英语人>词典>汉英 : 每年的 的英文翻译,例句
每年的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
annual  ·  yearly  ·  yearlies

更多网络例句与每年的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Every year, the Blue Marlin World Cup is held here. The peak season runs from November to April and species such as blue and black marlins, sharks (blue sharks, hammerhead sharks, tiger shark, and basking sharks), barracudas, tuna, sailfish and sea breams abound in the open seas.


As I mentioned last year, we hope to have look-through earnings grow about 15% annually.

就像我去年曾经提到的,我希望我们的透视盈余每年都能够成长 15%,在 1990 年我们确实大幅超越这个比率,但 1991 年结果却差很多,我们在吉列的可转换特别股投资已经被赎回,我们将在 4 月 1 日把它们转为普通股投资,虽然这将会使得我们每年的帐面盈余减少 3,500 万,透视盈余也会跟着减少,另外我们在媒体事业的直接与透视盈余也可能下滑,但不论如何,我们每年还是会向大家报告透视盈余的计算结果。

Scalper:倒票的人 We can see a lot of scalpers near the railway station at this time of the year.


Every year, the Blue Marlin World Cup is held here. The peak season runs from November to April and species such as blue and black marlins, sharks (blue sharks, hammerhead sharks, tiger shark, and basking sharks), barracudas, tuna, sailfish and sea breams abound in the open seas.


In other words, every 10 years the industry installed a new electric system equal in energy-producing capacity to the total of what it had built since the industry began.


In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot's Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrated on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.

假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在 8 月 16 日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在 1 月 8 日纪念 1821 年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的 4 月 19 日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日。我要投稿投稿有什么好处?

In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot's Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrated on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.

假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在 8 月 16 日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在 1 月 8 日纪念 1821 年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的 4 月 19 日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日。来源:考试大-公共英语

In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot's Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrated on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.

假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在 8 月 16 日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在 1 月 8 日纪念 1821 年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的 4 月 19 日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日。来源:考试大-公共英语考试

In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot's Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrate d on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.

假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在 8 月 16 日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在 1 月 8 日纪念 1821 年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的 4 月 19 日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日。转贴于:24EN.COM

In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot's Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrated on or about April 19 in Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring.

假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在 8 月 16 日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在 1 月 8 日纪念 1821 年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的 4 月 19 日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日。更多精彩资讯敬请访问公共英语首页。

更多网络解释与每年的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at this time of year:在每年的这个时候

15. at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 eg : At the end of the day | 16. at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 | 41 .be good for 对什么有好处 eg : Reading aloud is good for your English

It tends to be snowing at this time of year:每年的这个时候天该下雪了

The farmer found shelter from the heavy rain in a cave.... | It tends to be snowing at this time of year.每年的这个时候天该下雪了. | The doctor tends to get angry if you ask her more questions.你要再问...



annual Eve ,housecleaning:每年的

lunar New Year 农历 n.旧历 | annual Eve ,housecleaning 每年的 adj. | sweeping of the grounds 打扫 v.

the Depression years:经济大萧条的年代

annual adj. 每年的,每年一度的 | the Depression years 经济大萧条的年代 | migrate v. 迁徙

Y year after year:年复一年的(表每年的重复)

written English 英语书面语 | Y year after year 年复一年的(表每年的重复) | year by year 逐年的(表变化)


year 年 | yearly 每年的 | yeast 酵母


shilled 熟練的,有本領的 | yearly每年的,一年一度的 | glory 光榮

For Life on Earth:为了地球上的生命

为了使地球成为人类、动植物共同生息繁衍、和谐相处的美好家园,为了更好地保护地球上的各种物种,联合国大会于1995年将每年的12月29日定为"国际生物多样性日";联合国环境规划署将1997年"世界环境日"的主题定为"为了地球上的生命"(for life on earth).


analysis分析\\分析报告 | annualized\\每年的 | approval\\批准