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During ANP, endogenesis antioxidation decreases remarkably in organization of pancreas, lipid peroxides increases, having obvious the damage of oxidative hyperirritability.
In biotechnology pharmaceuticals, medical intermediate production and bioactive compounds separation from natural products ,the molecular distillation can realize the separation of high boiling point, thermal and air sensitive compounds.
Due to the non-selective characteristics of oxidants, three aspects concerned for estimating ISCO oxidant dosage requirement for effective treatment of target contaminants must be considered: the stoichiometric amount of oxidant for destroying the contaminant, the oxidant demand to meet with the consumption by natural soil oxidizable matters and the amount resulting from oxidant self-decomposition. It should be noted that the oxidant consumed by the background organic and inorganic components of the soil aquifer matrix is known as soil oxidant demand of the treatment zone.
由於大多数氧化剂不具选择性,因此若欲使目标污染物达到良好的降解效率,必须考量目标污染物所需之氧化剂剂量、氧化剂本身自我降解量,以及与土壤中其他可氧化物质(oxidizable matter,OM)反应之消耗量,此三者综合才是真正现地应用所需之氧化剂总量,而用以克服土壤中非目标OM之氧化剂量称为土壤氧化剂需求量(soil oxidant demand,SOD)。
Six experimental stages were designed in our procedure, those are:(1) metabolite recovery and tested sample preparation: the metabolites were recovered by Amberlite XAD-2 absorption, followed by MeOH elution and solvent concentration;(2) antioxidant detection and strain selection: samples were quantitatively analyzed by the inhibition effects on formation of lipid peroxides and TBARS to screen the strains able to produce antioxidants. According to the established screening methods, we chose out a strain of actinomycetes, designed as AMBL-029C;(3) antioxidant purification: the fermentation broth was recovered by a series of separation techniques including centrifugation, Amberlite XAD-2 absorption, followed by MeOH elution and a successive TLC purification. The resulting primary purified compound [temperately designed as AMBL-029C-TS] was further analyzed by HPLC to monitor its purity;(4) physical-chemical characteristics: judging from the acid-base fractionation experiments, and the pH and temperature stability tests, the compound was deduced to be a acidic compound with the properties of low polarity and highly pH and temperature stable;(5) mechanism of the antioxidant: in comparison with some other known antioxidants, TS was subjected to investigate its antioxidant mechanism, together with BHT,-tocopherol, as well as two streptomyces metabolites, homogentisic acid and -phenylpyruvic acid, which were previously isolated as the natural antioxidants in our laboratory.
针对本实验目的,我们设计了以下的实验步骤﹔(1)二次代谢物回收及检测样本处理:我们将发酵所得的培养上清液,利用疏水吸附性树酯Amberlite XAD-2吸附回收,并以甲醇溶离及真空减压浓缩脱水等方式处理,以取得提供抗氧化活性筛选之检测样本;(2)抗氧化活性检测及菌种筛选:以「过氧化脂质」和「硫丙二醯尿」的生成量进行定性定量分析以作为抗氧化物质生产菌筛选之用;经此筛选程序,我们选获了具有抗氧化物质高生产力的菌株,命名为AMBL-029C;(3)抗氧化物质的分离纯化:针对生产菌株的发酵回收处理液,以矽胶薄层色层分离法经物质层析纯化后,并以高效能液相层析法(High performance liquid chromatography;HPLC)分析物质可得一初级纯化物质,命名为AMBL-029C-TS;(4)抗氧化物质的物理化学性质分析:由酸碱转溶(acid-base fractionation)实验得知,此抗氧化物质属於中低极性的强酸性物质,对温度(37℃-100℃)及酸碱度(pH3.0-13.0)均表现出高稳定性;(5)在抗氧化机制探讨方面,我们针对数种不同的抗氧化机制进行探讨,即: 1。
It is possible that antioxidant of SH-S, SB-S also play their protective role similar to α-Toc, and the unoxidated PUFA in the plant oils might act as the PUFA supplier to the cells for repairing the injured membrane.
Ultrastructural observation showed that there was a great deal of damage by Cd2+ pollution:The thylakoids of chloroplast and cristae of mitochondria became swollen or vesiculate and disintegrated finally;The nucleus were distorted and the nuclear membrance was disrupted.
This insinuates that fruits and vegetables are healthy despite their content in antioxidants, and that other compound contained within these are responsible for these health-promoting effects of fruits and vegetables, he added.
Small-scale fermentation (60ml culture medium in a 500 ml Sakaguchi flask) was carried out followed by antioxidant screening using lipid auto-oxidation and TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) as the detection methods.
When used in superabrasive grits synthesizing, especially in the case of cubic boron nitride, the consumption of anvils can be decreased effectively; and the quality and yield of CBN can he improved.
It is antioxidant and protects cells from free radicals (which are oxidising substances which damage and kill off healthy cells).
- 更多网络解释与氧化物质相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
甚至於报纸杂志也常常刊登有关自由基与抗氧化物质(antioxidant)的文章与广告. 1993年美国的神经科学(neuroscience)年会於十一月在华盛顿举行,共有上千位的学者、医生参加. 大会的论文摘要集就像台北市区的电话簿那麼厚,
catechol oxidase:儿茶酚氧化酶
酚氧化酶可分为单元酚氧化酶(monophenol oxidase)如酪氨酸酶(tyrosinase)和多元酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase)如儿茶酚氧化酶(catechol oxidase). 酚氧化酶存在于质体、微体中,它可催化分子氧对多种酚的氧化,酚氧化后变成醌,并进一步聚合成棕褐色物质.
readily oxidizable substance:易氧化物质
readily carbonizable substance 易碳化物质 | readily oxidizable substance 易氧化物质 | reading accuracy 读出准确度
Thyroid Peroxidase:(甲状腺氧化物质)
Thyroid Nodule(甲状腺结节) | Thyroid peroxidase(甲状腺氧化物质) | Thyrotoxoc bone disease(甲状腺毒性骨病)
polyphenol oxidase:多元酚氧化酶
酚氧化酶可分为单元酚氧化酶(monophenol oxidase)如酪氨酸酶(tyrosinase)和多元酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase)如儿茶酚氧化酶(catechol oxidase). 酚氧化酶存在于质体、微体中,它可催化分子氧对多种酚的氧化,酚氧化后变成醌,并进一步聚合成棕褐色物质.
Rosemary Extract:迷迭香提取物
它包含有多种不同特征气味.滋味的物质,其中包含有多种具抗氧化作用的酚类.迷迭香提取物(Rosemary Extract)在制备过程中,香味成分被减至最低,但仍保留了抗氧化成分,其中的高效抗氧化物质是双酚类二萜,科学论证表明鼠尾草酸和鼠尾草酚是主要的活性成分,
readily carbonizable substance:易碳化物质
reader trace 划线记录仪 | readily carbonizable substance 易碳化物质 | readily oxidizable substance 易氧化物质
oxidizing substance 氧化物质 | oxidizing 氧化的 | oxidizing 氧化的氧化作用
抗自由基物质,如抗氧化物质(antioxidants)就是救星,它具有还原的能力,可以藉由抑制自由基的活性,达到限制氧化过程对於生物体的伤害. 不幸的是,过多量的毒物在今日的环境里,却加重了排毒器官的工作负荷,使这些器官慢慢失去了它的功能.