英语人>词典>汉英 : 每个的 的英文翻译,例句
每个的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与每个的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I stuck them with adhesive tape on a sheet of paper and wrote the place of origin next to each.


Stan gets a point for eachbrownie point in the top-right and bottom-left quadrants.


Ollie gets a point for eachbrownie point in the top-left and bottom-right quadrants.


The children all had bushy brown tails peeping out of their clothes.


Hexad chess of sichuan province,everybody s dream of childhood,will all find from here.thank you for use.


From idautils import * funclist=[0x004011F2, 0x00401200, 0x00401206] /*add all the other addresses here*//*在这里加上所有函数的起始地址*/ ea=ScreenEA for i in funclist: ea=i add_bpt(ea, 1, 4) bp=bpt_t get_bpt bp.flags ^=BPT_BRK bp.flags|=BPT_TRACE 下面给出我的一个实现: from idaapi import * from idautils import * funclist = [0x004011F2, 0x00401200, 0x00401206] ea=ScreenEA for line in funclist: ea = line add_bpt(ea,1,4) SetBptAttr For those cases where it's necessary to mark absolutely every function as a tracepoint, the IDA plug-in can be automated to find every function reference instead of doing it manually.

有了上面这个脚本之后,我们实际上就已经可以在每个函数的起始位置上都下一个 tracepoint 了。不过手工把每个函数的起始地址都写入上面那张表里还是比较枯燥的一个活,好在 IDA 插件里本身就提供一个能遍历所有函数的功能。我们完全可以编写一个能自动在每个函数的起始位置上都下上一个 tracepoint 的脚本出来,比如下面给出的这个脚本。

A progressive sequence of dies for forming a cavity having a desired length, width and depth, comprising: a plurality of extendable punches, each with an impact surface, said impact surfaces alternating between a first desired pattern comprising a plurality of piercing points and a second desired pattern comprising an essentially flat surface, the length and width of each said impact surface approximately equal to the desired length and width of said cavity; a die body including a plurality of apertures adapted to receive each said punch; an opposing post positioned within each said aperture having an impact surface congruent with each said impact surface; and at least one moveable forming bushing supported by at least one forming bushing actuator slideably engaged to each said opposing post.


Actually the love is each required course, only because each person experiences the difference, repairs the number of times and the time have been also dissimilar, but the first love is the first curriculum which justs like you to repair!


Each time that VCC power is restored to the MM1567A, the battery voltages are checked with precision comparators.


LCM所说的every person has his right to express any opinion on any issue on behalf of himself.


更多网络解释与每个的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Everyone should be recognized as an individua:每个人都应该被认为是一个独立的个体

Everyone should aim to succeed. 每个人都应该立志... | Everyone should be recognized as an individua. 每个人都应该被认为是一个独立的个体. | Everyone should widen his knowledge. 每个人都应该扩展自己的知...



mutation rate:突变率:在每个单位时间(如每个世代)细胞发生突变的数

mutation frequency 突变频率:群体中突变的频率. | mutation rate 突变率:在每个单位时间(如每个世代)细胞发生突变的数. | muton 突变子:最小的突变单位,现已知为一对碱基.

To Tallest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的高度调整到其中最高控件的高度

To Grid:把被选定控件的边缘与网格对齐 | To Tallest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的高度调整到其中最高控件的高度 | To Shortest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的高度调整到其中最低控件的高度

To Widest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的宽度调整到其中最宽控件的宽度

To Shortest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的高度调整到其中最低控件的高... | To Widest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的宽度调整到其中最宽控件的宽度 | To Narrowest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的宽度调整到其中最窄控件的宽...

Together everyone achieves more:(团结的收益大于每个人单打独斗/联合起来,每个人都将获益更多)

the team on the top of the mountain didn't fall there.(能够爬上... | 2.Together everyone achieves more.(团结的收益大于每个人单打独斗/联合起来,每个人都将获益更多) | Teamwork and success go hand in hand(同...

Espoused each morning, each long afternoon:嫁娶于每个早晨,每个漫长的下午

Of the other, as if summer was a spouse, 一个,似乎夏天... | Espoused each morning, each long afternoon, 嫁娶于每个早晨,每个漫长的下午, | And the mate of summer: her mirror and her look, 夏天的配偶:她的...


SST的针脚(address pin)有三种状态,每个针脚可以是高针脚或低针脚连结,或是浮动的(floated),所以每个针脚有三种位址. 相比之下,SMBus所使用的针脚只有二种状态. 虽然SMBus和SST同样都定义了位址针脚,不过,SST让每个针脚有三种位址的架构改善了对有限针脚资源的利用

chacun a ses certitudes:每个人都有他们的信念

chacun a ses habitudes 每个人都有他们的习惯 | chacun a ses certitudes 每个人都有他们的信念 | et l'amour est la pire des solitudes 而爱情是最糟糕的一种孤立

To Narrowest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的宽度调整到其中最窄控件的宽度

To Widest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的宽度调整到其中最宽控件的宽度 | To Narrowest:把被选定控件组中每个控件的宽度调整到其中最窄控件的宽度 | Horizontal Spacing(水平间距)