英语人>词典>汉英 : 氧钙的 的英文翻译,例句
氧钙的 的英文翻译、例句


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Higher anhydrite and hematite content and lower portlandite content would result in lower ash fusion temperature.


As the heating temperature increases, the content of quartz, anhydrite and portlandite in coal ash decreases in reducing conditions and some new mineral phases are formed.


The results show that the mineral phases of coal ashes which are ashed at 815℃ mainly include quartz, anhydrite, hematite, portlandite, lime and potash feldspar.


In this thesis, we tried to understand these CMR systems by doping in perovskite cobaltites and manganites.


In this dissertation, the electrochemical performances of perovskite bi-functional oxygen electrodes are studied.


ABSTRACT In this dissertation, the electrochemical performances of perovskite bi-functional oxygen electrodes are studied.


Synthetic ettringite precipitated from solution shows a highly positive zeta potential, hence it adsorbs great amount of negatively charged superplasticizer. Monosulfate has only a slightly positive zeta potential and adsorbs smaller amounts of superplasticizer. For syngenite, portlandite and gypsum, the zeta potential is around zero or negative.


Adopting this craft to produce the inferior gold potassium of cyaniding,it is reliable that the craft is simple,the production process is easy to control,but the dependence on raw materials of quality of the products is strong.


Calcium, blood calcium decreased, the brain caused by increased nerve excitability plant, resulting in baby night waking, night terrors, night irritability, sleep; baby should be given calcium and vitamin D and more sun: A, calcium: elemental calcium daily 200-300mg (1) Composite Calcium Granule: 2-3 packets a day (each contains calcium 100mg)(2) the activity of calcium granules: 4-6 packets per day (calcium per tablet 50mg) B, fill D : daily 400-800IU (1) concentrated cod liver oil drops: 2-4 drops per day (2) vitamin D2 candy: the daily 400-800IU (3) vitamin D3 injections: once a month, 20-300000 IU attention these objects must be a doctor's prescription, prescribed application. C, to the sun to vitamin D, ultraviolet radiation to the skin 7 - dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D3, to help calcium absorption, could be a day outdoors on the sun for half an hour each afternoon. 3, bile is a yellow pigment bilirubin, was it yellow staining and faeces, after bilirubin by oxidation into biliverdin, thus making green manure, the manure discharge encountered in diapers in the air oxygen, so that oxidation of bilirubin biliverdin, so that the surface of green manure.


It demonstrates the existence of two type distorted MnO〓 octahedra in the Ca-deficient system that the infrared transmission spectra show two stretching phonon modes of MnO〓 octahedra and the second resistivity peak nearly does not change under magnetic field.


更多网络解释与氧钙的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adenosine triphosphate,ATP:三磷酸腺苷

在相同氧耗情况下,游离脂肪酸产生的高能磷酸键三磷酸腺苷(adenosine triphosphate ATP)比碳水化合物少[2]. 心肌氧供减少时,心肌氧耗和ATP生成的速率减少,无氧酵解和乳酸产生增多,导致细胞内pH降低,离子内环境稳定性下降、钙离子超载,氧自由基生成增多,

biogeochemical cycle:生物地化循环

1生物地化循环(biogeochemical cycle)生物所需的物质如水和碳、氢、氧、氮、硫、磷、钙、镁、钾、钠、氯等元素,在生态系统中不是象能一样单向传递,而是反复利用,所以物质的传递称为循环,生态系统中这些无机物质的循环既涉及各营养水品的生物,也涉及大气圈,


它们与辉石的根本差别在于硅氧单链不是每隔两个硅氧四面体即重复一次,而是3个(如硅似长石 似长石(feldspathoid) 化学组成与长石相似,金属阳离子为钾、钠或钙,但Si/Al比值小于3的一些无水架状结构铝硅酸盐矿物的总称.


(四)无机盐和微量元素 人体内,除碳、氢、氧和氮以外的元素称矿物质,是无机盐(mineral)与微量元素(microelement)的总称. 其中含量较多的有钙、镁、钾、钠、磷、硫、氯7,种元素,约占人体总灰分的60%~80%,称之为常量元素;此外,


portionless 没有嫁妆的 | portionless 得不到分配物的 | portlandite 氢氧钙石


portlandite /氢氧钙石/ | portliness /肥胖/肥大/威风/ | portly /肥胖的/

zirconium dioxide:二氧化锆

作为电化学陶瓷反应器来说,在作为氧离子传导体的二氧化锆(Zirconium Dioxide)底板上形成了具有催化剂作用的陶瓷电极. 这种电极是把作为固态碳燃料催化剂的铝酸钙和作为NOx还原催化剂的氧化镍(Nickel Oxide)等物质与二氧化锆混合而成.


主要矿物是较基性的斜长石和辉石,橄榄石也常见,斑晶常为倍长石-一拉长石,基质常为拉长石. 玄武岩主要化学成分有氧化硅(SiO)、三氧化二铝(AlO)、氧化亚铁(FeO)、氧化铁(FeO)、氧化钙(CaO)、氧化镁(MgO)、氧化钠(NaO)和氧化钾(KO)等.

Bacteroides ovatus:卵形拟杆菌

有人将一种能水解果胶 的人类结肠厌氧菌卵形拟杆菌(Bacteroides ovatus)放 入单位发酵器,同释药系统一起培养,研究吲哚美辛 从果胶钙骨架中的释放. 结果发现,在相同条件下, 药物在有厌氧菌卵形拟杆菌的发酵器中比没有菌的 释放得多.


钙钛矿 perovskite | 过氧的(词头) peroxy- | 垂直平差 perpendicular heave