英语人>词典>汉英 : 水压的 的英文翻译,例句
水压的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hydraulic  ·  hydrodynamic

更多网络例句与水压的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through an engineering example, the formulae of excess pore water pressure was verified.


The front also cools the melt as it is pushed down the mold cavity by water pressure.


Results reveal that the development and dissipation of the dynamic pore pressure are coinstantaneous and this makes both the positive and negative dynamic pore pressure and seepage force alternate with time. Repetitive hydrodynamic pumping and sucking during moisture damage is proved.


Water flow model experiment is made and hydraulic pressure variation is observed,"the detainment and displacement "of semipervious aquifers in the process of decreasingwater is also studied.


This also resulted in lower water pressure.


Due to the features of the project exhibiting "long distance,large diame- ter,and high water pressure",this article probes into the design of cutterdisc,main bear- ing seals,and shield tail in the aspects of its safety,and reliability for the benefits of pro- viding reference for similar projects hence forth.


In situ measurement of suction, which is absolute of the negative pore water pressure when pore air pressure is zero, is expensive and time-consuming.


We are interesting in find a push button faucet that can hold water presure of 30psi and more, the inlet of 3/8" threaded, outlet 3/8" threaded, our design will use it to open an close regular presure water for a bathroom.


Install a listed temperature-pressure relief valve in the remaining fitting.


A new pressure vessel is developed to simultaneously supply both confining pressure and pore water pressure to rock specimens.


更多网络解释与水压的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


hydraulically 水力地 | hydraulically 水压的水力地 | hydraulically-actuated exhaust valve mechanism 液压式排气阀机构

hydraulically:通过水压 (副)

hydraulic 水力的, 水压的 (形) | hydraulically 通过水压 (副) | hydraulics 水力学 (名)

hydraulically driven:水压传动的

hydraulicactuator 液压执行机构 | hydraulically driven 水压传动的 | hydraulically driven 水压传动的液压传动的

hydraulically driven:水压传动的液压传动的

hydraulically driven 水压传动的 | hydraulically driven 水压传动的液压传动的 | hydraulically operated hoist system 液压操纵起吊装置

hydrostatic test:流体静力学试验,水压试验

schedule number表示管壁厚度系列的号码 | hydrostatic test .流体静力学试验,水压试验 | design pressure 设计压力


hydrostatic testing machine水压试验机 | hydrous含水的、水合的、水化的、水状的 | hydroxide氢氧化物

hydrostatic pressure element:(流体)静压敏感元件, (静)水压敏感元件

SNOBOL [计]SNOBOL语言(一种计算机程序设计语言) | hydrostatic pressure element (流体)静压敏感元件, (静)水压敏感元件 | California blankets [美俚](失业者用的)代毯子用的报纸

W.B. water ballast:(以)水压载,水压舱

WB World Bank 世界银行 | W.B. water ballast (以)水压载,水压舱 | W.B.S. without benefit to/of salvage 不享有获救财产的利益

W.B. water ballast:(以)水压载,水压舱 rSS中国英语学习网

W.A.I.O.P. W.A. irrespective of percentage 单独海损不计免赔率,单独海损全赔 r... | W.B. water ballast (以)水压载,水压舱 rSS中国英语学习网 | W.B.S. without benefit to/of salvage 不享有获救财产的利益 rSS中...

W.B. water ballast:水压载,水压舱

WBWorld Bank世界银行 | W.B.water ballast水压载,水压舱 | W.B.S.without benefit to/of salvage不享有获救财产的利益