英语人>词典>汉英 : 水心包 的英文翻译,例句
水心包 的英文翻译、例句


hydrops pericardii
更多网络例句与水心包相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There were 17 thoracic diseases such as emphysema, bullectomy for spontaneous pneumothorax, massive bullae, benign tumor of mediastinum, cyst of mediastinum, pulmonary benign tumors, hydropericardium, malignant pleural fluid, etc.


Only by means of that, can he rise into the happiest state where he can act freely but permittedly, enjoy the beauty of mountains and waters and be united with the heaven, which is a very excellent interpretation of the aesthetics of the Primitive Confucians.


The 4th left rib was cut and a model of left coronary artery occlusion/release was carried outo Rats were divided randomly into 4 groups: control group without LCA occlusion (group A, n=6);I/R group(group B, n=6); ketamine(5mg.kg-1)+I/R group (group C, n=6); ketamine(10mg.kg-1)+I/R group(group D,n=6)o All rats in groups B, C , D were subjected to 30 minutes of LCA occlusion followed by 120minutes of reperfusion. Rats in group C and D were injected with 5mg.kg-1 and 10mg.kg-1 of ketamine before reperfusion, respectively. Significant electrocardiogram and color changes at the area at risk were considered indicative of successful coronary occlusion and reperfusionc Serum was exampled from left jugular vein at 30 minutes and 120 minutes during reperfusion to measure IL-6 and TNF- level by ELISA measurements. After reperfusion of 120 minutes, the heart was removed and the cardiac apex was exampled with snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70 C .

采用左冠状动脉前降支结扎开放建立心肌缺血/再灌注模型,健康SD大鼠24只,随机分为心包打开假手术组(A组,n=6),缺血/再灌注对照组(B组,n=6),5 mg·kg~(-1)氯胺酮+缺血/再灌注组C组,n=6,缺血30min后右腹股静脉注入5 mg·kg~(-1氯胺酮,10mg·kg~(-1)KTM+I/R组D组,n=6,缺血30min后右腹股静脉注入10 mg·kg~(-1氯胺酮。10%水合氯醛40 mg·kg~(-1)腹腔注射麻醉,气管切开,连接多功能监护仪记录心电图;小动物呼吸机人工呼吸,呼吸频率60次/分,潮气量2ml/100g,于左胸第四肋间打开胸腔暴露心脏,在左心耳下1mm左冠状动脉处,用丝线,眼科外用不锈钢小圆针穿过心肌浅层,稳定10min后将U型含有铜丝的胶管置于冠状动脉表面一起结扎(A组不结扎,B、C、D组结扎);结扎开始左心室心尖部即由红色变暗,30 min后呈暗红色,心电图中出现S-T段抬高,说明缺血形成。

更多网络解释与水心包相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chylopericardium:乳糜心包 乳糜性心包积液

chylopericarditis 乳糜性心包炎 | chylopericardium 乳糜心包 乳糜性心包积液 | chyloperitoneum 乳糜性腹水 乳糜性水腹


hydrocalycosis 肾盏积水 | hydrocardia 心包积水 | hydrocele 水囊肿

hydronephrosis ; nephredema:肾水肿;肾盂积水

比重测定法 hydrometry | 肾水肿;肾盂积水 hydronephrosis ; nephredema | 心包积水;水心包 hydropericardium


hydropericardium 心包积水 | hydropericardium 心包积液 | hydroperion 卵膜水


心包积水;水心包 hydropericardium | 水腹;腹腔积水 hydroperitoneum | 氢过氧化物 hydroperoxide

hydropneumopericardium:心包积水气 水气心包

hydropneumonia积水性肺炎 | hydropneumopericardium心包积水气 水气心包 | hydropneumothorax水气胸 液气胸

hydropneumothorax:水气胸 液气胸

hydropneumopericardium心包积水气 水气心包 | hydropneumothorax水气胸 液气胸 | hydropolylitionite水多硅鳞去母


pneumohemothorax 气血胸 | pneumohydropericardium 气水心包 | pneumokidney 肾周充气


pneumohemothorax 血气胸 | pneumohydropericardium 心包积气水 | pneumohydrothorax 气水胸


\\"气水心包\\",\\"pneumohydropericardium\\" | \\"气水胸\\",\\"pneumohydrothorax\\" | \\"肺霉菌病\\",\\"pneumomycosis\\"