英语人>词典>汉英 : 氯化汞 的英文翻译,例句
氯化汞 的英文翻译、例句


mercury chloride · corrosive sublimate · mercuric chloride · mercury bichloride
更多网络例句与氯化汞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Experimental results show that hydrogen can be produced by the reaction between nitric acid with a given concentration and aluminum handled by means of mercuric bichloride solution under room temperature. Whereas hydrogen is not detected without aluminum handled by mercuric chloride solution.


Objective:To study the toxicity of Cinnabar and Cinnabar-containing traditional medicines comparable to common mercurials.


The current situation of recovery and utilization of used mercuric chloride catalysts were introduced.


Patch testing showed that the patient was sensitive to ammoniated mercury, mercury, mercuric chloride and mercurochrome.


Methods Serum levels of creatinineand urea nitrogen,and levels of lipid peroxide,mercury,iron,calcium,zinc,copper,in the kidney of mice exposed to mercury chloride were determined.


Methods Vero cells were cultured with mercury chloride, at the same time zinc sulfate, sodium selenite and zinc sulfate together with sodium selenite were added respectively. The tail length and the rate of the comet cells were measured and calculated.

常规培养vero细胞,通过MTT法制定出氯化汞染毒剂量,与氯化汞同时加入不同浓度的硫酸锌、亚硒酸钠以及硫酸锌+亚硒酸钠溶液,共同培养2 h后采用单细胞凝胶电泳法检测细胞的彗星尾长和彗星率。

Two series of thirty-two aryl arylmercury studies were synthesized by the reaction of arylmercuric chloride with thiophenol or 4-methylthiophenol in ethanol.


The reaction mechanism,process,operation conditions and main technical indexes for the synthesis of vinyl chloride from acetylene were introduced briefly as well as the specification and preparation method of mercuric chloride catalyst s.


The feasible methods and suggestions for the recovery of mercuric chloride catalysts were proposed.


In China,the average mercury output was 1 100 t/a and total consumption was 1 100~1 500 t/a,700~900 t/a mercury was consumed in PVC industry and more than 560 t/a mercury was lost.The loss routes of mercuric chloride catalysts were analyzed.


更多网络解释与氯化汞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mercury bichloride:升汞,氯化高汞,二氯化汞

mercury benzoate 苯甲酸汞 | mercury bichloride 升汞,氯化高汞,二氯化汞 | mercury boiler 水银锅炉,水银蒸煮器

mercury bichloride:二氯化汞

氯化铵汞 mercury ammonium chloride | 二氯化汞 mercury bichloride | 焦硫酸汞 mercury bisulphate

mercuric bichloride:二氯化汞

汞盐类 mercuric | 二氯化汞 mercuric bichloride | 碘化汞 mercuric ioide

mercuric:含 chloride氯化汞

mercuric chloride 氯化汞 | mercuric 含 chloride氯化汞 | mercuric 含汞的

Mercuric chloride:氯化汞[消毒防腐药]

Mercumatilin Sodium 汞香豆林钠[利尿药] | Mercuric Chloride 氯化汞[消毒防腐药] | Mercurobutol 汞氯丁酚[消毒防腐药]

mercury chloride:氯化汞

急性中水银毒通常因为意外或自杀吞入可溶性 (soluble) 汞盐如氯化汞 (mercury chloride) 所致. 水银会在消化道内引起严重发炎,通常在几小时内即发生腹痛性痉挛,并伴以恶心、呕吐和大便出血. 水银被人体内脏吸收后在肾脏浓缩,毒害肾脏,

mercury chloride excimer laser:氯化汞准分子激光器

mercury chlorate 氯酸亚汞 | mercury chloride excimer laser 氯化汞准分子激光器 | mercury circuit breaker 汞断路器


MERCURY ACETATE 乙酸汞 6.1 1629 | MERCURY AMMONIUM CHLORIDE 氯化汞铵 6.1 1630 | Methyl ethyl ether, see 甲基.乙基醚,见 2.1 1039

ammoniated mercury:氨基氯化汞, 白淀汞

dictatress 女独裁者 | ammoniated mercury 氨基氯化汞, 白淀汞 | propulsive cathode (氢)气推(液)阴极

ammoniated mercury:氯化汞铵

Ammoniated mercuric chloride氯化氨基汞 | Ammoniated Mercury 氯化汞铵 | Ammonium hydroxide;ammonia water 氢氧化铵