英语人>词典>汉英 : 氘核 的英文翻译,例句
氘核 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deuteron  ·  deuton  ·  deuterion  ·  diplon

更多网络例句与氘核相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The deuteron can fuse with another proton to make a helium 3 nucleus .


Furthermore, the generation of 4He is always 107 lower than that of tritium and proton for even the lowest energy of the incident deuteron measured so far.

此外, 4He 的世代比那总是107 低超重氢和氢核为事件氘核的最低的能量到目前为止被测量。

"Deuteron:The nucleus of a deuterium atom, consisting of a proton and a neutron, regarded as a subatomic particle with unit positive charge."


A vivid example of this: in the two deuterium nuclei polymerization into a helium-4 nucleus, it seems quality is not conservation, is the quality of helium-4 nucleus does not mean that two of the deuteron and quality.


Deuterons embedded in palladium could settle at points and in channels within the metal's electron orbitals which substantially increase the likelihood of deuteron collisions.


When two deuterium nuclei (each containing a deuteron are proton, one neutron) polymerization into a helium-4 nucleus, releasing a large number of atomic energy.


Enhanced cross section; neutron formation; particle-wave transformation; resonance, tunneling and screening; exotic particles; formation of proton or deuteron clusters; formation of electron clusters.


The deuteron, with the size being 1. 96fm and the binding energy being 2. 25MeV, is a highly extended object. In order to reproduce the deuteron properties well, a long-range tail should be introduced phenomenologically.


The nucleus of tritium,consisting of two neutron s and one proton.


In essence, fusion reaction is the process, in which the two deuterons have enough relative kinetic energy to conquer their repulsion , come close, and mix together.


更多网络解释与氘核相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


deuterium-labelled 氘标志的 | deuteron 氘核,重氢核 | devating prism 偏向棱镜,偏振棱镜

deuteron stripping:氘核剥裂

deuteron beam 氘核束 | deuteron stripping 氘核剥裂 | deuton 氘核

deuteron stripping:氘核涎

deuteron proton reaction 氘核 质子反应 | deuteron stripping 氘核涎 | deuterum moderated pile 重水反应堆

deuteron beam:氘核束

deuteron 氘核 | deuteron beam 氘核束 | deuteron stripping 氘核剥裂

deuteron bombardment:氘核撞击

氘核、阿伐反应 deuteron alpha reaction | 氘核撞击 deuteron bombardment | 氘核拾取反应 deuteron pickup reaction


deuteron stripping 氘核剥裂 | deuton 氘核 | developer 显象剂

deuton:重氢核 氘核

deutomerite 后节 | deuton 重氢核 氘核 | deutoplasm 副浆 滋养质


deutomerite 后节 | deuton 氘核,重氢核 | deutonephron 中肾


deuteroxide | 重水 | deuton | 氘核,氧化氘 | developed setting | 试切调整


deuterium 氘,重氢 | deuterons 氘核,重氢核 | device 装置,器件