerful configuration functions and easy modification.


更多网络解释与水母相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lensia fowleri Bigelow:低体浅室水母

异板浅室水母 Lensia challengeri Totton 1 954 | 低体浅室水母 Lensia fowleri Bigelow 1911 | 瓜室水母 Chelophyes appendiculata Eschscholtz 1829

Ceratocymba dentata Bigelow:齿角舟水母

爪室水母 Chelophyes appendiculata Eschscholtz | 齿角舟水母 Ceratocymba dentata Bigelow | 横棱多面水母 Abyla haeckeli Lens et Van Riemsdijk


[科属]栉水母门(Ctenophora)海生无脊椎动物. 体表有纵列的栉板,体态结构颇似刺胞动物水母. 大多数栉水母体型小,但至少有一种--爱神带水母(Cestam veneris)--可长达1公尺(3呎)以上. 有一个寄生种直径仅3公厘(1/8吋). 栉水母均分布于海水生境,


Ctenophora 栉水母类 | ctenophoran 栉水母的 | ctenophore 栉水母


说明 水母( Jellyfish)属於无脊椎动物中的腔肠动物,是海洋中重要的大型浮游生物,包括水母、海葵、珊瑚和水螅. 其生活史大部分的种类都有两种类型,即水螅型和水母型,并有两型在有性生殖与无性生殖之间的世代交替( Metagenesis)现象,

Beroe cucumis:瓜水母

至少有两个种--侧腕水母(Pleurobrachia pileus)及瓜水母(Beroe cucumis). 生长繁殖[编辑本段] 栉水母雌雄同体. 沿包容栉列的子午管有产生卵和精子的不同生殖腺. 在大多数栉水母,精子和卵释入水中,在水中受精和进行胚胎发育,


但至今仍没有具水螅型的花水母目 (Anthomedusae) 和软水母目 (Leptomedusae) 的水 母在富营养化水体中暴发的记录. 捕食作用 浮游生物对水母的影响 通过对水母胃含物的分析,发现水母主要以桡足 类、枝角类、磷虾类、毛萼类和蔓足类、腹足类的幼 体以及少量的鱼卵、仔鱼等为食.


水母是属於无脊椎动物,它们的近亲包括海葵及珊瑚,真正所谓的水母是属於刺丝胞动物门(Cnidaria)钵水母纲(Scyphozoa). 在海洋中一些长相类似的动物,例如葡萄牙战舰(僧帽水母,属於水螅水母)也常被称作水母,但海洋科学家并不认为它们是真正的水母,

Scyphozoa:钵水母纲 真水母纲

Scyphomedusae 钵水母亚纲 | Scyphozoa 钵水母纲 真水母纲 | Scythianstage 赛特阶


水母属(Velella)水螅虫纲管水母目帆水母科的1属. 水母浮囊体硬几丁质,呈椭圆形,盘状,直径5~8厘米,因浮囊体上方竖立一三角形帆板而得名. 著名的暖流指示种(见图). 日本、菲律宾、中国东南沿海均有分布.