英语人>词典>汉英 : 氢碘酸 的英文翻译,例句
氢碘酸 的英文翻译、例句


hydriodic acid · hydroiodic acid · hydrolodic acid
更多网络例句与氢碘酸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An ester or a salt of perchloric acid .


The absence of hydrogen iodide salt formation was demonstrated by a negative halogen analysis.


A salt or ester of hydriodic acid .


The illicit synthesis of this compound has been achieved most commonly by the reductive amination of phenyl-2-propanone 2, by the Leuckart formamidation of 2 followed by hydrolysis or by the reduction of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine 3 with hydriodic acid and red phosphorus.


The method is characterized in that the acid solution of one of hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid and hydriodic acid is divided into two portions; aniline monomer and ammonium persulfate are respectively added; then aniline monomer solution and ammonium persulfate solution can be prepared.


Hydrobromic acid and hydroiodic acid, but also react each other and give out the hydrosulfide gas.


Keywords Black mercury sulfide;Thickish hot hydrochloric acid;Hydrobromic acid;Hydroiodic acid;Dissolve


A colorless gas that yields hydroiodic acid in aqueous solution .


Reaction of chlorogallium phthalocyanine or hydroxygallium phthalocyanine with hydroiodic acid is also effective for providing a novel crystal form of iodo-gallium phthalocyanine.


The way to prepare iodomethane using methanol, potassium iodine and acid as regents has the disadvantages such as many side reactions and low yield, while the synthesize route from dimethyl sulfate and potassium iodine has the advantages of high yield and simple separation.


更多网络解释与氢碘酸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


hydrogenolysis 加氢裂化法 | hydrogenous 富氢的 | hydroiodic acid 氢碘酸

quinidine hydrochloride:盐酸奎尼丁

quinidine hydrobromide 氢溴酸奎尼丁 | quinidine hydrochloride 盐酸奎尼丁 | quinidine hydroiodide 氢碘酸奎尼丁


hydride 氢化物 | hydrindene 二氢化茚 | hydriodic acid 氢碘酸


hydrindone 二氢化茚酮 | hydriodate 氢碘酸盐 | hydriodicacid 氢碘酸

hydriodic acid:氢碘酸

hydrido氫<合> | hydriodic acid氫碘酸 | hydroboration硼氫化<作用>

hydroiodic acid; hydriodic acid:氢碘酸

氢离子浓度 hydrogen-ion concentration | 氢碘酸 hydroiodic acid; hydriodic acid | 氢硅氟酸 hydrosilicofluoric acid

hydroiodic acid:氢碘酸

氢碘酸(hydroiodic acid)是碘化氢的水溶液.质量分数为56.7%,水溶液是恒沸溶液.恒沸点为126.7度.强还原剂.易被氧化生成碘而使溶液呈褐色.光照下也促进氧化.

hydroiodic acid:氢碘酸;碘化氢

氢碘酸 hydroiodic acid | 氢碘酸;碘化氢 hydroiodic acid | 氢硫酸;硫化氢 hydrosulfuric acid

quinin iodide:氢碘酸奎宁

quinin hydrochloride 盐酸奎宁 | quinin iodide 氢碘酸奎宁 | quinin monohydrochloride 盐酸奎宁

potassium acid tartrate:酒石酸氢钾

酸式碘酸钾;碘酸氢钾 potassium acid iodate | 酒石酸氢钾 potassium acid tartrate | 钾矾 potassium alum