英语人>词典>汉英 : 水动 的英文翻译,例句
水动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与水动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Applications for isolated relays include controlling power supplies, turning on motors and annunciator lamps, and actuuating


It is recommended for use in hydraulic disc and drum brake systems requiring a fluid which meets the above standards.


At the present time the transmission is very often done hydraulically or pneumatically.


Formulas are derived to compute hydrodynamic pressures or hydrodynamic perssure influence matrices on dams using series development and linear superposition theorem with nonvertical upstream face、the compressibitily of water、the effect of absorption of the reservoir bottom ect. being taken into account.


When He reached the sheepgate by the pool of Bethesda, He observed the great multitudes plagued with various infirmities, waiting to be moved into the water.


Jade cattle JADECATTLE family dairy goat milking machine Hay Cutter Motor milking equipment Milking Machine accessories for milk collection barrels set transparent milk buffalo milk for milking machine truck diesel-powered milking machines Hay Cutter TMR feed mixer vacuum milking machine, Meter - measuring milk bottles for the Complete Office equipment, wind pumping machines for milking and Office equipment special cleaning fluid, disinfectant lotion nipples, mastitis detector, Kama pregnancy test paper, milk filter paper, calf feeding device, drug Bath Cup, vacuum pump oil, maintenance kicked suite, rangeland management software truck diesel-powered milking machines Hay Cutter TMR day mixed grain feed mixer Milking Machine pump suppliers jade milking cows piston machines, vacuum pump milking machines, club-milking machines, pipelines milking machines, tied Milking Machine, fish-bone milking equipment, machinery-off semi-automatic and fully automatic electronic measurement-off, Meter - measuring milk bottles for the Complete Office equipment, the wind Liyang water machine, machine shed shutter, silage Hay Cutter, single-disk, dual-Mower, rub grinder, hydraulic binder, import dry, ring, ring vacuum pump oil, and to provide the Office of milking equipment for cleaning fluid, disinfectant lotion nipples, mastitis detector, Kama pregnancy test paper milk, filter paper, calf feeding device, drug Bath Cup, vacuum pump oil, maintenance kicked suite, rangeland management software, agent sales internationally renowned brands sets milking equipment accessories : 1, Interpuls all products : L02-Pulse, Pulse-L80, LE20 pulsating electronic devices, air conditioning really Festival devices, shedding ACR, automatic cleaning, fluctuating Tester, the lining of milk, milk lined, double-pulse control and so on.

车载式挤奶机柴油动力铡草机 TMR全日混粮饲料搅拌车挤奶机真空泵供应商玉牛活塞式挤奶机,真空泵式挤奶机,提桶式挤奶机,管道式挤奶机,并列式挤奶机,鱼骨式挤奶设备,机械半自动脱落式,电子计量全自动脱落式,计量计式,计量瓶式成套挤奶厅设备,风力扬水机,大棚卷帘机,青贮铡草机,单盘,双盘割草机,揉搓粉碎机,液压打捆机,进口干式,水环,油环真空泵,并提供挤奶厅设备专用清洗液,乳头消毒润肤液,乳房炎测定仪,卡玛早孕试纸,牛奶过滤纸,犊牛喂奶器,药浴杯,真空泵油,修踢套装,牧场管理软件等,代理销售国际知名品牌成套挤奶设备配件:1、Interpuls全部产品:L02脉动器、L80脉动器、LE20电子脉动器、真空调节器、自动脱落ACR、自动清洗、脉动器测试仪、奶衬、奶衬、双脉动管等等。

Fill the bathtup with an inch-deep amount of water, and see if you can produce "solitary" waves.


Isotopes such as hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur show water source is complex, and composition of water is chiefly from middle Ordovician aquifer, added more and more from lower Ordovician aquifer from catchment area to discharge area.


In this study, combined with the actual situation of Pingyin Wetland of Shandong province, we used MIKE21 model to simulate flow filed and water quality for marsh. Contaminants transfer characteristics over time and space variation were obtained and the function of wetlands in improving the local water environment was analyzed.

结合平阴湿地实际情况,采用MIKE 21模型对湿地示范区进行了二维水动、水质模拟,给出了水体中污染物随时间和空间迁移变化规律,分析了湿地在改善当地水环境方面的作用。

This research is very important to improve the safety of high arch dams against strong earthquakes. It provides science references for design of high arch dams and technical guidance for taking steps to reduce hydrodynamic pressures and dynamic responses of high arch dams in earthquakes.


更多网络解释与水动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flowing Water:动水

fit,安装 | flowing water,动水 | gate closure,闭门

flowing pressure:动水压力

flowing artesian well 自喷井 | flowing pressure 动水压力 | flowing water 廉

pulsation damper:(燃油压力)脉动衰减器

pulsating wiping 间歇刮水 | pulsation damper (燃油压力)脉动衰减器 | pulse 脉冲[动]

wake surfing:滑水(以机动船拖动的乘浪滑行运动)

up to time [英口]准时 | wake surfing 滑水(以机动船拖动的乘浪滑行运动) | interface rating 界面评价

undulated nappe:脉动水舌

undulated ipecac 波纹吐根 | undulated nappe 脉动水舌 | undulated series winding 波绕组

water bird:水鸟; 水禽

water 喷淋, 注入水, 供以水; 流泪, 加水 (动) | water bird 水鸟; 水禽 | water bottle 水瓶; 水壶; 水袋

Aponogeton ; lacewort:水蕹属(水蕹科)

"不动性;不游泳性","aplanetism" | "水蕹属(水蕹科)","Aponogeton ; lacewort" | "水蕹 ","Aponogeton distachyum Thunb. ; cape pond-weed"

hydrodynamic noise:水动[力]噪声

soliton 孤立子 | hydrodynamic noise 水动[力]噪声 | water hammer 水击曾用名"水锤".

hydrodynamic noise:水动噪声

soliton 孤立子 | hydrodynamic noise 水动噪声 | water hammer 水击曾用名"水锤".


hydrodynamicae 流体动力的 | hydrodynamical 水动 | hydrodynamically 水动力地