英语人>词典>汉英 : 氘化物 的英文翻译,例句
氘化物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The rate-controlling steps of deuterating and dedeuterating reaction in α+β region are assumed to the nucleation-growth and diffusion in deuterium of deuteride respectively.


To investigate the kinetic isotope effect of Ti-Mo alloy hydrides, E of the deuterides is compared with that of the protides. When x=0.03, E of deuterium desorption is larger than that of protium desorption. When x=0.13 and 0.25, E of protium desorption is larger than that of deuterium desorption.


Properties of ytterbium absorbing deuterium at pressure less than 0.1 MPa in a vacuum system are studied and the phases of deuterides with various D/Yb atomic ratio are analyzed.

在真空系统中的氘压低于 0 1MPa条件下研究了金属镱的吸氘性能,并对不同原子比的氘化物的物相进行了分析。

更多网络解释与氘化物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


deuterium compound 氘化合物 | deuteride 氘化物 | deuteration 氘化

deuterium exchange:氘交换

氘化物|deuteride | 氘交换|deuterium exchange | 氚比|tritium ratio

deuteric alteration:岩浆后期蚀变

deuteric action 岩浆后期活动 | deuteric alteration 岩浆后期蚀变 | deuteride 氘化物


"detuning sleeve ","去谐套" | "deuterate ","使氘化,使重氢化" | "deuteride ","氘化物"

Deuterated Compounds:氘化物

? Aromatic Sulfur-Oxygen Compounds 硫-氧芳香化合物 | ? Deuterated Compounds氘化物 | ? Heterocyclic N-Oxides N-O杂环化合物

heavy hydrogen:重氢, 氘

heavy hydride 氘化物 | heavy hydrogen 重氢, 氘 | heavy hydrogen plant 氘装置