英语人>词典>汉英 : 气状的 的英文翻译,例句
气状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gassy  ·  gassier  ·  gassous

更多网络例句与气状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Into the membranous floor of this chamber stretched a spoon-shaped and very delicate stapes, which presumably vibrated in response to sound impinging directly on the air in the chamber, transmitting these vibrations to the inner ear through a hole in the wall of the braincase .


With the corresponding flow parameters measured through the experiments and the criterion equation mentioned above,the correlation formula of degassing efficiency of flow of gas/liquid two-phase flow through corrugated multicup isoflux gas anchor is obtained through the regression analysis using the least square method and the Gaussian elimination.The influences of the number of arris and concave depth and angle on degassing efficiency are analyzed.


Taking the eastern sag of the Liaohe basin where coal, oil and gas resources coexist and the Wangying borefield of the Fuxin basin where coalbed gas was first discovered, researched and developed in China as examples, we systematically discuss the control of volcanism on the lateral and vertical distribution of brown coal, flame coal and gas coal in the third member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation and on the gas source conditions of each coal region. Both the methane released in the process of regional plutonic metamorphism and the additional methane generated by contact metamorphism are calculated. The physical properties and storage capacity of the coal beds changed greatly due to the formation of blackcoal and highlymetamorphosed crevice coal from igneous intrusion. The sealing capacity of intrusions with various occurrences such as dikes is highlighted.


Taking the eastern sag of the Liaohe basin where coal, oil and gas resources coexist and the Wangying borefield of the Fuxin basin where coalbed gas was first discovered, researched and developed in China as examples, we systematically discuss the control of volcanism on the lateral and vertical distribution of brown coal, flame coal and gas coal in the third member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation and on the gas source conditions of each coal region. Both the methane released in the process of regional plutonic metamorphism and the additional methane generated by contact metamorphism are calculated. The physical properties and storage capacity of the coal beds changed greatly, due to the formation of blackcoal and highly-metamorphosed crevice coal from igneous intrusion. The sealing capacity of intrusions with various occurrences such as dikes is highlighted.


Crown variegated dark green, gold and tan, quilted, pebbled, glossy.


Results The penumatization rate of total or inferior part of middle turbinate correlated positively to the inflammation of anterior ethmoid and maxillary sinuses. Compared with patients with normal frontal sinuses, the vertical diameters of agger nasi cells of patients with frontal sinusitis were larger(11.70±5.50 mm and 8.54±3.67 mm respectivevy, p<0.01).Compared with patients with normal maxillary sinuses, the Haller's cells of patients with maxillary sinusitis were larger (77.8% and 33.3%,P<0.05)and the amount of inflammatory Haller's cells of the latter was more abundant than that of the former(91.6±17.8 mm2 and 41.6±12.6 mm2, respectively, P<0.05). The deviation of uncinate process was one of the factors of maxillary sinusitis .The sizes of ethmoid bullae increased with the soft tissue thickening in anterior ethmoid sinus, the large ethmoid bulla may cause anterior ehmoid sinusitis.

结果 全中甲或中甲下部气化的发生率随前筛、上颌窦内软组织影增厚而升高;有额窦炎组病人的鼻丘气房最大纵向垂径明显大于无额窦炎组(分别为11.7±5.5 mm和8.5±3.7 mm,P<0.01);Haller气房在上颌窦炎组和非上颌窦炎组的发生率无显著差异,但前组发生炎症的Haller气房明显多于后组(分别为77.8%和33.3%,P<0.05),且前组Haller气房的冠状位截面积明显大于后组(分别为91.6±17.8 mm2和41.6±12.6 mm2,P<0.05);钩突角度随上颌窦内软组织增厚而减小;筛泡冠状位截面积随前筛窦内软组织增厚而增大(P<0.01)。

Cup your hand slightly to form an air trap and force the sleeve down over the piston assembly with a rapid slap on the open end of the diaphragm with your cupped hand.


By the combination of experimental results with theory of crystal growth, some growth models and growth mechanisms were proposed. Research results confirmed that pillar-shaped TaC whisker with spherical droplet at the end grew via a vapor-liquid-solid mechanism, pillar-shaped whisker with pyramid-like end was formed via a vapor-solid mechanism, awl-shaped TaC whisker with zigzag end formed via a liquid-solid mechanism, awl-shaped TaC whisker with growth step at the end has a growth mechanism of screw dislocation mechanism. The growth mechanism of dumbbell-shaped MgO nanowhisker and NaCl particle-decorated MgO nanowhisker is VS; C and MgO powder-yielded MgO nanowhisker was formed via a VLS mechanism, Mg powder-yielded MgO microwhisker and MgO microsized or nanosized crystal sheet grew via a VS mechanism. In the Si and SiO〓 nanostructures, Si nanowires formed in higher-temperature zone grew via oxide-assistant mechanism, while Si nanowires or nanorods formed in lower-temperature zone have a growth mechanism of VLS, and the growth mechanism of SiO〓 nanowires is VS.


After analyzing the performance anduncertainty of the DDPM vortex flowmeter in gas-liquid bubble flows, the vortexflowmeter-Venturi tube combinative method using the vortex flowmeter and the Venturi tube as measuring cells was put forward, the measurement model based on thevortex frequency and the Venturi differential pressure was established, and it showsthat the relative errors of this method for the mass flow measurement of bubble flowsare within±5%. Furthermore, the flowrate and volume void fraction of bubble flowswere obtained using a single DDPM vortex flowmeter through the relationshipbetween the frequency and amplitude of the circumferential DDPM signal, and resultsdemonstrate that the relative errors of the flowrate and volume void fraction of bubbleflows are within±5% and±10% respectively, which indicates the broad applicabilityof this method to large numbers of engineering fields.


The gaseous emission from straw and joss paper combustion was studied in this study. All tested materials were sent to a fix-bed batch incinerator for combustion.

摘要 本研究主要探讨稻草与纸钱燃烧后排放之气状污染物特性,并结合排放特性进一步探讨前述物质的燃烧性质。

更多网络解释与气状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aerification 气体化;充满气体;掺气 | aeriform 空气状的;非实有的 | aerify 充气

cribber:剽窃者; 有咬槽咽气癖之马 (名)

cribbage 纸牌玩法之一 (名) | cribber 剽窃者; 有咬槽咽气癖之马 (名) | cribriform 筛状的; 有小孔的 (形)

subcutaneous emphysema:皮下气肿

皮下气肿(subcutaneous emphysema) 以手按压皮下气肿的皮肤,引起气体在皮下组织内移动,可出现捻发感或握雪感 气胸 纵隔气肿 产气杆菌感染扁平胸 (flat chest) 为胸廓呈扁平状,其前后径不及左右径的一半.图示如下:桶状胸 (barrel chest) 为胸廓前后径增加,


gasdynamic 气动的 | gaseity 气状 | gaseitygaseousness 气态


gasdynamic /气动的/ | gaseity /气质/气态/气状/ | gaselier /煤气吊灯/


gassing 毒气攻击 | gassy 气状的 | gasteralgiagastralgiagastrodyniastmachachestomach-ache 胃痛


areo?hydro?elasticity 气?液?弹性 | areolate 小空隙的;网眼状的 | areolation 形成网眼状空隙;网眼状结构

degasser:脱气装置 除气器[剂]

ultraphagocytosis 微噬作用 超微吞噬作用 | degasser 脱气装置 除气器[剂] | falculate 镰刀状的


degasser 脱气装置 除气器[剂] | falculate 镰刀状的 | peak form 峰形


glandiferous /结坚果的/ | glandiform /腺状的/坚果状的/ | glands /气封/