英语人>词典>汉英 : 每年发生的 的英文翻译,例句
每年发生的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与每年发生的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The municipality needs to do something sometime to stop this yearly flooding,?said Arjun Sathe, a shop owner.

市政当局应该做一些事情来阻止每年发生的洪水了,一家商店老板的ARJUN SATHE说道。

The European Union (where 875,000 divorces take place each year, a fifth of them binational) introduced a reform in 2001 called Brussels II.


In a big country like China, hundreds of thousands of conflagration cases happens each year, which cause huge losses in terms of life and wealth.


In a big country like China, hundreds of thousands of conflagration cases happen s each year, which cause huge losses in terms of life and wealth.


In a big country like China, hundreds of thousand s of conflagration cases happens each year, which cause huge losses in terms of life and wealth.


The objectives of this study were to develop a wireless sensor network technologies for agrometeorological disaster early alarm system and processing system. In this study, the foehn with a high temperature and low humidity has been monitored. The wireless sensor acquisition module ZigBee has been used to monitor the climate conditions combined with a GPRS wireless transmission module to construct wireless disaster alarm sytem. Graphical programming computer software package LabVIEW 8.2 was used to develop the control and monitoring systems.


One study showed that more than 30 deaths a year occur to unrestrained infants going home from the hospital!


The harvest of this fruit, the mangosteen, occurs twice each year.


In CC clade,in which rice is planted in two seasons,C suppressalis has three to four generations per year.


It also proposed a radar system to send a warning signal to train drivers whenever an object hits the tracks.


更多网络解释与每年发生的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


eternize 使永恒 | etesian 每年发生的 | ethal 二十六醇


骨 质疏松(Osteoporosis)是指单位骨组织中骨含量的减少. 骨骼的生长发育起自胚胎时期,在30岁是达到颠峰,此后就以后每年0.5-1%的速度 下降. 成年人骨骼的熟练不在发生变化,但骨的流失两个过程处於平衡状态. 年龄超过40岁以后骨的生成保持不变,

post office box:邮箱

塞浦路斯的邮局遍布各个地区,每个邮局不仅提供普通信件、挂号信、特快专递、包裹等服务还提供专用邮箱( Post office Box )服务,如果申请此服务需要交纳每年大约 15 塞镑左右的费用,申请后邮局会为你指派一个 POB ,这样就不会发生邮件丢失的现象,


专家建议50岁以上的民众每年必须进行一次粪便潜血测试fecal occult blood test (FOBT). 每隔两年进行一次乙状结肠镜(sigmoidoscope)的检验,以有效检查直肠上方是否有息肉polyps的发生.


在澳洲,种植豌豆 (peas) 的农夫每年都要花费一千六百万澳元来消灭害虫 - 象鼻虫 (weevil) . 象鼻虫的出现,可以减少收成 25 至 30% ,而且会令豌豆的质量降低. 这种虫祸不但在澳洲发生,其他发展中国家,如亚洲、印度、非洲和南美州,


eternity 永远 | eternize 使永恒 | etesian 每年发生的


etesian 每年发生的 | ethal 二十六醇 | ethanamide 乙醯胺

Leucocytozoon caulleryi:卡氏住白细胞虫

文章摘要:鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病,是由卡氏住白细胞虫(Leucocytozoon Caulleryi)引起的一种血液原虫病传播媒介为库蠓,其发生、流行与库蠓的活动直接相关. 气温在20℃以上时库蠓繁殖快、活力强,该病的发生和流行也就日趋严重. 每年有不少鸡场发生该病.

mean time:平时

如果明白了这个道理,便不难区分视时(apparent time)与平时(mean time)了. 视时是依太阳而定的每日长短不等的时间;平时是依钟表定的每日之内完全不差的时间. 两者之间的差别便叫做时差(equation of time). 它们相差最多的时候约发生在每年11月初和2月中.

apparent time:视时

如果明白了这个道理,便不难区分视时(apparent time)与平时(mean time)了. 视时是依太阳而定的每日长短不等的时间;平时是依钟表定的每日之内完全不差的时间. 两者之间的差别便叫做时差(equation of time). 它们相差最多的时候约发生在每年11月初和2月中.