英语人>词典>汉英 : 氧化钙 的英文翻译,例句
氧化钙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
calces  ·  calcia

calcium oxide · burnt lime · caustic lime
更多网络例句与氧化钙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Slag test indicates that andalusite has no obvious effect on penetration. Slag penetrates along boundaries of bauxite or mullite. Al2O3 from bauxite dissolves into slag to form CA6, anorthite, gehlenite and other low melting phases which precipitate during cooling.


The product properties had been improved by using fused magnesium partial-stabilized zirconia, fused calcium partial-stabilized zirconia and baddeleyite as raw materials, adding a certain of additives and agents, rationally choosing grain composition, optimizing craft parameter and adjusting zirconia's stabilization rate of specimen in the research.


The calcium propionate was synthesized with calcium oxide as raw material in this paper.


We understand Sunland manufactures and sells quicklime products; it also operates a trading business of quicklime products to customers as well .


The content of calcium oxide is lower than all the other exported slabstone in our country, and has the strongest ability of acid-resistant,weather-resistance.


The CaO content in ash is related to magnetic petrographic characteristics of coal,and it is possible to predict CaO content in ash with coal macro-petrography.


The results also show that the mechanism of lead capture by CaO involves a chemical reaction between CaO and PbCl2, forming calcium plumbate (Ca2PbO4) as the dominant reaction product.


Test results show that the shear strength parameters of the fly ash with high calcium oxide content can make a notable change due to pozzolanic action and frost and thaw cycles, but for the fly ash with low calcium oxide content this phenomenon is not very obvious,and the influence of the frost and thaw cycles can be neglected.


I mainly have the following products: a calcium oxide, calcium phosphate, DCP, polydextrose, thorn Indus gum, locust bean gum, plastic-looking son, flaxseed gum, guar gum, xanthan gum, Carrageenan, konjac gum, CMC, casein, citric acid, sorbitol, VC sodium, salt and sodium phosphate, and other pharmaceutical intermediates!


Through the study of the crucible manufacture and its application in strong reducing atmosphere it was found that the used densified CaO crucible could decrease the absorption of calcium by the refractory and increase efficiency of calcium.


更多网络解释与氧化钙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

calcium oxide:氧化钙

浮式生产是当今平板玻璃的主要生产方式,其流程约可分为以下5个阶段:钠钙玻璃(Soda Lime Glass)的主要原料成份有约73%矽砂(Silica),约9%氧化钙(Calcium Oxide),13%的碳酸钠(Soda)及4%的镁(Magnesium).

calcium oxide:(三八)氧化钙

(三七)氰胺化钙 Calcium cyanamide | (三八)氧化钙 Calcium oxide | (四十)加保 Carbaryl

calcium oxide:(三十八)氧化钙

(三十七)氰胺化钙 Calcium cyanamide | (三十八)氧化钙 Calcium oxide | (五十八)邻-氯甲苯 o-Chlorotoluene

calcium oxide:氧化钙,石灰

calcium oxide | 氧化钙,石灰 | calcium oxide ceramics | 氧化钙陶瓷 | calcium series free cutting steel | 钙系易切削钢

calcium oxide ceramics:氧化钙陶瓷

calcium oxide | 氧化钙,石灰 | calcium oxide ceramics | 氧化钙陶瓷 | calcium series free cutting steel | 钙系易切削钢

calcium oxide burn:氧化钙烧伤

calcium oxide 氧化钙=>酸化カルシウム | calcium oxide burn 氧化钙烧伤 | calcium parallax 钙吸收视差

calcium phenolate; calcium phenylate; calcium carbolate; calcium phenoxide:苯酚钙;石炭酸钙;苯氧化钙

苯酚钙;石炭酸钙;苯氧化钙 calcium phenolate; calcium phenylate; calcium carbolate; calcium phenoxide | 苯酚磺酸钙 calcium phenolsulfonate | 酞酸钙;邻苯二甲酸钙 calcium phthalate

calcium methoxide; calcium methylate:甲氧化钙;甲醇钙

内消旋酒石酸钙 calcium mesotartrate | 甲氧化钙;甲醇钙 calcium methoxide; calcium methylate | 甲基硫酸钙 calcium methyl sulfate

calcium methoxide; calcium methylate:甲氧化钙

甲二磺酸钙 calcium methanedisulfonate; calcium methionate | 甲氧化钙 calcium methoxide; calcium methylate | 甲硫酸钙 calcium methylsulfate

calcium oxalate:氧化钙

44Calcium sulfate硫酸钙 | 45Calcium oxalate氧化钙 | 46Calcium hydroxide氢氧化钙