英语人>词典>汉英 : 民间传说 的英文翻译,例句
民间传说 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
folklore  ·  legends

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This thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter 1 retrospects briefly Yeats ? s work and Irish folklore tradition, biographically and historically. Chapter II concentrates on the folklore elements in his early poetry .


Anaya fully makes use of these elements to represent Chicano experience through his discourse.


Vampire legends have been a part of popular folklore in many parts of the world since ancient times.


The folklores concerning the timing of feicuis import were prevalent among the Sino-Burmese border region and have been told by both Yunnanese and Kachin people for several hundred years, their different versions were recorded in detail by both western and Chinese scholars.


The melody mainly adapts traditional Uighur classical music, drawing on the experience of many life in addition to long and dance drama.Most of the Uyger drama peculiar to the nation. Have been adapted from folk stories and narrative poems among Uighurs and in the mid-Asian area. And combined with poems, song, dance and drama. The masterworks are 《Airef and Synime》《Lyli and Miji long》 and《SherUin》.


Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, or simply "Santa", is a historical, legendary, and mythical figure in folklore who, in Western cultures, is described as bringing gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day,or on his feast day, December 6.The legend may have its basis in hagiographical tales concerning the historical figure of Saint Nicholas.

圣诞老人,也被称为圣尼古拉,圣诞老人,克里斯林革,或干脆&圣诞老人&,是一个历史,传奇和神话人物,民间传说谁,在西方文化中,被描述为把礼物在平安夜或圣诞节,或在其宴一天, 12月六传说可能有其基础hagiographical故事有关的历史人物的圣尼古拉。

Then this part takes the cultural theory of the Birmingham school as the basis. Finally, learning from Louis Althusser's "overdetermination" theory, this part attributes all these factors to a system's structure of impacting folklore spread and development. This structure is also a communication model chart of folklores which is in administrative levels and has the unique law of development.


Although it has become all but synonymous in common parlance with "false belief," the term actually denotes a more complex and subtle social phenomenon having to do with the production and transmission of folk narratives — narratives which are indeed usually false, but which can also, on rare occasions, prove to be true.


The novel 《Song of Solomon》,whose author is good at using black people' folklore and legend to romance the production, making the novel with mystery color, it made the antique legend " black people can fly" act as a down-lead, made the realistic and myth melt together, put up more great national cultural color.


The melody mainly adapts traditional Uighur classical music, drawing on the experience of many life in addition to long and dance drama.Most of the Uyger drama peculiar to the nation. Have been adapted from folk stories and narrative poems among Uighurs and in the mid-Asian area. And combined with poems, song, dance and drama. The masterworks are 《Airef and Synime》《Lyli and Miji long》 and《SherUin》.


更多网络解释与民间传说相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bargham | 马颈环, 马轭 | barghest | (英国民间传说中的)犬状妖怪 | bargirl | 酒吧女, 酒吧女招待, 常到酒吧间的妓女




珍贵的回忆及古老的传说,这正是曾孙子(Tomie)最爱听的传说故事了,他们一边说(听)故事,一边吃著糖果,刹中,说故事者(storyteller)是一位极重要的人,一位好的图画书作者就是说故事者. 而这就是我最想要做的. 」2.民间故事(folktale)的改写


无数的神话(myth)、民间传说(folktale)、小说(HOVe])、诗歌(poem)、剧本(play)和哲学论文(philosophicalessay)都记载了人的交往方式. 人际关系的全部含义(significance)直接说来可能还不清晰,但令人惊讶的是,

a sad and beautiful folktale:凄美的民间传说

10 凄美的爱情故事 a sad and beautiful love story | 凄美的民间传说 a sad and beautiful folktale | 1 小书店的穷途末路 the end of the line for small bookstores

A fiasco is a folktale told to others:毁灭就是人们口头传说的民间故事

A fiasco is a disaster of mythic proportions.|毁灭就是充满了神... | A fiasco is a folktale told to others...|毁灭就是人们口头传说的民间故事... | that makes other people feel more alive...|用来让人们觉得...

foresee foresee:预言

folklore folklore 民间传说,民俗,民间传说 | foresee foresee 预言 | forestry forestry 林木,林业,林业管理


加利亚民间传说狼人(Werwolf)波兰民间传说吸血鬼 德古拉(Dracula) 罗马尼亚民间传说人鱼 赛伦(Siren) 北欧、日耳曼神话巨人族(Giant)北欧神话小矮人 克鲁皮(Curupira)拉丁美洲民间传说恶臭妖怪 蛾摩拉(Gommorah)非洲民间传说恶灵 布多 (Bhut)印度民间传说有人认为棕精灵实际上是新石器时代一个失踪的种族,

legends handed down from one generation of storytellers to another:由讲故事者把类似英雄故事的民间传说一代代传下去

The only way that they can preserve their history i... | legends handed down from one generation of storytellers to another. 由讲故事者把类似英雄故事的民间传说一代代传下去. | and maybe that is where t...

OK, Paul Bunyan was swinging the ax, and Wolfie was trying to eat Lil' Bit:保罗.班扬(美国民间传说中的伐木巨人) 当时正在挥斧头而狼正要吃掉小不点

- The cookbook lady? ... | OK, Paul Bunyan was swinging the ax, and Wolfie was trying to eat Lil' Bit.|保罗.班扬(美国民间传说中的伐木巨人) 当时正在挥斧头而狼正要吃掉小不点 | - All right, get a muzzle o...