英语人>词典>汉英 : 水动力学 的英文翻译,例句
水动力学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hydrodynamics  ·  hydrodynamic

更多网络例句与水动力学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This model can simulate the mechanism of the aqueous humor flow and get the parameters some of which can't be easily measured clinically, and give the gist of aqueous humor flow.


Firstly, the process of normal eye's aqueous humor circulation on the placid condition was simulated, and the result shows the stability of this system.


The results showed that the maximum height of the capillary water rise of layered soil was mainly determined by the sand soil texture, position, thickness and their mutual relationship, and they also were closer connected with other soil texture in the profile.


Main creative points of the thesis are as following:1. It is the first time to apply 2-D and 3-D turbulent model of the air-water two phases flow to the study on hydraulic properties of groyne. It makes description of the turbulent flow field to be possible precisely. This offers a more accurate method to determine the water surface in channel improvement.2. Based on the results of experiment and simulation for 3-D turbulent model of air-water two phases flow, a new formula to compute the height of damming is built.3. Based on the 2-D mode and the formula to compute the height of damming, the subdivision method of 2-D computation for water surface at upstream and downstream.


The hydrochemistry and hydrodynamics is one of the factors for the chemical and physical change of petroleum.


Hydraulics is a branch of mechanics science. The base rules of hydraulics include hydrostatics and hydrodynamics.


Based on water-entry dynamic and water-entry ballistic theories,the oblique water-entry process of disk ogive is simplified and a wetted correction factor is introduced in order to accord with the true water pile phenomena,and an oblique water-entry impact model coupled with ballistic and dynamic models are established.


Based on water-entry dynamic and water-entry ballistic theories, the oblique water-entry process of disk ogive is simplified and a wetted correction factor is introduced in order to accord with the true water pile phenomena, and an oblique water-entry impact model coupled with ballistic and dynamic models are established. According to the exact geometric shape of the wetted body surface, the dynamic model is established.


In flood season, obvious variation of dominant species seemed influenced mainly by temporal change of hydrodynamics. Water temperature was positively related to the abundance of Cyanophyta, but negatively to that of Bacillariophyta.


Base on the idea of river management,the river restoration and the sustainable development of water resources,the hydrodynamics investigation in the vegetated open channel is brought forward.


更多网络解释与水动力学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



marine hydrodynamics:海洋水动力学

energy dissipation 消能 | marine hydrodynamics 海洋水动力学 | Chezy formula 谢才公式

ship hydrodynamics:船舶水动力学

ship fitter 船舶装配工 | ship hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学 | shipway 船台


hydrokinetics 水动力学 | hydrokinetics 水动力学流体动力学 | hydrologic information storage and retrieval system 水文资料信息存储与恢复系统


hydrokinetic 水动力的流体动力的 | hydrokinetics 水动力学 | hydrokinetics 水动力学流体动力学



hydrodynamic property incompletion well:水动力学性质不完善井油井

水动力学程度不完善井hydrodynamic degree incompleteness well | 水动力学性质不完善井油井hydrodynamic property incompletion well | 完善系数well completeness factor


高效液相色谱 (HPLC)也叫凝胶渗漉(permeation)或滤过,分离基于化合物分子大小或水动力学(hydrodynamic)容积. 比多孔柱填料孔径大得多的分子最先洗脱,小分子进入孔隙洗脱晚,其余的洗脱速率取决于其分子的相对大小. C.

hydrodynamometer:水力测功器 水速计 流速计

hydrodynamics /流体力学/水动力学/ | hydrodynamometer /水力测功器/水速计/流速计/ | hydroecium /水室/


hydrokinetic 水动力的 | hydrokinetic 水动力的流体动力的 | hydrokinetics 水动力学