英语人>词典>汉英 : 水平曲线 的英文翻译,例句
水平曲线 的英文翻译、例句


level curve
更多网络例句与水平曲线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the same level of security, the basis field of hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems is smaller than that of ECC, and almost all protocols based on the standard DLP such as DSA and ElGamal can be planted to HCC.


At the same level of security, the basis field of hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems is smallerthan that of ECC, and almost all protocols based on the standard DLP such as DSA andElGamal can be planted to HCC.


A sandwich ELISA was established taking the antiserum as the primary antibody. The sensitivity of the ELISA was 0.412 ng GH/ml of sample. Inter-assay and intro-assay coefficients of variation were 2. 58%(n=6) and 5. 69%(n=6) respectively. Serial dilutions of serum and pituitary homogenate from orange-spotted grouper yielded dose response curves that were parallel to the standard curve. And the GH of Acanthopagrus butcheri was also parallel to the standard curve. Prolactin of goldfish and recombinant growth hormone of common carp showed no cross-reactivity with the antiserum of orange-spotted grouper GH. It showed that the established RIA was specific and sensitive.

以斜带石斑鱼重组GH抗血清为第一抗体,羊抗兔抗体为第二抗体建立了双抗体夹心酶联免疫测定法,该系统的灵敏度为0.412ng GH/ml(n=6),组内变异系数为2.58%(n=6),组间变异系数为5.69%(n=6),斜带石斑鱼血清和脑垂体稀释液曲线与斜带石斑鱼重组GH蛋白的标准曲线相平行、黑棘鲷GH的系列稀释曲线与标准曲线相平行,金鱼催乳素、重组鲤鱼GH的系列稀释曲线与标准曲线不平行,表明建立的斜带石斑鱼GH ELISA具有良好的特异性和重复性,灵敏度达到了测试血清样品中GH的水平。

The variation of Rg for a flexible chain shows a tilted-L-shaped Rg curve. That for a semiflexible chain is characterized by a U-shaped curve. A stiff chain exhibits an almost straight Rg curve.


For serviceability, the displaced shape, which storey drift ratio of the floor level at point of contraflexure on the initial mode of lateral displacement is equal to limit of the storey drift ratio, may be seen as target displacement mode. Based on the target displacement mode of frame- shear wall structure in the serviceability performance level, the equivalent parameter can be obtained.


The horizontal and vertical first derivatives of magnetic anomalies of an infinite cylinder are calculated by the cosine transform method, in which the maximum errors are -0.28 nT/m and 0.47nT/m, respectively and the percent errors are generally within -3.57%~3.27% and -1.94%~1.88%, respectively except several data of the boundary and part are bigger because of remains of Gibbus effect. The calculating curve and theoretical curve are approximately coincident, and there is no influence by effective magnetic dip angle in computing. But the errors with the Fourier transform method are -10.62nT/m and 14.42nT/m, there is large departure between the calculating curve and theoretical curve and evident influence by effective magnetic dip angle in computing.


In the long time creep tests, by regressive analyses, the creep curve of glauberite at different stress level is obtained: at 50% of its compressive strength, the creep curve is ε 0.009t0.3265, at 80% of compressive strength, the creep curve is ε=0.0098ln-0.0014. It is clear from the creep curves of the rock mass, that the creep rate at high stress level is higher than that at the lower stress level.


Results:In the midpapillary parasternal short-axis view,integrated RFAC time curves showed almost identical patterns between segments,which were line in early systole and depressed in late systole.


The Broms method, m method and p-y curve method are respectively used to calculate the horizontal resistance coefficient of the filled earth behind the abutment back wall, the m method and p-y curve method are used to calculate the resistance coefficients of the earth around the abutment column and at the sides of the abutment and pier piles. The TDV software is used to simulate the restraint of the earth to the piles ends.


Firstly, through applying Hilbert-Sobolev norm to measure fidelity term, a total variation filter is used to smooth the normal vectors of the level curves of a noise image. And then, a model is constructed to find a surface which fit smoothed normal vectors.

该方法首先引入负指数Hilbert- Sobolev范数度量逼近项,对图像水平曲线的法向量场进行全变差正则化磨光,然后构造出一个曲面拟合模型,拟合磨光后的流场。

更多网络解释与水平曲线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

average outgoing quality level:平均出厂质量水平

average outgoing quality curve (AOQC) 平均出厂质量曲线 | average outgoing quality level 平均出厂质量水平 | average outgoing quality limit 平均抽检质量界限,平均质量检查最低限

demand curve:需求曲线

1、 需求曲线(Demand curve)一般指表示商品价格和需求数量之间函数关系的曲线,是需求表或需求函数的几何表示. 它表明在其它情况不变时消费者在一定时间内在各种可能的价格下愿意而且能够购买的商品数量. 其它情况不变包括:○1、消费者的收入水平不变;

Engel curve:恩格尔曲线

49,恩格尔曲线(Engel curve) 恩格尔曲线反映的是所购买的一种商品的均衡数量与消费者收入水平之间的关系.它是以 19 世纪德国的统计学家恩斯特恩格尔的名字命名的.

horizontal component:水平分力

horizontal characteristics 水平特性曲线 | horizontal component 水平分力 | horizontal coordinates 水平坐标系

horizontal component distribution curve:水平成分分布曲线

水平成分 horizontal component | 水平成分分布曲线 horizontal component distribution curve | 横偏电路;水平偏转电路 horizontal deflecting circuit

service level cost curve:供货水平费用曲线

service level 服务水平,服务水准,供货水平 | service level cost curve 供货水平费用曲线 | service level update 服务级更新

Lorenz curve:洛伦茨曲线

洛伦茨曲线(Lorenz curve)是形貌社会产业或收入或它们的组合在住民之间分配后孕育发生的不均匀水平的图形,见图1所示. 在图1中,横座标表现住民累积生齿数百分比,纵座标表现累历年收入的百分比. 对角线OM表现一种理论上可能的分配效果,

flat reflector:水平反射层

flat rate 统一收费率 | flat reflector 水平反射层 | flat response 平坦响应曲线

ROC Curve:曲线

同时,水或乙肝病毒(HBV)/丙肝病毒(HCV)诱发的慢性目的: 探讨血浆脑钠肽原(proBNP)水平和肝硬浆脑钠肽原(proBNP)水平和肝硬化病情的相互性进行ROC曲线(ROC curve)分析.后, 分别作出受试者工作特征(ROC)诊断曲线.环乙胺-1-丙磺酸(

V Iso Curve:创建垂直曲线

U Iso Curve 创建水平曲线 | V Iso Curve 创建垂直曲线 | Normal Proj.创建法线投影曲线