- 更多网络例句与毛利兰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Aotearoa is the Maori name for the country of New Zealand.
Council of Indigenous Peoples,Executive Yuan, TAIWANDear Sir, greetings from Aotearoa/New Zealand
您好:从纽西兰/ Aotearoa (毛利人对纽西兰的称呼,意指绵绵白云下的大地)来的致意。
In order to find the two black men, a new alias for one of last resort "江户川柯南" Living in the childhood home in Leland Mao, Xiao-Lan's father, want to help to find gross profit小五郎black men, gross profit Unexpectedly, not only the new one looking for black men did not help, or a bold-faced detective confused, the new one does not really look past, but to help the case much gross profit Break!
But because the witness dark organization trading was found in July next APTX4869 after the drug research organization, cause the body to "edo sichuan conan identity lodged in childhood xiaolan father Maori small five lang's house secretly organized activities, this investigation with Maori small five to find that his narrow brown, dark organization from dr. Where do the bowknot and change and watch a tranquilizer gun type other mysterious weapons, to help the Maori small five lang solution, small five cases have gross lang lang" sleeping small five.
Now, I have a question for you, and I was referring to the Maori. It seems to me I remember a story about a man who had a fishhook. He threw the fishhook into the sea, he fished up an island, and that island was called the North Island of New Zealand. I said this in a lot of Maori words, and it took a long time. I turned it around, then, said, if you have nothing to teach the world, if there's nothing the Maori had ever done that the world should know about, and you don't care.
Time in the hair with childhood amusement park Leland to play, they found two strange actions of black people.
Time in the hair with childhood amusement park Leland to play, the way found two bizarre Men in Black.
I am a New Zealand lawyer representing indigenous Maori and Moriori communities in New Zealand and internationally.
On this young Kiwi, or New Zealander, temporary body paint takes the form of Maori tattoos, or ta moko.
On this young Kiwi, or New Zealander, temporary body paint takes the form of Maori tattoos, or ta moko.
- 更多网络解释与毛利兰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
毛利人战舞(Haka)是纽西兰毛利人的传统舞蹈,过往毛利人各族在开战前,都会表演战舞以恫吓对方,不同的族群会有著不同的战舞歌词. 纽西兰战舞节奏明快有气势呦,另一特色就是在舞蹈完结时,舞者会把舌头伸长,
LOCATION: 罗托鲁阿 (Rotorua) / 红木森林公园 (Redwood) / 纽西兰 (NewZealand)北岛有一个观光与文化传统的重镇, 叫作罗托鲁阿(Rotorua). 从名字就可以知道这不是欧洲人取的名字, 而是当地毛利语. 罗托鲁阿(Rotorua)为於北岛偏北,
另纽西兰南方二三00公里的南极大陆罗斯属地(ROSS DEPENDENCY) 一九二三年起受纽管辖,面积一四、四00平方公里. 纽西兰原为毛利人所居,其传统之木雕、编织、石雕及歌舞等艺术水准甚高. 一六四二年为荷兰东印度公司之航海家塔斯曼 (ABEL TASMAN)所发现.
因而,该委员会向政府建议将两大岛名称合法化,其选择方案有三个:第一,沿用英文名称"南岛(South Island)"与"北岛(North Island)",即不做任何改变;第二,考虑到纽西兰的历史,釆用与"南岛""北岛"相对应的毛利文名字;或者,直接釆用传统的毛利名字,