英语人>词典>汉英 : 氧化氘 的英文翻译,例句
氧化氘 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与氧化氘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The deuterium desorption behavior of titanium deuteride with oxide layer on the surface in a constant volume system was investigated in the temperature range of 873 to


The deuterium thermal desorption behavior of titanium deuteride with or without anodic oxide layer on the surface in a constant volume system has been investigated in the temperature range of 600℃ to 800℃.


A novel carbonyl transposition led by anilines'nucleophilic addition to methyl 2-keto α-D-glucopyranoside was discovered. And the mechanism of the reaction concerned to an enol rearrangment was provided through tracing the change of 〓H-NMR and 〓C-NMR of a hemiacetal intermediate which was obtained in the reaction of o-phenylene diamine with 2-keto glycoside. Both the intermediate and the converting product were identified by 〓H-NMR,〓C-NMR,〓H-〓H COSY and HMQC.


Arata used pressure to force deuterium gas into an evacuated cell that contained a palladium and zirconium oxide mix(ZrO2-Pd).


The photodegradation rate of M-PPV 1 was constrained by DABCO that quenches the triplet state of M-PPV; 2increased when the solvent changed from benzene to deuterated benzene in whichthe lifetime of triplet state is longer than that in benzene; 3 was improveddramatically with high concentration of M-PPV triplet state was generated by energytrasfer from biacetyl.


"Water from most natural sources contains about 0.015% deuterium oxide; this can be enriched or purified by distillation, electrolysis, or chemical processing."


更多网络解释与氧化氘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deuterium oxide:氧化氘

重水(heavy water)即D2O,含氧化氘(deuterium oxide)99%之水,痕量之重水产於普通水中,约占五千分之一,可由电解稀苛性钠溶液,随后蒸发而得,或由经过长时间电解所剩於电池残留而得.

deuterium oxide:氧化氘,氘水,重水

"deuterium ","氘,重氢" | "deuterium oxide ","氧化氘,氘水,重水" | "deuterium reactor ","氘反应器"


deuteroxide | 重水 | deuton | 氘核,氧化氘 | developed setting | 试切调整

oxide, brown:棕色氧化物

二氧化? oxide, uranous" | 棕色氧化物 oxide, brown | 重水;氧化氘 oxide, deuterlum