英语人>词典>汉英 : 毛地黄 的英文翻译,例句
毛地黄 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
digitalis  ·  foxglove  ·  thimbleflower  ·  foxgloves

更多网络例句与毛地黄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There of the foxglove are the source of drugs such as digitalin.


Yet the plant is part of a group called Digitalis that is used in medicine to treat heart problems.


One of several mixtures of digitalis glycosides that are extracted from the leaves or seeds of the common foxglove.


The administration of digitalis for the treatment of certain heart disorders.


But today doctors recognize this drug as a potent compound as important as antibiotics, digitalis and other miracle drugs.


Digitalis was originally purified from foxglove, a flower, and ephedrine from a desert shrub.


All PSI complexes could be solubilized by high concentration of Digitonin. Different area of thylakoid membrane could be separated by Tween-20 and PSI complex could be found in them solubilized by Digitonin.


A plant of the genus Digitalis, which includes the foxgloves.


Foxgloves, too---people will pull up the foxgloves, and ladies of an educational tendency even grub for toadstools to show them on the Monday in class.


Foxgloves, too—people will pull up the foxgloves, and ladies of an educational tendency even grub for toadstools to show them on the Monday in class.


更多网络解释与毛地黄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

digitalin; digitalinum:毛地黄素

\\"指状的\\",\\"digitaliform; digitiform\\" | \\"毛地黄素\\",\\"digitalin; digitalinum\\" | \\"毛地黄\\",\\"digitalis\\"

Digitalis Linn:毛地黄属

27. 虾子草属 Mimulicalyx Tsoong | 28. 毛地黄属 Digitalis Linn. | 29. 地黄属 Rehmannia Libosch. ex Fisch. et Mey.

Digitalis poisoning; Digitalism:毛地黄苷中毒; 毛地黄中毒

Digestive type 消化系发达型; 消化型 | Digitalis poisoning; Digitalism 毛地黄苷中毒; 毛地黄中毒 | Dilaudide poisoning; Dilaudidism 二氢吗啡酮中毒; (地劳地脱中毒)

digitonin:毛地黄皂素 毛地黄皂苷 洋地黄皂苷

digitonigenin 毛地黄皂甙元 | digitonin 毛地黄皂素 毛地黄皂苷 洋地黄皂苷 | digitophyllin 洋地黄毒甙


这种麻醉药品萃取自一种有毒的植物:颠茄(deadly nightshade),而毛地黄毒苷(Digitalis)这种强心剂则萃取自毛地黄(Foxglove). ...

Digitalis; foxglove:毛地黄属(玄参科)

毛地黄;洋地黄(药材学) Digitalis purpurea L.; common foxgloves | 毛地黄属(玄参科) Digitalis; foxglove | 灰黄花毛地黄 Digitallis ferruginea L.; rusty foxglove

Digitalis; foxglove:{毛地黄属}

Digitalis fantanesii {毛地黄} | Digitalis foxglove {毛地黄属} | Digitalis fulva {铁锈毛地黄}


个别成分的例证:如地黄( Rehmanniae glutinosa ) 含有增强免疫力的植物营养素, 如梓醇(catalpol),毛地黄黄酮(luteolin),类胡萝卜素(caraotenoids),黄陵香甙(melittoside) 和桃叶珊瑚苷(aucubin);其列出的功效可促进新的细胞增长,


毛地黄苷 digitalin | 毛地黄皂素 digitogenin | 毛地黄皂苷 digitonin

Digitalis purpurea L.; common foxgloves:毛地黄;洋地黄(药材学)

黄花毛地黄 Digitalis ambigua Murr.; D. lutea L.; yellow foxglove | 毛地黄;洋地黄(药材学) Digitalis purpurea L.; common foxgloves | 毛地黄属(玄参科) Digitalis; foxglove