英语人>词典>汉英 : 每周 的英文翻译,例句
每周 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
weekly  ·  weeklies

更多网络例句与每周相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The secret to cutting your gasoline bill by 20% is to carpool once a week. Brilliant right?


Remedial group is in ammonia of armour of weekly profess to convinced butterfly Ling15mg foundation applies Yinaxipu, every periderm chip in is shot 2 times, every time 25mg; contrasts the MTX of same dose applies group profess to convinced jointly medicine of other change illness , pyridine of sulphanilamide of the nitrogen that be like willow or come fluorine rice is special.


Six animals of the experimental group and two of the control group were randomly chosen and sacrificed at the 2,4,6 and 8 weeks after treatment, the bilateral femoral heads and soft tissues around coxa were dislodged.


The "Dillingham" had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid $30 per week. Now, when the income was shrunk to $20, though, they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D.


The whole observation lasted to 26-weeks-old. Glycosuria and glycemia were measured from 12 weeks to 26 weeks. The cumulative incidence rate were compared to estimate the effect of oral administration.


The 67.5% of Han people and 55.4% of minority insisted on having breakfast everyday. The eating frequencies of fresh vegetable, bean product, milk and milk product, preserved food, fried food and sweetmeat of Anhui people were higher than that of Xinjiang people.

结果 调查人群食用新鲜蔬菜的频度最高占64.7%;27.7%的每周食用腌熏食品3d以上,88.6%的居民每周食用乳及乳制品的时间不足1d,51.4%的居民每周食用豆制品的时间不足1d;67.5%的汉族居民和55.4%少数民族居民能够坚持每天按时吃早餐。

Interention Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: 102 to the nonexercise control group and 155 to the 4-kcal/kg, 104 to the 8-kcal/kg, and 103 to the 12-kcal/kg per week energy-expenditure groups for the 6-month interention period.

干预 参与者被随机分为4组:102例不进行运动,155例每周能量支出4千卡/千克,104例每周能量支出8千卡/千克,103例每周能量支出12千卡/千克,4组均进行6个月的干预。

Intervention Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: 102 to the nonexercise control group and 155 to the 4-kcal/kg, 104 to the 8-kcal/kg, and 103 to the 12-kcal/kg per week energy-expenditure groups for the 6-month intervention period.


Interention Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: 102 to the nonexercise control group and 155 to the 4-kcal/kg, 104 to the 8-kcal/kg, and 103 to the 12-kcal/kg per week energy-expenditure groups for the 6-month interention period.


Want to be clear about above all, these are popular moving the newest market that flood to count is when come out for a short while, for instance sea thief king is weekly Sunday in the evening, the person that igneous shadow is borne is weekly 4 in the evening, azrael is weekly 3 in the evening.


更多网络解释与每周相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Update and Support Weekly Action list meeting with Project manager:更新并支持与项目经理每周的行动计划会议

? Control actions 相关的控制措施 | ? Schedule realization 计划的实现情况 | ? Update and Support Weekly Action list meeting with Project manager 更新并支持与项目经理每周的行动计划会议

Business Weekly:每周商刊

23 edition n. 版,版本 | 25 Business Weekly 每周商刊 | 27 international a. 国际的

National Business Employment Weekly:(全国商业每周雇佣情况)

National Association of Colleges and Employers(全国大学和雇主协会) | National Business Employment Weekly(全国商业每周雇佣情况) | National Directory of Emergency Services(全国紧急服务目录)

Weekly business trips, mostly in Shanghai region:每周出差,主要在上海区域

? Some medical technical background preferred/ 医疗技术背景优先 | ? Weekly business trips, mostly in Shanghai region/ 每周出差,主要在上海区域 | ? Good English/ 英语良好

Collect the Business Card Requisition Forms weekly, and arrange Business Card Printing:每周收集名片印制申请单,并安排名片印刷

23、In charge of the company vir... | 24、Collect the Business Card Requisition Forms weekly, and arrange Business Card Printing. 每周收集名片印制申请单,并安排名片印刷 | 25、Responsible for the sorting of...

You know those clean-cut, churchgoing young men, who are model kids:你知道那些衣着整洁、每周去礼拜的年轻人, 他们是模范孩子

That's not the only gift He gave... | You know those clean-cut, churchgoing young men, who are model kids,|你知道那些衣着整洁、每周去礼拜的年轻人, 他们是模范孩子, | and good to their neighbors and quote...

Days of the week (gain):[每周某日(自动增益校准)

Erase logger data[删除缓存器数据] | Days of the week (gain)[每周某日(自动增益校准)] | Diagnostics[诊断]

The "dumb show"? Yeah, he hits my inbox like a couple times a week:哑剧"? 是的 他每周会给我的收信箱发几封信

Oh, my God. Look at this guy.|噢 我的... | The "dumb show"? Yeah, he hits my inbox like a couple times a week.|"哑剧"? 是的 他每周会给我的收信箱发几封信 | And that, seriously, doesn't freak you out?|那...

I fast one day a week:每周绝食一天

341. I just do it by rule of thumb.我凭常识做的. | 342. I fast one day a week.每周绝食一天. | 343. He's full of hot air/he always talks big.夸张,雷声大雨点小.

I fast a day every week:我每周绝食一天

I enjoyed your company. 我喜欢有你做伴. | I fast a day every week. 我每周绝食一天. | I got a big kick out of it. 这件事真令我开心.