- 更多网络例句与毛足虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Thirty-two species were identified from the samples, including 19 copepods, 3 amphipods, 3 cumaceans, 2 mysids, 2 chaetognaths, 2 cladocerans, and I euphausiid.
Biological Activated Carbon Filter could provide ideal habitats for invertebrates, but invertebrates may lead to aesthetic problems and adverse health effects of drinking water. This paper studied the invertebrates in biological activated carbon filters in a water plant of the south of China during Sep. 2006 to Sep. 2007. The results implied that BAC filters were colonized by invertebrates, in which 23 species of invertebrates were found, the dominating organism group was the rotifer, and others included Copepoda, Cladocera, Oligochaeta, Nauplii and Nematoda.
生物活性炭(Biological activated carbon, BAC)滤池能够为无脊椎动物提供理想的生境,但无脊椎动物可能给饮用水带来负面的健康效果和感观问题。2006年9月~2007年9月,对南方某水厂BAC滤池无脊椎动物滋生状况进行了为期13个月的调查研究,共发现无脊椎动物23种,优势类群为轮虫,其他类群还有桡足类、枝角类、寡毛类、无节幼体、线虫等。
The results showed that the freshwater species were predominant, and 45 species of algal (5 phylums, 32 genera), in which 18 species of Bacillariophyta belong to 12 genera, 15 species of Chlorophyta one genus, 10 species of Cyanophyta 7 genera, and one specie of Euglenphyta and Chrysophyta; 37 species of zooplankton, in which 9 species of Protozoa, 14 species of Rotifera,...
The soil character had greater impacts on the non-dominant commnunity, individual density and Enemata than the main community of microorganisms; Actinomyces had greater impacts on Coleoptera and Oligochaeta opisthopora; Fungi had greater impacts on Isopoda and Formicidae.
- 更多网络解释与毛足虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
bristle worm:毛虫,毛足虫
bristletail 蠹虫,蛀虫 | bristle worm 毛虫,毛足虫 | brittle 脆的
bridge corpuscle 桥粒 | bristletail 蠹虫,蛀虫 | bristle worm 毛虫,毛足虫
原环虫纲(Archiannelida)体制比较简单,体表无明显的环节,也没有疣足或刚毛. 发生时有显著的担轮幼虫. 例如角虫(Polygordius),体细而长,栖息退潮线附近的沙泥中. 毛足纲(Chaetopoda)体呈圆筒状,或背腹稍扁平. 体表环节显明,有几丁质变成的刚毛.
双翅目(Diptera)食虫虻科(Asilidae)食肉昆虫的统称,约6,750种,分布全球. 长度不等,大者几乎有8公分(3吋),是所有的蝇中最大的. 体多褐色而粗壮,通常多毛,形似大黄蜂. 眼面大,两眼之间有一刚毛. 足长,能在飞行中捕食,在进食时用足握住食物.
毛足纲(Chaetopoda)体呈圆筒状,或背腹稍扁平. 体表环节显明,有几丁质变成的刚毛. 可分多毛目和寡毛目,前者如沙蚕、沙蝎,海生;后者如蚯蚓、仙女虫,陆生或淡水生. 多毛类(Polychaeta)毛足纲的一目. 体长,由多数环节组成,每一环节上有疣足一对,
Chaetonotoidea 粘管目 | Chaetopoda 毛足类 | Chaetopteridea 毛翼虫科
Aspidisca costata:有肋楯纤虫
腹面扁平,纤毛融合成触毛,分布在腹面一定的地区,又分前触毛,腹触毛,臀触毛,尾触毛和缘触毛,用触毛支撑虫体,负有"足"的作用.观察触毛在虫体的分布可区别其种类.常见种类有肋楯纤虫(Aspidisca costata),尖毛虫(Oxytricha),
有些专家将之归为鞘翅目(Coleoptera)芜菁科(Meloidae)的一部分. 寄生於蜡蝉、叶蝉、角蝉、沫蝉、蜂及其他昆虫身上. 雌性成虫通常无翅,囊状. 雄性有翅,後翅大,扇状,前翅小,棒状;眼突出,触角梳状. 眼虫扇属(Stylops)的幼虫多毛,足长;
可分多毛目和寡毛目,前者如沙蚕、沙蝎,海生;后者如蚯蚓、仙女虫,陆生或淡水生. 多毛类(Polychaeta)毛足纲的一目. 体长,由多数环节组成,每一环节上有疣足一对,上生很多刚毛. 各节有鳃,用以呼吸. 大多为雌雄异...