英语人>词典>汉英 : 比较法 的英文翻译,例句
比较法 的英文翻译、例句


comparison method · comparative method · comparative law
更多网络例句与比较法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Change detection technology is an important method of remote sensing application field. Generally,it is classified as spectrum comparison method and post-classification comparison method.


At the same time, owing to the computer technology which was considered as the fangle for the learner as well as the software and hardware cost when using the computer, it is still lack of evidence for the extent to which the computer performace appraisal was accepted.


Company comparison, transaction comparison and cash flow discounting are three methods usu ...


Now, because the means of data administration is very poor and some other reasons, the market data approach is scarcely used by land valuator. In this paper, the author analyzes the application actuality and difficulties of the market data approach, and try to overcome these difficulties. Then the author accomplishes applied geographical information system for the market data approach based on urban land grading and evaluation system, taking Nantong city as example, and has got anticipative purpose.


Then he gave a high appraise to logic of Moism. What he had done established a new way for the research of logical history in Chinese modern times, and pushed the research of Chinese logical history toward a new developing stage.


The active conformation of protoporphyrinogen IX (substrate of protoporphyrinogen oxidase) has been established using the Distance Comparisons method. In this paper, four different conformational molecules of Protogen IX and crystal molecule of diphenylethers are analyzed by comparing their geometry parameters. The results show the lower energy active conformation from the DISCO model is more reasonable.


In the reasonable drug molecular design,analyzing the conformations of the substrate without three-dimension structure and confirming its active conformation are very important to illustrate the spatial shape and active site of target enzyme. The active conformation of protoporphyrinogen IX substrate of protoporphyrinogen oxidase has been established using the Distance Comparisons DISCO method. In this paper, four different conformational molecules of Protogen IX and crystal molecule of diphenylethersAF are analyzed by comparing their geometry parameters. The results show the lower energy active conformation from the DISCO model is more reasonable.


Comparative Law in the upsurge of study, compared jurists believe that most of the legal system is the comparison of the study.


For software,it takes use of the swing torch and integral contrast method to realize the seam auto tracking according to the characteristics of lap joint TIG welding;It points out the method of weighted handling to proceed a.


For software, it takes use of the swing torch and integral contrast method to realize the seam auto tracking according to the characteristics of lap joint TIG welding; It points out the method of weighted handling to proceed a revising to the integral contrast, which ensures the tracking properly and improves the tracking accuracy.


更多网络解释与比较法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

frequency measurement by comparison with time scale:时标比较法测频

frequency index,频率指数 | frequency measurement by comparison with time scale,时标比较法测频 | frequency measurement by digital meter,用数字频率计测频

comparison method:比较法

comparison function 比较函数 | comparison method 比较法 | comparison series 比较用级数

comparison method:比对法;比较法

比较介质 comparison medium | 比对法;比较法 comparison method | 量测比较法 comparison method of measurement

Factor Comparison Method:因素比较法

Face Validity 表面效度 | Factor Comparison Method 因素比较法 | Fair Labor Standards Act >

Factor Comparison Method:因数比较法

因数分解 factor analysis | 因数比较法 factor comparison method | 附着因数,黏着力因数 factor of adhesion

simultancous comparison method:同时比较法

simulator 仿真器 | simultancous comparison method 同时比较法 | simultaneous technique 同时联用技术;同时并用技术

paired comparison:配对比较法

然后根据这些关键事件来确定员工的绩效水平. 多人比较法评价个体的绩效水平,是与别人相比得到的. 这是一种相对的而非绝对的测量手段. 最常用的比较法是,群体排序法(group order ranking)、个体排序法(individual ranking)和配对比较法(paired comparison).

Paired comparison approach:两两比较法,配对比较法

Outsourcing 业务外包 | Paired comparison approach 两两比较法,配对比较法 | Pakistan 巴基斯坦

patch test method:色度比较法

Partial Load 部分负荷 | patch test method 色度比较法 | patch test method 色度比较法

present worth comparison:现值比较法

present worth basis for comparison 现值基础上的比较 | present worth comparison 现值比较法 | present worth comparison method 现值比较法