英语人>词典>汉英 : 比丘尼 的英文翻译,例句
比丘尼 的英文翻译、例句


Buddhist nun
更多网络例句与比丘尼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In any one which if a bhikkhuni admits to be at fault she is no longer entitled to communion with bhikkhunis


Nevertheless, by being instrumental in bringing a Bodhi sapling from the sacred Bodhi tree at Buddha Gaya, India and planting it at the Anuradhapura site in Sri Lanka, thus affording the Sri Lankan Buddhist population an object of worship considered to be commensurate with a living Buddha, and by inaugurating the Order of Nuns for the emancipation of womankind, she has rendered to our country a magnificent service that for ever remains in the memory of a grateful people of Sri Lanka who in commemoration of which participate in religious services and processions carrying a statue of Bhikkhuni Sanghamitta on every full moon day of Unduwap, the day she disembarked in the island arrival of Arahant Sanghamitta Theri in Sri Lanka.


One such precept requires a bhikshuni, even though she is fully ordained with seniority, to bow deferentially to a novice monk.


Ya pana bhikkhuni evam vadeyya kim te, ayye, eso purisa puggalo karissa ti


Right lateral decubitus position or so-called Lion King recumbency is the suggested recumbent position in Buddhism. The traditional statute of Buddha always takes the right lateral decubitus position in recumbency.


Nonetheless, it will have an overall similarity. Well, this year if there are any men who want to receive the Bhikshu precepts, or women who want to receive the Bhikshuni precepts, or laymen who want to receive the Upasaka precepts, or laywomen who want to receive the Upasika precepts, this is a very good opportunity to do so.


This paper has analysis and research the resident property income and expenditure, social function and the Buddhist nuns'economic situation of Dunhuang Buddhist nunneries.


And now, O Lord, bhikkhus and bhikkhunis, laymen and laywomen, have become the Blessed One's disciples in just this way.


For the Blessed One, O Lord, spoke these words to me:'I shall not come to my final passing away, Evil One, until my bhikkhus and bhikkhunis, laymen and laywomen, have come to be true disciples — wise, well disciplined, apt and learned, preservers of the Dhamma, living according to the Dhamma, abiding by the appropriate conduct, and having learned the Master's word, are able to expound it, preach it, proclaim it, establish it, reveal it, explain it in detail, and make it clear; until, when adverse opinions arise, they shall be able to refute them thoroughly and well, and to preach this convincing and liberating Dhamma.


For the Blessed One, O Lord, spoke these words to me:'I shall not come to my final passing away, Evil One, until my bhikkhus and bhikkhunis, laymen and laywomen, have come to be true disciples — wise, well disciplined, apt and learned, preservers of the Dhamma, living according to the Dhamma, abiding by the appropriate conduct, and having learned the Master's word, are able to expound it, preach it, proclaim it, establish it, reveal it, explain it in detail, and make it clear; until, when adverse opinions arise, they shall be able to refute them thoroughly and well, and to preach this convincing and liberating Dhamma.


更多网络解释与比丘尼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


自此佛陀便开始从拉迦斯坦(Rajasthan)的东岸到孟加拉国(Bengal)的西岸,不停地四处传法、服务人群. 他教导人们如何透过内观的修持来了知四圣谛,终能亲证涅盘的究竟实相. 因此,佛陀住世期间,有数以千计的出家众(比丘[bhikkhu]及比丘尼[bhikkhuni])证得阿罗汉.


比丘尼 bhiksuni; nun | 波罗门 Brahmin | 波罗密多 aid to crossing over from this shore of births and deaths to the other shore


圆亮斜望的大眼睛、钝角头顶三撮金黄发尖、伸展开来的动人温馨小手以及背部小巧洁白的翅膀.....这就是广受全世界喜爱,于1909年由萝丝欧尼尔女士(ROSE ONEILL)所创造出来的迷人小天使--丘比(KEWPIE)萝丝欧尼尔不仅绘制丘比插画,

Bikkshumi Lakshmi:比丘尼罗乞什密

45.form 相 | 46.Bikkshumi Lakshmi 比丘尼罗乞什密 | 47.Vajra Dakas 金刚勇父


言破烦恼比丘者,若人能断诸漏烦恼,所有集业诸苦异熟,未来生死,能善了知,永除相本,如断多罗(Tara)树头,证不生法,是名破烦恼比丘. 言羯磨圆具比丘者,谓身无障难,作法圆满,是不应诃,是名羯磨圆具比丘. 比丘尼(Bhiksuni)者,


他最有名的弟子包括迦叶(Kashyapa)、舍利弗(Shariputra)、和阿难陀(nanda). 佛陀后来又接受女性出家为比丘尼,并设立比丘尼寺院. 在这地区,佛陀还有很多其它追随者和寺院. 佛陀的堂兄弟提婆达多(Devadatta)对佛陀的成就心怀嫉妬.

Vajra Dakas:金刚勇父

46.Bikkshumi Lakshmi 比丘尼罗乞什密 | 47.Vajra Dakas 金刚勇父 | 48.Dharmapalas 护法

monks and nuns:比丘比丘尼

Those who seek to become pratyekabuddhas, 其求缘觉者 | monks and nuns, 比丘比丘尼 | heavenly beings, dragons and spirits, 诸天龙鬼神

bhikkhunidusako hoti:他是污此比丘尼者

micchaditthiko hoti. 他是邪见人; | bhikkhunidusako hoti. 他是污此比丘尼者; | anubbasi kho bhagava 经世尊之所制许:

West Sussex:西萨塞克斯

因考虑在人流拥挤的伦敦市中心不宜设立寺庙,1984年苏曼陀在西萨塞克斯(West Sussex)的汉默森林(Hammer Wood)建立了这所森林寺院. Amara~vati汉译"佛槃势罗",意为"永生的国土",这是一座培训上座部佛教比丘和比丘尼的道场,