英语人>词典>汉英 : 气长的 的英文翻译,例句
气长的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与气长的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A 4000+ km long "West to East Gas Pipeline" linking Shanghai and all the cities along the line to the gas fields in the Tarim basin.


Assuming a condition cont-rol reserve calculation,combimatively solve the material balance equation of gas recovery and binomial gas recovery equation for gas well,calculate the production curve of gas well and match it with the actual production curve,finally determine the reserve and productivity parameter,this method doesn't need much pressure build-up data,and can calculate the c...


Strong exhaust devices improve and gas lamp parts and long service life.


I have been used gaim/pidgin for a very long time.


Taking the eastern sag of the Liaohe basin where coal, oil and gas resources coexist and the Wangying borefield of the Fuxin basin where coalbed gas was first discovered, researched and developed in China as examples, we systematically discuss the control of volcanism on the lateral and vertical distribution of brown coal, flame coal and gas coal in the third member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation and on the gas source conditions of each coal region. Both the methane released in the process of regional plutonic metamorphism and the additional methane generated by contact metamorphism are calculated. The physical properties and storage capacity of the coal beds changed greatly due to the formation of blackcoal and highlymetamorphosed crevice coal from igneous intrusion. The sealing capacity of intrusions with various occurrences such as dikes is highlighted.


Taking the eastern sag of the Liaohe basin where coal, oil and gas resources coexist and the Wangying borefield of the Fuxin basin where coalbed gas was first discovered, researched and developed in China as examples, we systematically discuss the control of volcanism on the lateral and vertical distribution of brown coal, flame coal and gas coal in the third member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation and on the gas source conditions of each coal region. Both the methane released in the process of regional plutonic metamorphism and the additional methane generated by contact metamorphism are calculated. The physical properties and storage capacity of the coal beds changed greatly, due to the formation of blackcoal and highly-metamorphosed crevice coal from igneous intrusion. The sealing capacity of intrusions with various occurrences such as dikes is highlighted.


The results are as follows.(1) Long train electrical stimulation at the dMNF facilitated myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(2) Short train electrical stimulation of dMNF, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, caused prolongation of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle; but when delivered in the expiratory phase, myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle were shortened.(3) Long train electrical stimulation at the vMNF inhibited myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(4) Short train electrical stimulation of vMNF caused shortening of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, but a prolongation when delivered in the expiratory phase.(5) The effects of microinjection of glutamate to dMNF and vMNF were similar to those of electrical stimulation.


It should be delivered in one fluid breath, vocalizing the vowel sounds as deeply as possible, extending the name for the duration of the breath.

应当在交付一流体气短, vocalizing元音听起来深,尽可能延长名称为期限较长的呼气。

The vapor phase deposition, axial screw dislocation and surface diffusion play important roles in the whisker growth.


The second WesttoEast gas pipeline, as the first longdistance crosscountry gas pipeline in China, will face severe challenge of peakshaving and emergency gas supply.


更多网络解释与气长的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1959年当楚浮以>(The 400 Blows)惊艳影坛、次年高达以>(Breathless)一举成名,两人成为"法国新浪潮运动"最受瞩目的新星时,侯麦在1959年拍摄的第一部剧情长片>(The Sign of Leo)却甚少引起注目.

gas mark:气痕

排气系统的配置和尺寸不当,会引起短射、气痕(gas mark)、焦痕(burn mark)、熔接痕等等. 冷却系统包括冷却孔道和其间的冷却装置(如障板管baffle、喷泉管 bubbler等),设计不当者会导致产品的变形(warpage)和长周期时间.


此外,笑气产生免疫抑制的作用,可能是经由对白血球的趋化性与活动性(motility)的抑制有关. 由於可能会造成流产作用及畸胎的可能性,怀孕初期的孕妇宜避免吸入笑气作为麻醉剂(尤其是长时间大於6小时者)已是一般原则性的建议.

aerial mycelium:气生菌丝

2.气生菌丝(aerial mycelium)是基内菌丝长出培养基外并伸向空间的菌丝,又称二级菌丝. 3.孢子丝(spore hypha)是当气生菌丝发育到一定程度,其顶端分化出的可形成孢子的菌丝,叫孢子丝,又称繁殖菌丝. 孢子成熟后,可从孢子丝中逸出飞散.


这是一个来自北美"苏族"(Sioux)的印第安土著酋长. 你看他,长得"胡里胡气"的. 这才是"东夷人"的应有相貌. 这是一个B型血的爱斯基摩人(Eskimos)小男孩. 跟我国北方的唠仔们有什么不同?

airless spray gun:无气式喷枪

可长时间放置后再涂装上层.(X)149 聚氯乙烯(PVC)涂料在5-10℃的温度不会乾燥.(X)169 空气喷枪(Air spray gun)与无气式喷枪(Airless spray gun)的喷嘴都一样.(O)172 要改变无气式喷枪(Air spray gun)涂料喷出量及喷涂模样(Spray pattern),

air spray gun:空气喷枪

长时间放置后再涂装上层.(X)149 聚氯乙烯(PVC)涂料在5-10℃的温度不会乾燥.(X)169 空气喷枪(Air spray gun)与无气式喷枪(Airless spray gun)的喷嘴都一样.(O)172 要改变无气式喷枪(Air spray gun)涂料喷出量及喷涂模样(Spray pattern),

tall price:高价

tall 高的,长的 | tall price 高价 | tambour (记纹)气鼓

Echinodorus bolivianus:袖珍皇冠

(2)袖珍皇冠(Echinodorus bolivianus) 形态特征 小型水陆两栖植物. 叶为披针形气生叶,长3-5cm,宽0.5-1cm,叶柄长2-3cm,根部常为红色,丛生;淡绿色,短茎的水生叶长7-12cm,宽0.5-1cm. 栽培繁殖方法 栽培的pH值5.8-7.5;水温18-28℃;多以分生的株芽进行繁殖.

The speaker drawled on:演讲人拖长声调说个没完

drawl vi.拖长声调说话,慢声慢气地讲话 | The speaker drawled on. 演讲人拖长声调说个没完. | She speaks with a Southern drawl. 她讲话带着美国南方人慢吞吞的拉长调子的语气.