英语人>词典>汉英 : 每期的 的英文翻译,例句
每期的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与每期的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Applications must be accompanied by a registration fee for each session you wish to attend.


Prof. Binns stated that he is still having 4.7 Galleons deducted each pay period for health insurance, despite the fact that as a ghost, he is no longer is at risk for illness or disability.


In this paper, fuzzy theory, Markov chain and RFM model are integrated to evaluate customer lifetime values. This approach calculates the profit contribution of customers in every purchasing situation. Firstly, customer purchasing state is updated contiguously by fuzzy theory and RFM model with transition matrix which represents the probabilities among purchasing states. Then the profit contribution of each period is computed by using revenue and cost data. Finally, the profit contribution of each customer is accumulated through some discounting consideration. This will construct the final customer lifetime values.

本研究结合模糊理论、马可夫链、和RFM(recency, frequency, monetary; RFM)模式,配合折现模式来计算顾客终身价值,其中模糊理论及RFM模型定义顾客之购买状态,马可夫链则推算顾客在每期购买状态改变的机率,然后推估出顾客在每期交易的转换机率,再结合产品的收益与成本资料,算出顾客在各期对公司的利润贡献,最后将各期的利润贡献折现加总,计算出各种购买状况下的顾客价值,利用此顾客价值就可指出哪些是对企业有利的顾客。

If you study 3 quarterly reports last year and annals can discover carefully, our terminally is emphasizing, according to standard of Hong Kong accounting, the profit that can change debt evenhanded value to change is only right current increase and decrease produces an effect, do not have any influences to cash shedding.


I paid the computer by paying instalment of ¥500 a month.


"XinDong Weekly" is in folio 4-8 edition each issue, focusing on propagandizing the image of government and enterprises and the new products and information.


The enterprise uses the different depreciation method to be possible to cause the booth sales volume which each time the fixed asset amortizes to be different, thus influence enterprise's dutiable obtained, then influence assessed income tax.


I soon learned whatheavy rolling' meant for the paper was printed on a Washington' hand - press, the edition of about 2000 copies requiring two laborious intervals of about ten hours each, every week.


The second specification: 1: finished Size: 130 x 180mm 2: Paper: cover with 300 grams purple-Coated Paper, Coated Paper Text with 80 grams Kim 3: printing pages: Cover 4, the text Total 480 4: print volume: 7,000 5: printing color: cover normal four-color printing Text 448 for the single-black printing, 32 for two-color printing 6: Printing Technology: Wireless Adhesive Binding, cover review beam splitter 7: Printing Price: Price 9.4 yuan / The total price: 65,800 yuan 8: Method of payment: before each printing all of the cash settlement Note: two pictorial contain only pure printing costs, does not include design costs, transportation costs, packing costs.

第二种规格: 1:成品尺寸:130×180mm 2:用纸:封面用300克紫兴铜版纸,Coated Paper 内文用80克金东双胶纸 3:印刷页码:封面4页,内文共计480页 4:印刷数量:7000本 5:印刷色数:封面正常四色印刷内文448页为单黑印刷,32页为双色印刷 6:印刷工艺:无线胶订,封面覆光膜 7:印刷价格:单价9.4元/本,总价:65800元 8:付款方式:每期印刷前以现金方式结算全款注:两本画册只包含纯印刷的费用,不包含设计费用、运输费用、装箱费用。

With optimal and rolling cover publish style, content of every issue, and the reflection of products user groups and readers ′ enterprises to market, we choose sixteen thousand most suitable readers and take the high level decision makers, managers and engineers of municipal plan department and transport operation department and rail transit corporations as the main publish targets.

同时,《轨道交通》坚持鸿与智工业媒体&弃繁从简、直达客户&传播理念,以精准优化、滚动覆盖的发行方式,根据每期的编辑内容,客户产品的用户群以及读者企业对市场的反应能力,精心优化最合适的16000 名读者,并将市政规划及交通运营部门及轨道企业高层的决策人员、生产管理人员、工程师等作为主要发行对象,对于重点行业的读者每期滚动覆盖,从而全面覆盖中国轨道交通业。

更多网络解释与每期的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adj. 末期:terminal n

tensile adj.可拉长的, 可伸长的, [物] 张力的, 拉力的 | terminal n.终点站, 终端, 接线端;adj. 末期, 每期的, 每学期 | terminate v.终止,结束

be on good terms with sb:关系好

come to terms with sth终于接受 | be on good terms with sb关系好 | terminaln.终点站;航空枢纽 a.每期的;终点的


当然,该栏目还有很多其他工种,如编辑(editor)、导播(studio director)、摄像(cameraman)等. 每期的言谈提纲由一个producer草拟后,被提交至由presenter, executive producer和所有producer参加的采访提纲证会,会上大家集体讨论问题的取舍.


2.发行量(Circulation)在印刷媒体的印制量中,每期实际发行到读者手中的数. 媒体比重3.收视率(Rating)收看某电视节目的个人或家庭占总人口或家庭数的比率. 4.总收视点(GRP-Gross Rating Point)所有播出档次收视率的总和.

compound amount of 1:元的复利终值;1元的本利和

compound amount;复利终值;复利本利和;; | compound amount of 1;1元的复利终值;1元的本利和;; | compound amount of 1 per period;1元年金的复利终值;每期1元的本利和;;


结合客观的产品测试 和20年的市场经验,提供读者远景、建议及使用Mac的好办法,每期都有权威的产品评比、专家的建议(hint)和秘诀,以及深入的专题报导. 评比的产品都是已出厂的,可实际买得到,而不是样品.


>(Vellum)展示的是著名时尚摄影师的个人作品. 每期刊物展现的是由著名模特担纲拍摄的画面锐利、世俗化的影像故事,除了文字,还配有设计前卫、画面清晰、十分耐看的图片. 文章涉及名人、模特、摄影师专访和文化批评等. 季刊,



period depreciation charge:每期折旧费用

period charge期间费用 | period depreciation charge每期折旧费用 | permanent annual charge为支付债务而按年提取的预算资金


广告按英文字母分门别类,从飞机(Aircfaft)、古董(Antique)开始,到衣柜(Wardrobes)结束,每期刊登几万条广告. 小报规定的定价原则是:几乎全新的可定价为新品价的 3/4;状态极好的定为原价的 2/3;状态良好的是 1/2.物主刊登广告不用交广告费,